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a red ball with an arrow pointing from it to a dopamine molecule with hearts around it
substance | By cytochrome-sea.
a circular image of a figure standing on a sandy island surrounded by choppy waves. The border is two curved lines with arrows
addiction | By Blackholemojis.
A digitally drawn image of a blunt.
blunt | By Petri.
a pink round marijuana pipe that is empty
bowl | By Lady.
A digitally drawn image of a green cannabis leaf.
cannabis leaf | By Petri.
A drawing of a metallic vape cartridge. In front of it is a blue-green cannabis leaf. There is a blue-green circle to the bottom right of the leaf with a red arrow next to it pointing down.
CBD vape cartridge | By Petri.
A drawing of a green building with shiny glass doors and a big window. There is a sign above the doors with a cannabis leaf on it.
dispensary | By Petri.
a disposable vape. It is purple and has the label 'neon'.
disposable vape | By Neon.
A digitally drawn image of a cannabis leaf in front of a purple gummy edible and a brownie.
edibles | By Petri.
A green 'down' arrow in front of a warning sign and next to two pills.
harm reduction | By Petri.
A drawing of a person's face next to a cannabis leaf. An arrow points from the leaf to the person. The person has green, unfocused eyes, red scleras, and a big goofy smile; they are visibly high.
I'm high | By Petri.
a drawing of a plain yellow person looking uncomfortable, with their shoulders raised, their mouth in a squiggly line, and a sweat droplet on their head. next to them is a pink square containing a wine glass and bottle of alcohol with a green arrow pointing to it.
I'm not comfortable with alcohol | By Petri.
A grey metal herb grinder. The lid is off and leaning against it.
grinder | By Rylan.
 a glass jar with a dark gray lid. The jar is partially filled with a pinkish liquid that looks slightly translucent. The liquid level is filling only a little bit of the jar. A yellow arrow points downward, seemingly indicating that the liquid level is low or small.
low tolerance | By Vixen.
a cartoon depiction of a pale green marijuana leaf
marijuana | By Lady.
a light grey nicotine molecule
nicotine | By M.
a red nicotine molecule
nicotine | By M.
 A drawing of a cannabis nug next to a glass bong bowl, which is a small bowl with a tube at the base. An arrow points from the nug to the bowl.
pack | By Petri.
 a drawing of a plain yellow person holding a smoking joint. their head is hollow and contains a large cannabis leaf.
pothead | By Petri.
3 rolled joints fanning out to the left of a green box with a hemp leaf.]
pre-roll | By Nubs.
3 rolled joints, outlined in red, fanning out to the left of a bright green box with a dark green hemp leaf.
pre-roll [high contrast] | By Nubs.
a drawing of a stethoscope in front of a piece of paper with a red pill on it.
prescription | By Petri.
a drawing of an orange pill bottle behind a large yellow lightning bolt.
stimulant | By Petri.
On the left side, there is a gray rock with a large, green arrow pointing downward above it. To the right of the rock, there is a cartoonish, yellow-orange cat-like creature with pointy ears, pink 'stoned'  eyes, and a mischievous expression, including a small smile resembling a 'uwu' face.
stoned | By Vixen.
A red sharps container. It is a tall, plastic, rectangular box with a semi-transparent lid. It has a label with a fill line and a biohazard symbol.
sharps container | By Plum.
 Three Dried out Psilocybin mushrooms. They have cream stalks and light brown caps. the one in the middle is longer while the two on the edges are shorter.
shrooms / psilocybin | By Vixen.
a drawing of a light blue pill next to a list of scribbled rules.
taken as prescribed | By Petri.
a figure in a green boat on the ocean, and has little happy rays coming off them. They were in a border of two curved lines with arrows, but the arrows are now broken at the top
sobriety | By Blackholemoji.
A drawing of a metallic vape cartridge with green liquid sitting at an angle.
vape cartridge | By Petri.
 a bottle of vodka with a simple, stylized design. The bottle has a red cap and a red label wrapped around its middle. The label has some faint, unclear text or markings in red, The bottle itself is mostly white with some gray shading.
vodka | By Vixen.
a marijuana leaf; a green leaf that has 2 points on each side, 1 at the top, and 2 at the bottom with the stem between them
weed | By Koda.
An orange arrow points from a cannabis leaf to a brain with a red and white spiral in it .
weed induced psychosis | By Tonto.
 an open green glass screw-cap bottle filled with red wine. The sand colored label has a bunch of purple grapes, a green rounded rectangle, and a loopy line meant to look like writing on it.
wine | By froggygolem.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out
stoner | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing an AAC device with a cross-shoudler strap.
stoner | By Petri.
 A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink tichel and an AAC device with a cross-shoulder strap.
stoner | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They have a hinged knee brace on their left knee.
stoner | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink hijab and an AAC device with a cross-shoulder strap.
stoner | By Petri.
 a blue dog eating a red ball with an arrow pointing to a dopamine molecule
substance use | By cytochrome-sea.
A crayon styled drawing of a simplified cat-like creature with a yellow color scheme and green fading over its face, The cat has wide, spiraled eyes, with a pink nose and small, wavy mouth. To the left of the cat, there is a simple marijuana leaf shape and a red, zigzag arrow pointing downwards.
bad high | By Vixen.
a digitally drawn image of a bong. it is light blue and slightly transparent.
bong | By Petri.
A digitally drawn image of a blue cannabis pipe.
cannabis pipe | By Petri.
A drawing of a caffiene shot with a white border. It is a bottle with a red cap and a yellow, blue, and black label. Text on the label says '6 Hours of energy', 'N3ON', 'Caffiene shot', and '2 Fl oz'.
caffeine shot | By Neon.
A drawing of a green building with shiny glass doors and a big window. There is a sign above the doors with a cannabis leaf on it. there are three green dollar signs on the window.
dispensary | By Petri.
a crayon styled drawing of a plastic bad. The bag is white and has a blue band around the top. The bag is filled with a green substance. There is a green arrow pointing up on the right side of the bag.
gas | By Vixen.
 yellow person, with an open mouth that is smiling and two red arrows pointing up, and a cartoon weed leaf beneath that
high | By Lady.
a softly lined image of a person lighting a bong, represented by a floating head and hands holding a bong. their mouth is open as they hold the mouthpiece next to it and they're holding a lighter next to the bowl of the bong.
hit bong | By Petri.
a cartoon depiction of a pale green marijuana leaf, in the middle there is text that states hyb short for hybrid, on the top right corner there are blue 'Z's' and on the left there are two yellow lighting bolts between the leaves
hybrid | By Lady.
a shiny light purple glass with white outlines filled a little over half way with deep purple colored red wine.
glass of wine | By froggygolem.
 drawing of a plain yellow person holding their hand up against a cannabis leaf with a large red X on their head.
I don't want to do weed | By Petri.
 A drawing of a person looking visibly distressed with their hands on their head. They have red scleras and green eyes and are visibly high. Above them and in front of one of their hands is a big cannabis leaf.
I'm having a bad high | By Petri.
a drawing of a plain yellow person looking uncomfortable, with their shoulders raised, their mouth in a squiggly line, and a sweat droplet on their head. next to them is a pink square containing a cannabis leaf with a green arrow pointing to it.
I'm not comfortable with weed | By Petri.
A drawing of a person's face next to a cannabis leaf. There is a large red X over the leaf and an arrow pointing from it to the person.
I'm sober | By Petri.
a dog looking worried and a caffeine molecule pointing to it. there are green lightning bolts coming out of the dog head and a coffe cup and a energy drink
I need caffeine to function | By cytochrome-sea.
A rough dark blue drawing of a ketamine molecule.
ketamine | By M.
A digitally drawn image of a red store with a large white sign. There is a wine bottle and wineglass on the sign.
liquor store | By Petri.
 a glass jar with a dark gray lid. The jar is partially filled with a pinkish liquid that looks slightly translucent. The liquid level is about halfway up the jar. A yellow dash is next to the middle of the jar.
mid tolerance | By Vixen.
a clear glass with a handle, filled with deep red wine and with two cinnamon sticks in it.
mulled wine | By TalkSense.
a pink round marijuana pipe with the bowl full of ground weed. there is a pile of ground weed beneath it with a black arrow pointing to the bowl.
pack a bowl | By Lady.
 a drawing of a plain yellow person holding a smoking joint. their head is hollow and contains a large cannabis leaf on a pink background.
pothead | By Petri.
a drawing of a light blue pill next to a party horn.
recreational use | By Petri.
a mostly rolled joint, in white paper with a red outline. A black arrow arches from right to left.
rolling a joint [high contrast] | By Nubs.
a mostly rolled joint, in white paper with a red outline. A black arrow points down at the unfurled part.
rolling paper [high contrast] | By Nubs.
a cartoon depiction of a pale green marijuana leaf, in the middle there is text that states sat. short for sativa, around the leaf there are four yellow lighting bolts appearing between the leaves
sativa | By Lady.
An orange pill bottle with white label and safety lid. over it is a long, dark blue downwards arrow with a light blue outline.
sedative | By M.
A yellow sharps container. It is a tall, plastic, rectangular box with a semi-transparent lid. It has a label with a fill line and a biohazard symbol.
sharps container | By Plum.
 A drawing of an olive green cannabis leaf. In the upper right corner is an olive green circle, with a red arrow pointing up next to it.
THC | By Petri.
A dark green and black semi flat circular container filled with a coarse brown material representing tobacco snuff. The flat lid to the container is leaned against the left edge
tobacco snuff | By Neon.
 a grey fox creature holding a bottle of alcohol. There are green swirls surrounding the fox's head. On the fox's face is a less than sign next to the number 21, showing the fox is under the age of 21
underage drinking | By Ottertime.
A drawing of a metallic vape cartridge with green liquid sitting at an angle. There is a red THC sticker on it.
vape cartridge | By Petri.
a marijuana plant broken in half and slightly separated
weed break | By Koda.
a green cannabis leaf next to two brownies.
weed brownie | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink turban
stoner | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They have a black beard.
stoner | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink tichel.
stoner | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink turban and an AAC device with a cross-shoulder strap.
stoner | By Petri.
 A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink hijab.
stoner | By Petri.
A crayon styled drawing of a simplified cat-like creature with a yellow color scheme and green fading over its face, there is colours flashing around the cat, The cat has wide, spiraled eyes, with a pink nose and small, wavy mouth. To the left of the cat, there is a simple psilocybin mushroom shape and a red, zigzag arrow pointing downwards.
bad trip | By Vixen.
a digitally drawn image of a bong. it is light blue and somewhat transparent.
bong | By Petri.
 A drawing of a glass bong bowl, which is a small bowl with a tube at the base.
bowl | By Petri.
symbol of three caffeinated foods. a mug of steaming coffee, a mug of tea with a light green teabag, and a chocolate bar peeking out of a dark blue wrapper.
caffeine | By Rae.
 A drawing of a blue-green cannabis leaf. In the bottom right corner is a blue-green circle, with a red arrow pointing down next to it.
CBD | By Petri.
a lit cigarette.
cigarette | By Tonto.
 A drawing of a head of cotton next to a mouth sticking its tongue out.
cotton mouth | By Petri.
A drawing of a green building with shiny glass doors and a big window. There is a sign above the doors with a cannabis leaf on it. there are three pink dollar signs on the window.
dispensary | By Petri.
A digitally drawn image of a light green store with a large white sign. There is a cannabis leaf on the sign.
dispensary | By Petri.
a grey fox creature holding a bottle of alcohol. There are green swirls surrounding the fox's head
drinking | By Ottertime.
a circular emoji of a figure sitting under a green sun umbrella on a sandy island surrounded by choppy waves. The border is two curved lines with arrows
harm reduction | By Blackholemoji.
 in the bottom left there is a clock with a highlighted light green portion and a green arrow pointing to that portion.
I don't want to do weed right now | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person lounging on a pink beanbag chair. Next to them is a cannabis leaf, with an arrow pointing from the leaf to them.
I'm comfortably high | By Petri.
a cartoon depiction of a pale green marijuana leaf, in the middle there is text that states in. short for indica, on the top right corner there are blue Z's
indica | By Lady.
 a glass jar with a dark gray lid. The jar is filled to the very top with a redish liquid that looks slightly translucent. The liquid is textured, as if it has tiny particles floating in it. A yellow arrow points upward, seemingly indicating that the jar is full or that the liquid is at its highest point.
high tolerance | By Vixen.
a softly lined image of a joint.
joint | By Petri.
a grey fox creature holding a bottle of alcohol. There are green swirls surrounding the fox's head. On the fox's face is a less than sign next to the number 18, showing the fox is a minor
minors drinking | By Ottertime.
 a cartoon drawing of a green nugget of weed.
nug | By Lady.
A drawing of a cannabis nug tilted slightly diagonally.
nug | By Petri.
a drawing of a light blue pill in front of a large yellow triangle, with an exclamation mark in front of it.
overdose | By Petri.
A drawing of a partially-rolled joint. It is a curved piece of rolling paper with a line of cannabis inside of it, with two curved arrows indicating a rolling motion.
roll | By Petri.
A mostly rolled joint, in white paper. A red arrow arches from right to left.
rolling a joint | By Nubs.
A mostly rolled joint, in white paper. A red arrow points down at the unfurled part.
rolling paper | By Nubs.
A beige unbranded pack of rolling papers. The pack is open, and there is an off white rolling paper sticking out.
rolling papers | By Rylan.
a crayon styled drawing of a plastic bag. The bag is white and has a blue band around the top. The bag is filled with a dark, brown substance. There is a red arrow pointing down on the right side of the bag
reggie | By Vixen.
a drawing of an orange pill bottle with sunglasses wrapped around it.
scheduled (illegal) | By Petri.
 cartoonish drawing of a yellow person, with red eyes and a slightly open mouth, staring off at nothing. to their left is two blue arrows point down, and a cartoon weed leaf beneath that.
stoned | By Lady.
 a glass jar with a dark gray lid. The jar is empty, with no liquid inside. A yellow question mark is drawn on the side of the jar, indicating a question or unknown
tolerance | By Vixen.
A drawing of a metallic vape cartridge. In front of it is an olive green cannabis leaf. There is an olive green circle to the upper right of the leaf with a red arrow next to it pointing up.
THC vape cartridge | By Petri.
A drawing of a metallic vape cartridge with green liquid sitting at an angle. There is a red THC sticker with scrubbled writing on it.
vape cartridge | By Petri.
A purple vape pen with a black mouthpiece. The liquid in it is yellowy-brown, and it's not quite full.
vape pen | By Ry.
a square bottle with a neck one-third full of orange liquid.
whiskey | By M.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink kippah
stoner | By Petri.
A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They have a black beard and are wearing a pink turban
stoner | By Petri.
 A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They are wearing a pink kippah and an AAC device with a cross-shoulder strap.
stoner | By Petri.
 A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They have a black beard, are wearing a pink turban, and are wearing an AAC device with a cross-shoulder strap.
stoner | By Petri.
 A drawing of a plain yellow person sitting on the ground holding a blue, smoking bong. One of their legs is folded and one is sticking out. They have a hinged knee brace on their left knee and are wearing an AAC device with a cross-shoulder strap.
stoner | By Petri.
 A yellow figure with their hands on the side of their head and vertical blue lines on their forehead indicating distress. above them is a green circle, representing something they are addicted to, with a red x to the right of it.
withdrawal | By Petri.

pictures with needles below

A red sharps container, which is a tall red plastic box labeled with a biohazard symbol. A syringe with a needle is above it, with a yellow arrow going down towards the container. A sparkle highlights the sharp point of the needle.
sharps container | By Plum.
A drawing of several substances, each outlined in white. There is a smoking cigarette, a yellow and teal pill capsule, a light blue round pill tablet, a baggie of white powder, a needle syringe full of semi transparent off white liquid, a marijuana leaf, and a bottle of brown-amber liquid labeled “XXX” next to a small glass full of the same liquid.
substances | By Plum.
A drawing of several substances. There is a smoking cigarette, a yellow and teal pill capsule, a light blue round pill tablet, a baggie of white powder, a needle syringe full of semi transparent off white liquid, a marijuana leaf, and a bottle of brown-amber liquid labeled “XXX” next to a small glass full of the same liquid.
substances | By Plum.
A yellow sharps container, which is a tall red plastic box labeled with a biohazard symbol. A syringe with a needle is above it, with a yellow arrow going down towards the container. A sparkle highlights the sharp point of the needle.
sharps container | By Plum.
A drawing of several substances, each outlined in white, in front of a big blue circle. There is a smoking cigarette, a yellow and teal pill capsule, a light blue round pill tablet, a baggie of white powder, a needle syringe full of semi transparent off white liquid, a marijuana leaf, and a bottle of brown-amber liquid labeled “XXX” next to a small glass full of the same liquid.
substances | By Plum.
A drawing of several substances,in front of a big blue circle. There is a smoking cigarette, a yellow and teal pill capsule, a light blue round pill tablet, a baggie of white powder, a needle syringe full of semi transparent off white liquid, a marijuana leaf, and a bottle of brown-amber liquid labeled “XXX” next to a small glass full of the same liquid.
substances | By Plum.
a grey crayon textured syringe with red lines on it, there's a purple, blue and pink liquid inside that has white particles, the tip has a blue needle
syringe | By Vixen.