This page has information about
All AAC users have permission to use AACIL symbols in their AAC.
have permission to use AACIL symbols to assist AAC users, support the right of AAC users to robust communication, and for cognitive accessibility. Use of AACIL symbols by an organisation or individual does not mean AACIL endorses the organisation or individual.
Symbols retrieved through AACIL are under this liscence, defaulting to CC-BY-NC (creative commons when used with attribution and for noncommercial purposes). StellarSymbols symbols retrieved through this link have different licensing when accessed through that method.
Please note that AACIL symbols can never be bought or sold, and any Commercial entities (such as paid AAC apps) that use AACIL symbols free of charge (both to the entity and to clients) in the course of assisting AAC users are required to provide credit to AACIL.
Thank you to
for allowing us to make symbols representing their IP available.
Thank you to
for their terms of use allowing us to make symbols representing their games available. Thank you to Simply Plural and Octocon for allowing us to make symbols representing their app available. Thank you to
for their terms of use allowing us to make symbols representing their IP available.
Thank you to Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha for allowing AACIL to make a symbol representing them available, and for working with us to make that symbol suitable.
Thank you to
for allowing not-for-profit, noncommercial, and safe for all audiences fanart in practice.
Thank you to Mulberry Symbols for permitting adaptation of their symbols when distributed freely to AAC users. Thank you to OpenMojis for permitting adaptation of their symbols when distributed freely (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Reference to US-based trademarks is permitted under Fair Use, as it is used only to enable people to refer to the product and implies no affiliation.
AACIL is not affiliated with the Organisation for Transformative Works.
AACIL symbols representing Wizards of the Coast games are unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Mysterious LLC, owner of Plushie Dreadfuls has not reviewed, approved, or endorsed the symbols being displayed.
Simpler words: The pictures on this website are for people to use to communicate. This is because it is important that people can communicate about anything they want to.
Pictures on this website might say things that not everyone agrees with.
Pictures on this website might say things the person making the website does not agree with. This is okay, because this website is for everyone who uses AAC to talk about everything. AAC users have a right to talk about everything in their own lives.
There might also be pictures of things that other people make money from. That's okay, because the pictures here don't make money, and we checked to make sure we weren't doing anything wrong by putting the pictures here.
If you make money from something you think we have a symbol of, and you don't want the symbol here, please email and tell us.
More complex words: Any views expressed by any symbols in this Library do not neccessarily respresent the opinions of the project or the website runner. We believe it is of vital importance that AAC users have their right to freedom of expression met and are not censored in how they communicate in their everyday life. This Library and website are not politically aligned, and nor do symbols in it express political or other opinions on behalf of itself or the siterunner, or for any reason other than to enable communication. Likewise, any use of protected/copyrighted materials and/or Intellectual Property is done for no monetary gain and in accordance with the policies of the copy-holder, by express permission thereof, or when we have not been able to find a relevant policy or contact them ('contact' in this situation is inclusive of when we have reached out, and recieved no response after two business weeks or other specified timeframe), and in accordance with Nominative Fair Use for US-based trademark holders. If you believe AACIL is in violation of your copyright, and for some reason are of the opinion a pensioner's not-for-profit disability access project enabling people to ask for and discuss your product is depriving you of revenue, please contact us by email at