adopt don't shop | by Vixen.are you safe? | by Vixen.anxiety is biting me | by Esrah.burn a bridge | by Gillipop.can I get anyone a drink? | by is my special interest | by the rich | by the rich | by InsertNameHere.excuse me | by Pheonix.higher or lower? | by Plum.I can describe my feelings | by Ottertime.I can't describe my feelings | by Ottertime.I can hear just fine | by Esrah.I can hear just fine | by Esrah.I can't do paperwork | by Rae.I do celebrate | by Petrichor.I don't celebrate | by Petrichor.I feel pretty | by Tonto.I'm autistic | by Petri.I'm Autistic | by M.I'm coping right now | by Tonto.I'm intersex | by Petri.I'm going to | by Petri.I'm sleep deprived | by Rae.illness chronic tits iconic | by M.I need help | by Ottertime.I need to be alone | by your dog friendly? | by Vixen.good morning | by Blackholemojis.hill to die on | by many | by CC.I care about you | by Petri.happy for you | by Plum.I care | by Petri.I hate you | by Petri.I hate | by Petri.I don't like cops | by Rayin.I'm an anxious person | by Petri.I prefer shallow water | by Esrah.I need my music | by M.I need the bathroom | by Pheonix.I’m happy, but my face doesn’t show it | by Plum.I’m too tired to explain | by Lady.I’m upset, but my face doesn’t show it | by Plum.I'm using a screenreader | by Vixen.just woke up | by Rayin.I need to be alone | by Petri.LMAO (laughing my ass off) | by such thing as a stupid question | by Plum.not safe for cats | by Budget.oops | by Pheonix.oops | by Pheonix.please leave | by Koda.right off the bat | by Jasper.time is a flat circle | by Petri.keep it up | by Plum.touch grass | by Petri.sleep like a log | By M.that doesn't add up | By Vixen.that's a whole new sentence, what are you talking about | By Crows.that's not what it means | By OtterTime.the earth is not flat | By Rae.there's something in my eye | By Petri.use your blinkers | By Vixen.use your blinkers | By Vixen.we are not the same | By Vixen.where is my | By Ry.What is your name? | By M.where is the reception desk? | By Esrah.woah! | By're both right | By're both wrong | By Rae.
adopt don't shop | by Vixen.blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb | by right back, battery low | by Rae.can you help me open this? | by Vixen.can you help me switch tasks? | by Vixen.can you repeat the question? | by Vixen.check my arm for me | by Vixen.cops ahead | by Vixen.cowabunga | by Plum.defund the police | by Fractals.don't ask | by Plum.don’t pour from an empty cup | by you need help? | by sticks | by Esrah.good night | by Blackholemojis.good day / g'day | by M.good to go | by M.flashy lights warning / epilepsy warning | by cytochrome-sea.haha | by Pheonix.high or low? | by Plum.hug a Jewish person | by Esrah.I am using | by M.I can hear | by Petri.I can't hear | by Petri.I care about you | by Petri.I care | by Petri.I didn't hear you | by Tonto.I don't get paid enough for this | by Méabh.I hate you | by Petri.I hate | by Petri.I can turn the wifi off. | By Petri.I can't do stairs | By Petri.I can't live alone. | By cytochrome-sea.I don't get it | By Plum.I have OCD | by Petri.I'm afraid of police | By Rayin.I'm lost | by Esrah.I love rain | by Ottertime.I need my jacket | by Tonto.I need to be alone | by Petri.I need to go | By M.I lost my jacket | By's too bright | By's too hot | By's too hot | By's too loud | By Ottertime.I will not comment on that | By Koda.I will not comment on that | By Koda.I will see you again | By Ani.leash your dog | By Vixen.let me grab my AAC device | By Vixen.jinx | by imagination can interfere with my sight and hearing | by Esrah.need help with the lights | by Ottertime.not safe for dogs | by Budget.not what I meant | By Petri.may their memory be a blessing | by Ani.oh | by Pheonix.out and about | by Nubs.paperwork is overwhelming | by Rae.push that button | by Crows.from the river to the sea [Palestine will be free] | by Petri.scared of deep water | by Esrah.smol bean | by Gillipop.smol bean | by Gillipop.that's what it means | By OtterTime.this is my partner not my platonic friend | by Lady.this is my platonic friend not my partner | by Lady.What are you dressed as? | by Vixen.where is the restroom? | By Vixen.What is your age? | By M.
are you safe? | by Vixen & M.ask again later | by Lady.better or worse | by Gillipop.better or worse | by Gillipop.brain is loud | by Ani.canary in a coal mine | by Rae.can I pet your dog? | by Vixen.can you open this for me? | by Vixen.can you summarise? | by Koda.cats are my special interest | by Budget.cheese on wheels | by | by | by Pheonix.don't ask | by Plum.don't ask | by Plum.don't push that button | by Crows.don't text and drive | by you celebrate? | by you need a snack? | by Ottertime.good day / g'day | by M.explain it like I'm five | by Plum.fuck it we ball | by Plum.get dunked on | by Blackholemojis.good day | by Pheonix.good evening | by are you? | by deep is the water | by Esrah.I can describe it | by Ottertime.I can't describe it | by Ottertime.I don't know | by Blackholemojis.I didn't mean to say that | by Petri.I care about you | by Petri.I care | by Petri.I'm glad that you're happy | by Plum.I'm lost | by Tonto.I hate you | by Petri.I hate | by Petri.I like loud music | By Tonto.I'm not intersex / I'm perisex | by Petri.I need a bath | By Plum.I need to be alone | by's 5 o'clock somewhere | By Ani.I've seen enough | By me choose | By M.I can't drive | By Plum.I don't know what you expected | By M.I'm not mad | by Petri.I walk slow | by Tonto.jack of all trades, master of none, but often times better than a master of one | by Esrah.may their memory be a blessing | by Ani.not safe for pets | by Budget.not safe for pets | by Budget.running out of steam | by cytochrome-sea.sick to my stomach after seeing that | by Vixen.stupid question | by Plum.that tracks | by Wolf.this is my partner not my sibling | by Lady.this is my sibling not my partner | by Lady.tornados are my special interest | by Budget.trick or treat | by Vixen.wait | By Tonto.What are you, a cop? | By Petri.What are your pronouns? | By M.What are your pronouns? | By Rayin.who died and crowned you king? | By Rayin.will I see you again? | By Ani.yell La Migra! | By Rayin.yes or no question | By need to go | By're valid | By're welcome | By Leo.