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Three faceless figures, with different body types, standing next to each other. They are all with warm yellow skin.
people | by Kit.
a blue figure. to the right of them is a tall yellow arrow pointing at a blue bar and reaching it.
adult | by M.
a person holding a box of files.
archivist | by Petri.
a little kid in a ghost costume, which only shows their arms and legs. They wear purple pants and hold a green and orange treat bag. .
bedsheet ghost | by Rae.
 a simplified features a blue, rounded figure with large pointed ears resembling a stylized animal or plush toy. A heart-like symbol with a arrow on top, indicating masculinity, is drawn on the face,  A green arrow points upwards indicating a younger age.
boy | by Vixen.
a child with blue skin, glasses, and straight purple hair that goes to around their neck. they're wearing a colorful bracelet, purple shoes, green pants, and a green shirt.
child | by M.
A headshot of a person in a clown outfit. Their face is painted in white, they have a large red nose, pink cheeks, and a red bottom lip. They're wearing a big red bowtie and they have blue hair in a bob. They're smiling.
clown | by Petri.
a drawing of earth, with four speech bubbles coming off it. Inside each one is a red heart, a blue flower, a human hand, and a mountain.
culture | by Esrah.
a man wearing a shirt and tie smiling, talking, and gesturing to a cartoony purple demon and himself.
devil's advocate | by Esrah.
 a blue dog wearing red cat eye sunglasses, a pink bow and a pink feather boa
diva | by cytochrome-sea.
an emo person looking forwards. They have a deadpan expression. They have chin length black hair with bleached bangs covering half of their face, and are wearing black eyeshadow and lipstick. They have two ear piercings.
emo | by Blackholemojis.
a black arrow encircles a collection coloured silhouettes. There is a dark blue blob, a turquoise rabbit, a green humanoid figure with ears and a long tail, a blue green snake, a red humanoid missing an arm, a blue humanoid with six arms and three spikes from their head, an orange humanoid in a wheelchair, a pink dog, a purple humanoid missing a leg and a short yellow humanoid with a cane.
everybody | by Fractals.
a short yellow figure with a red venus sign for a head.
girl | by StellarSymbols.
a pink, rounded figure with large pointed ears resembling a stylized animal or plush toy. A heart-like symbol with a cross underneath, indicating femininity, is drawn on the face and she has a paw pointed to herself, A green arrow points upwards indicating a younger age.
girl | by Vixen.
 a person wearing a bulletproof vest and a baseball cap and sunglasses. they have an ice cube for a head
ICE | by cytochrome-sea.
a waving yellow figure in front of the lockwood silver fern flag of Aotearoa New Zealand. a purple arrow points from the flag to the figure
Kiwi | by M.
a yellow figure from the neck up with white hair and a blue hat with a purple band.
ma'am | by Pheonix.
a yellow figure from the neck up with blue hair in a bun.
miss | by Pheonix.
A newsreader sitting at a desk, talking.
newsreader | by Tonto.
A newsreader sitting at a desk, gesturing to a chart and talking.
newsreader | by Tonto.
A digitally drawn image of a wheelchair user holding chalk and sitting next to a chalkboard.
teacher | by Petri.
 a teen with an arrow drawn between them and a plant with two large leaves and a yellow-orange flower.
teen | by Blackholemojis.
a toddler with an arrow pointing between them and a seed.
toddler | by Blackholemojis.
a pink, rounded figure with large pointed ears resembling a stylized animal or plush toy. A heart-like symbol with a cross underneath, indicating femininity, is drawn on the face and she has a paw pointed to herself, A green arrow points upwards indicating an older age.
woman | by Vixen.
Three faceless figures, with different body types, standing next to each other. They are one with medium dark tone skin, one with dark tone skin, and one with light medium tone skin.
people | by Kit.
an adult with an arrow drawn between them and a plant with multiple flowers and leaves.
adult | by Blackholemojis.
a baby or infant with an arrow drawn between them and a closed seed.
baby | by Blackholemojis.
a yellow figure in a suit.
boss | by Evan.
a child with brown skin, glasses, and straight black hair that goes to around his neck. he's wearing a colorful bracelet, purple shoes, green pants, and a blue shirt with a mars/'male' symbol on it.
boy | by M.
a child with an arrow drawn between them and a plant with two new leaves, but which still has its sprout leaves.
child | by Blackholemojis.
a child with brown skin, glasses, and straight black hair that goes to around their neck. they're wearing a colorful bracelet, purple shoes, green pants, and a green shirt
child | by M.
a round emoji yellow face with clown makeup, a red clown nose, and partly closed eyes looking to the side.
clown | by Gleepglorpian.
the face of an elder, based on the face of Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann, outlined in yellow. the face is in the middle of a long, winding yellow line with red circles spaced along it, representing generations of culture and teaching.
elder | by M.
a brown figure in teal clothes holding a piece of pumice and surrounded by other rocks and crystals.
geologist | by M.
a red fox, a pink bunny, and a yellow cat sitting together
group | by cytochrome-sea.
a waving yellow figure in front of the flag of Aotearoa New Zealand. a purple arrow points from the flag to the figure
Kiwi | by M.
a simplified features a blue, rounded figure with large pointed ears resembling a stylized animal or plush toy. A heart-like symbol with a arrow on top, indicating masculinity, is drawn on the face,  A green arrow points upwards indicating an older age.
man | by Vixen.
A group of ten figures, they are all made of a rectangle for a body and a circle for a head. The figures are all of various sizes as well.
men | by Ani.
a person with wrinkles and other signs of aging, with an arrow pointing between them and a mature, non flowering plant
middle-aged | by Blackholemojis.
a punk person looking forwards. They have a confident expression. They have red dyed hair styled in liberty spikes (spikes all over the head), many facial and ear piercings, and red eyeshadow.
punk | by Blackholemojis.
A digitally drawn image of a person holding chalk and standing next to a grey chalkboard.
lecturer | by Petri & M.
A yellow figure with a red mars symbol as a head.
man | by StellarSymbols.
A drawing of a grey microscope. Next to the microscope is a circle containing a plain yellow person with a green star on their face, with two green stars next to them. A line connects the circle to the stage of the microscope, implying that the person in the circle is what the microscope is looking at.
microcelebrity | by Petri.
a person wearing kandi, making a peace symbol held up to their face and pumping one fist. They wear a kandi harness, several thick kandi cuffs, kandi cat ears, necklaces, a star kandi glove, and a kandi mask.
person wearing kandi | by Blackholemojis.
a small child with an arrow drawn between them and a plant sprout.
small child | by Blackholemojis.
A digitally drawn image of a person holding chalk and standing next to a chalkboard.
teacher | by Petri.
A yellow figure with a red venus symbol as a head.
woman | by StellarSymbols.
Three faceless figures, with different body types, standing next to each other. They are one with blue skin, one with ref skin, and one with green skin.
people | by Kit.
a yellow person and a red person with their arms around each other, looking to the side. The yellow one has a fist raised and a speech bubble with an equals sign, a heart, a plant, and a peace sign. The red one has bandages on their head and their arm in a sling.
ally | by Esrah.
a person wearing a kufiya and a thobe.
Arab | by Petri.
a person with the flag of arab league as their skin, with the symbol in their tummy.
Arab | by Koda.
a baby with sparse black hair in a pale yellow swaddle.
baby | by Rae.
a short yellow figure with a red mars sign for a head.
boy | by StellarSymbols.
a purple figure. to the right of them is a short yellow arrow pointing at a blue bar and not reaching it.
child | by M.
a child with brown skin, glasses, and straight black hair that goes to around their neck. they're wearing a colorful bracelet, purple shoes, green pants, and a green shirt with a nonbinary symbol on it.
child | by M.
 a person outlined in white, gesturing happily to  three shelves of various objects organized by color. They are blue, green, and greenish-yellow.
collector | by Esrah.
an emoji yellow person pushing a shopping cart
customer | by Petri.
a black arrow encircles a collection coloured humanoid silhouettes. There is a light blue person with a cane, a green person, a red person missing an arm, a small blue person, an orange person in a wheelchair, a pink person with a square that can be interpreted as a bag or AAC device, a tall person missing one leg and a short yellow person.
everyone | by Fractals.
 an elderly person with an arrow drawn between them and a mature, non flowering bush with visible branching.
elder | by Blackholemojis.
 a disc shaped planet with an ice wall and a dome. A person points up at it.
flat earther | by Rae.
a child with brown skin, glasses, and straight black hair that goes to around her neck. she's wearing a colorful bracelet, purple shoes, green pants, and a green shirt with a venus/'female' symbol on it.
girl | by M.
a child with brown skin, glasses, and straight black hair that goes to around her neck. she's wearing a colorful bracelet, purple shoes, purple pants, and a purple shirt with a venus/'female' symbol on it.
girl | by M.
A partially transparent blue figure with a dotted outline.
nobody | by M.
a featureless, emoji yellow person standing with one hand holding a clipboard and the other in their pocket. they’re wearing a doctor’s coat with a red cross on it.
doctor | by Petri.
A newsreader sitting at a desk, talking with a speech bubble.
newsreader | by Tonto.
a preteen with an arrow drawn between them and a plant that doesn’t have its sprout leaves and has a budding flower.
preteen | by Blackholemojis.
 a light skinned baby wrapped in green cloth , behind them there is a rainbow in warm tones .
rainbow baby | by Tonto.
A featureless figure with a question mark in front of them.
someone | by StellarSymbols.
A simple drawing of nine figures. They all have rectangular bodies and circular heads, the figures are of various sizes and colors.
women | by Ani.
