AAC Image Library

by us, for us

Website has: images available for AAC for everyone. Most AAC symbol libraries don't have specific symbols for some important things, like advocating about your rights and talking about kinds of trauma and abuse. This website has images that you can save and use in your AAC. This website's focus is on things that aren't covered much in other symbol libraries, but it has symbols for all kinds of words, phrases, and sentences. This website is run by an AAC user, for AAC users, and the art is made by Disabled people.

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The works on this website are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Image artists: Alex W.; Ani; Astro; Blackholemojis; CC; DoctorZero; Dusty; Eldritch-Emojis; envi; Esrah; Frogverbal; froggygolem; Gillipop; Gleepglorpian; Harlow; InsertNameHere*; K9Emote; Kip; Kirby; Kit; Leaf; M; Neon; Nubs; Petri; Pi; Plum; Rae; Rayin; Rover; Ry; Samuel; Smolmoss; TalkSense (Tony Jones); TinyTyra; Tonto (Timón). Almost all of us are AAC users as well as artists, and all of us are Disabled. If you want to contribute AAC symbols or otherwise contact us, email: aacschar@gmail.com. Website managed by M Scharnke.

*Not a placeholder; the preferred online handle of the anonymised contributor.
