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a featureless, emoji yellow person with a 'full stop' dot on their head, electric zigzags coming from their upper head, and a stopwatch to the right of the person. there is a red arrow above the stopwatch, indicating time is moving forward.
absence seizure | By M.
a pill with an arrow pointing to a wiggly green bacteria. the bacteria is crossed out in red.
antibiotic | By Rae.
a green and teal bacterium with a wiggly flagella and little hairlike projections.
bacteria | By Rae.
A drawing of a ms paint style leg. from the toes up there is a purple-pink gradient that gradually becomes gray at the top.
blood rush (leg) | By Méabh.
a red droplet with white 'O-' on it
blood type O- | By M.
 a slow heart rhythm pictured above a turtle walking with dots behind it, indicating it’s slow.
bradycardia | By Esrah.
 an off white bone with a jagged gap between the two halves of it. There are red emphasis or pain lines around the break.
broken bone | By Rae.
A drawing of a blue and white toned leg with bruises on it.
bruises / bruising | By Neon.
a yellow droplet crossed out with a red X
can't pee | By Rae.
A drawing of a simplified, cartoony pair of lungs, with a generic grey object lodged in the trachea. Spiky red lines emphasize the object.
choke | By Plum.
A closeup drawing of a simplified, cartoony pair of lungs, with a generic grey object lodged in the trachea. Spiky red lines emphasize the object
choke | By Plum.
A humanoid calico cat with green spiral eyes and an uncomfortable face. There are small blue firework shapes around its head and a gold-yellow lined halo around its (righthand) ear. Little yellow stars surround this halo to make it look like a cartoon-y representation of being dizzy and seeing stars. Has its paw to its chest.
dizzy | By Vixen
A drawing of a clipboard in front of a stethoscope. In the top left corner is a green checkmark with a black outline.
diagnosed | By Petri.
a peach/tan patch to resemble skin with pink and red spots and blotches.
eczema | By Vixen.
ageneric yellow, orange, white, and blue epi-pen.
epi-pen | By Esrah.
A basic yellow skinned emoji with its eyes closed and red cheeks, on its head is a reusable ice pack and its forehead a red glow to signify a fever.
fever | By Neon.
a person cradling her belly, which has a fetus symbol over it. There is a purple female symbol by her.
Female Pregnancy | By Esrah
an earth-like planet with blobby green landmasses in a blue ocean and ice caps on the top and bottom. A grey and red virus sits in an uppe corner and has red arrows going from it to each landmass
Global Pandemic | By Rae.
a pink heart with a darker outline with a pale gray speech bubble pointing to it
heart murmur | By Wolf.
a person cradling his belly, which has a fetus symbol over it. There is a blue male symbol by him.
male pregnancy | By Esrah
a distressed looking orange figure with an arrow pointing to inside them and a drop of blood
internal bleeding | By Rae.
A drawing of an arrow pointing towards a hospital.
I need to go to the hospital. | By Petri.
a limb with a plain line scar.
line scar | By Blackholemojis.
 a rough crayon textured, hand-drawn picture of a fluffy yellow cat with blue eyes and an angry expression. Above the cat's head is a bold red symbol: a circle with a slash through it (like a 'no' or 'prohibited' sign) that overlaps with a white document or paper. To the right of this symbol is a red arrow pointing forward. The overall tone of the image seems to represent frustration or rejection.
misdiagnosis | By Vixen.
a lavender person with a purple swirl on their chest. Above them is a medical paper with a blue star on it, as well as squiggles representing words. There is a red arrow pointing from the paper to the person. The blue star and purple swirl represent different disabilities
misdiagnosis | By OtterTime.
A person with motion lines around their head and arm. Their head is tilted a little, and their arm is jerking inwards. they have glasses, a formal shirt, and a watch or bracelet. they have pale skin, brown hair, and a pale blue shirt.
myoclonic | By M.
A simple yellow person with an upset expression, a green hue around the middle of their face. A hand is covering half of their mouth, while there are dark lime swirls and other marks to signify a sick feeling
nauseous | By Budget.
 a dark blue square containing a crescent moon and a clock, representing night, and a yellow droplet, representing urination.
nocturia | By Rae.
 a cartoon yellow nose, with a drop of blood coming out of each nostril.
nosebleed | By Levi.
 a red circle with a slash through it, symbolizing a prohibition sign. Inside the circle is a stylized image of a coronavirus, depicted with a red, spiky surface.
not covid | By Vixen.
a sun in the right upper corner, with an arm (shown as white) displaying irritation and itchiness.
photosensitive | By Samuel.
A drawing of a cartoony skull and crossbones on a red background, surrounded by a green ring. At the bottom of the ring is a small green circle with a white plus sign inside - a symbol for first aid.
poison control | By Plum.
spiky green blob containing green droplet with white skull and crossbones has piece bitten off that is in mouth of brown corner . green drips down into pink stomach. there is a green puddle on surface.
poisonous | By froggygolem.
a pill with an arrow pointing to a wiggly green bacteria. the bacteria is next to a green up arrow and plus sign.
probiotic | By Rae.
 A drawing of a circular diagram showcasing the “cycle” of psychiatry. A simple yellow person has their cartoony brain visible, which has a red scribble inside. An arrow goes from them, through a speech bubble containing the same red scribble, and to another simple yellow person dressed in a white undershirt and light blue button-up. An arrow goes from them, through a bottle of prescription pills and a paper prescription, and back to the first person.
psychiatry | By Plum.
a nondescript limb with three different scars on it: a scar with stitch scar dots, a plain line scar, and a burn scar. All go across the limb in the same direction, just to show different types of scars
scar | By Blackholemojis.
A brain with a shunt in it.
shunt | By M.
A simple drawing of a vein with a gray mesh in the middle of it
stent | By Ani.
a pale arm held out with a sun in the corner and smoke lines coming off the burnt ulterior arm and forearm.
sunburn | By Esrah.
a brown arm held out with a sun in the corner and smoke lines coming off the burnt ulterior arm and forearm.
sunburn | By Esrah.
a setting sun over a body of water. Above the sun is a dark red spiral shape.
sundowning | By M.
curved black lines closing a red divide
suture | By M.
a fast heart rhythm pictured above a rabbit with a cloud behind it, indicating it’s fast.
tachycardia | By Esrah.
 drawing of a black phone with a dark grey screen on the screen is a large Red Cross. The phone has a dark grey circular button on the bottom of the screen in a light grey rectangle
telehealth | By Ani.
a trache tube in a cutaway diagram showing a simple trachea in an emoji yellow throat and neck
tracheotomy | By M.
a trache tube in a cutaway diagram showing a simple trachea in a dark brown throat and neck
tracheotomy | By M.
Cartoon style drawing of a glass vial filled with red liquid, there is a white label on the vial with, 'AB-' on it
type AB- blood | By DoctorZero.
Cartoon style drawing of a glass vial filled with red liquid, there is a white label on the vial with, 'AB+' on it
type AB+ blood | By DoctorZero.
Cartoon style drawing of a glass vial filled with red liquid, there is a white label on the vial with, 'O+' on it
type O+ blood | By DoctorZero.
A blue figure with partly closed eyes looking slightly away and not moving while two emoji yellow hands poke them.
unresponsive | By M.
 a magenta ball with light pink spikes all over it. It’s modeled after either a Covid or flu virus particle, but doesn’t look entirely like either one.
virus | By Rae.
 A drawing of a scale. The scale is a dark grey and has a small blue screen with the numbers 0.0 on it. Next to the screen in the top right is a light grey arrow pointing upwards.
weight gain | By Ani.
a cartoony green spikey germ with an angry face in the center and red lines above it.
Aggressive Disease | By Rae.
3 blood drops , to the left next to them there is a green arrow pointing downwards & above it there are 5 red blood cells , indicating low red blood cells in the blood
anemia | By Tonto.
 a magenta ball with light pink spikes all over it, crossed out by a red x
antiviral | By Rae.
a grey toothbrush and a teal tube of toothpaste with a white tooth picture on it, with a grey cap. next to it A red arrow points down.
bad hygiene | By Vixen.
two rectangles both white, top left one has the words “birth control”  ontop of a light blue label and “91 tablets” in black. the second rectangle says “birth control” in black at top and then “sun-sat” in black with corresponding rows of blue pills under the days
birth control | By Koda.
two rectangles both white, top left one has the words “birth control”  ontop of a light blue label and “31 tablets” in black. the second rectangle says “birth control” in black at top and then “sun-sat” in black with corresponding rows of blue pills under the days
birth control | By Koda.
a red droplet with white 'A-' on it
blood type A- | By M.
a red droplet with white 'O+' on it
blood type O+ | By M.
a light skinned arm with a purple, blue, and greenish bruise near the elbow.
bruise | By Rae.
a tan square with a red spot and a bug on it
bug bite | By Koda.
a limb with a burn scar
burn scar | By Blackholemojis.
 the twemoji thought bubble emoji (💭) with the twemoji salt shaker emoji (🧂) in it
craving salt | By Gillipop.
a white tooth with a slightly yellowy beige outline and a grey spot in the center of the top of the tooth
dental filling | By Koda.
a featureless, emoji yellow person standing with one hand holding a clipboard and the other in their pocket. they’re wearing a doctor’s coat with a red cross on it.
doctor | By Petri.
 A drawing of the Star of Life symbol. It is six blue rectangles extending from a center point to resemble a star. Inside is a white icon of the Rod of Asclepius, which is a snake curled around a pole
emergency (medical) | By Plum.
a brown eye with two jagged red lines in it and five jagged red lines outside it. the image is low contrast.
eyestrain | By M.
A yellow toned drawing of a hand and wrist with friction burn on the wrist.
friction burn | By Neon.
A hand x-ray.
hand X-ray | By Proxy.
A blue plastic T shaped intrauterine device, it has a small brown string tied through the loop at the bottom.
hormonal IUD | By Neon.
a yellow person in pain holding their hands to their chest. There are red zigzags around them to emphasize their distress. There is a light red bubble with an light red to red gradient arrow pointing to the person. Inside that bubble is a pair of pink lungs and a red X on the corner of the lungs
I can't breathe | By Ottertime.
 the forearm of a person with white skin, on their arm is an IV drip taped down with medical tape.
IV | By Neon.
A drawing of a stethoscope. Next to it are two black question marks.
medical mystery | By Petri.
A person with motion lines around their head and arm. Their head is tilted a little, and their arm is jerking inwards. they have glasses, a formal shirt, and a watch or bracelet. they have light brown skin, dark hair, and an off-white shirt.
myoclonic | By M.
A person with motion lines around their head and arm. Their head is tilted a little, and their arm is jerking inwards. they are emoji yellow and featureless.
myoclonic | By M.
 A drawing of a brain. over the brain is a triangle with a red exclamation point
neurotoxin | By Ani.
yellow nose with trickle of blood coming from it
nosebleed | By Pheonix.
 a person cradling their belly, which has a fetus symbol over it. There is a green circle with a nonbinary symbol by them.
Non Binary Pregnancy | By Esrah
A drawing of a pacemaker with two leads coming out of the top left. In place of a logo, it bears an icon of a beating heart, a left facing arrow, and a lightning bolt.
pacemaker | By Plum.
a red platelet or thrombocyte, which is a small wiggly type of blood cell
platelet / thrombocyte | By M.
 A drawing of a cartoony skull and crossbones, colored white, surrounded by a green ring. At the bottom of the ring is a small green circle with a white plus sign inside - a symbol for first aid.
poison control | By Plum.
 A medical port with a small length of tubing connected to it.
port | By Neon.
A drawing of a circular diagram showcasing the “cycle” of psychiatry. A simple yellow person has their cartoony brain visible, which has a red scribble inside. An arrow goes from them, through a speech bubble containing the same red scribble, and to another simple yellow person glowing orange, dressed in a white undershirt and light blue button-up. An arrow goes from them, through a bottle of prescription pills and a paper prescription, and back to the first person.
psychiatrist | By Plum.
 A pink heart with a darker outline. In the upper right is a hand timer, with a portion shaded red with a red arrow pointing to it, with a green exclamation point farther along, indicating that the time didn't go as long as it was supposed to.
premature ventricular contraction (PVC) | By Wolf.
a generic pink worm with a line crossing it on one end and a small rectangle colored in on the center of its body. around it is a circle in the same pink color the worm is drawn in
ringworm | By Koda.
an emoji yellow head with closed eyes with shadows underneath them, and a blue arrow leading from a pill bottle into their brain, which is turning from pink to grey around the arrow. there are 'z's next to the face.
sedated | By M.
1 seizure longer than 5 minutes (1 < 5min 🕜) with a purple butterfly and purple ribbon (symbols for status epileticus)
status epilepticus | By Samuel.
a stylized graphic of a brain outlined in pink with a yellow lightning bolt in the center.
stroke | By Vixen.
a tan arm held out with a sun in the corner and smoke lines coming off the burnt ulterior arm and forearm.
sunburn | By Esrah.
a dark brown arm held out with a sun in the corner and smoke lines coming off the burnt ulterior arm and forearm.
sunburn | By Esrah.
a setting sun over a body of water. Above the sun is a bright red spiral shape.
sundowning | By Rae.
A simplified yellow figure with animal features hunched over and frowning. One of their eyes is a spiral, and they have two rings around their head. Little symbols that look like starbursts or popping bubbles are around their head as well. Close to their open, non-spiral eye is a series of progressively smaller waves that eventually turn into a single long wavy line as it goes farther away from them. there's a version of them slightly less visible behind them and a purple arrow pointing right on its right side showing that it's before
pre-syncope | By Vixen.
A drawing of a sick face next to a gravestone. The person has a thermometer in their mouth, has a lot of blush on their face, and is wearing a blue ice pack on their head. The gravestone is gray with a few small stones around it and three pink flowers in front of it.
terminal illness | by Petri.
a trache tube in a cutaway diagram showing a simple trachea in a light-skinned throat and neck
tracheotomy | By M.
Cartoon style drawing of a glass vial filled with red liquid, there is a white label on the vial with, 'A-' on it
type A- blood | By DoctorZero.
A drawing of a clipboard in front of a stethoscope. In front of both of those is a large red X.
undiagnosed | By Petri.
a purple droplet with white skull and crossbones has two fangs and is surrounded with purple thin triangles floating.
venom | By froggygolem.
A yellow oval with a slice taken out of it. from this gap a red arrow points to the side and downwards.
vomit | By M.
 A drawing of a scale. The scale is a dark grey and has a small blue screen with the numbers 0.0 on it. Next to the screen in the top right is a light grey arrow pointing downwards.
weight loss | By Ani.
a red awareness ribbon.
AIDS awareness | By Levi.
a green and teal bacterium with a wiggly flagella and little hairlike projections, crossed out by a red x
antibacterial | By Rae.
a bacterium in a dark red blood vessel-like space.
bacteremia | By Rae.
A drawing of a ms paint style arm. from the fingers up there is a purple-pink gradient that gradually becomes gray at the top.
blood rush (arm) | By Méabh.
a red droplet with white 'A+' on it
blood type A+ | By M.
 a red droplet with a plus on one side and a minus on one side, and in each corner is written A, B, O, and AB.
blood type | By Esrah.
A drawing of a yellow toned leg with bruises on it.
bruises / bruising | By Neon.
a yellow droplet crossed out with a red X. there is a frowny face below it
can't pee | By Rae.
a grey container with a rounded bottom, partially filled with red liquid. There is a red exclamation point next to it.
deficiency | By Esrah.
a tooth next to a scapel.
dental surgery | By Rae.
A drawing of a clipboard in front of a light gray stethoscope.
diagnosis | By Petri.
a hand reaching out to touch a red no symbol 🚫, with a green blob on the person's hand
don't touch me you're sick | By Koda.
 a brown patch to resemble skin with pink and red spots and blotches.
eczema | By Vixen.
a simply drawn pink and white uterine system with red uterine lining and red splotches on other parts of it.
endometriosis | By M.
a brown eye with two jagged red lines in it and five jagged red lines outside it. the image is low contrast.
eyestrain | By M.
A blue and white toned drawing of a hand and wrist with friction burn on the wrist.
friction burn | By Neon.
pill bottle with heart on it
heart medication | By Chrome.
A drawing of a person inside a hospital
hospitalized | By Petri.
a grey container with a rounded bottom, partially filled with red liquid, with a shiny grey box that reads “Fe” for iron on it. There is a red exclamation point next to it.
iron deficiency | By Esrah.
a grey container with a rounded bottom, partially filled with red liquid, with a shiny grey box that reads “iron.” There is a red exclamation point next to it.
iron deficiency | By Esrah.
A humanoid chocolate-point siamese cat with dull blue scratchy eyes and an uncomfortable face. Around it is little white clouds, and a white cloud on its forehead, by its left ear is a red arrow pointing upwards, next to it is a yellow balloon. it has its paw to its chest.
Lightheaded | By Vixen.
 a orange bottle with a off white lid which has 5 lines on it to indicate the texture on medication bottles, there is a blank off white label on the front. the bottle has subtle highlights on the right side.
medication bottle | By Koda.
 a orange bottle with a off white lid which has 5 lines on it to indicate the texture on medication bottles, there is a blank off white label on the front.
medication bottle | By Koda.
A drawing of a black container with a green lid. It has a large white label which contains a pink and white pill next to a yellow crescent moon.
melatonin | By Petri.
A person with motion lines around their head and arm. Their head is tilted a little, and their arm is jerking inwards. they have glasses, a formal shirt, and a watch or bracelet. they have brown skin, black hair, and a pale blue shirt.
myoclonic | By M.
someone's left hand/arm, drawn as white, shaking/spasming
myoclonic | By Samuel.
 a hospital with a tall central building and two shorter buildings, one on each side. On the hospital sign there is a white cross in a red square and a baby wearing a diaper
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) | By dtcd.
 a simple illustration of a red circle with a diagonal line through it, symbolizing a prohibition sign. Inside the circle are two stick figures, one yellow and one blue, facing each other. Between them, there's a dotted line with arrows pointing towards each other, Around the figures, there are several green star-shaped objects, symbolizing viruses.
not contagious | By Vixen.
A drawing of a heart with a pacemaker next to it. The leads go into the superior vena capa.
pacemaker | By Plum.
 a green droplet with white skull and crossbones surrounded by green blobs.
poison | By froggygolem.
A simplified yellow figure with animal features hunched over and frowning. One of their eyes is a spiral, and they have two rings around their head. Little symbols that look like starbursts or popping bubbles are around their head as well. Close to their open, non-spiral eye is a series of progressively smaller waves that eventually turn into a single long wavy line as it goes farther away from them. there's a version of them slightly less visible behind them and a purple arrow pointing right on its right side showing that it's before
pre-syncope | By Vixen.
A drawing of a circular diagram showcasing the “cycle” of psychiatry. A simple yellow person has their cartoony brain visible, which has a red scribble inside. An arrow goes from them, through a speech bubble containing the same red scribble, and to another simple yellow person glowing red, dressed in a white undershirt and light blue button-up. An arrow goes from them, through a bottle of prescription pills and a paper prescription, and back to the first person.
psychiatrist | By Plum.
a doctor with a medical red cross symbol next to her, and a paper in front of her that shows a green “go” arrow and the silhouette of another doctor with a red cross symbol. The doctor is a middle aged woman with pale skin. She wears a white doctor’s coat, a stethoscope, pink scrubs, and a mauve hijab.
referral | By Esrah.
a nondescript jointed limb with line scars on the upper and lower halves.
scarring on limb | By Blackholemojis.
a stylized graphic of a brain outlined in pink with a yellow jagged line resembling a heart rate monitor or waveform in the center.
seizure | By Vixen.
more than 1 seizure in a 5 minute period (< 1 in 5min 🕜) with a purple butterfly and purple ribbon (symbols for status epileticus)
status epilepticus | By Samuel.
A drawing of a light gray stethoscope.
stethoscope | By Petri.
an emoji yellow arm held out with a sun in the corner and smoke lines coming off the burnt ulterior arm and forearm.
sunburn | By Esrah.
a mid-brown arm held out with a sun in the corner and smoke lines coming off the burnt ulterior arm and forearm.
sunburn | By Esrah.
 a simply drawn, very pink hand with a yellow sun symbol on it. Red pain lines squiggle out from the hand.
sunburn | By Rae.
a limb with a scar bordered by scar dots from stitches
surgery scar | By Blackholemojis.
An anatomical heart with motion blur, shaky lines around it, and a lightning bolt in its center to represent it beating fast. There is a drawing of an EKG showing a fast heart rate at the bottom.
tachycardia / high heart rate | by Plum.
a white and blue oral thermometer reading the temperature 00 degrees.
thermometer | By Neon.
a trache tube in a cutaway diagram showing a simple trachea in a light brown throat and neck
tracheotomy | By M.
two twins pictured in the womb. Each floats in a pale amniotic sac. They share a placenta, and one is smaller and more cramped.
twin to twin transfusion syndrome | By Esrah.
Cartoon style drawing of a glass vial filled with red liquid, there is a white label on the vial with, 'A+' on it
type A+ blood | By DoctorZero.
A drawing of a clipboard in front of a stethoscope. In front of both of those is a large red X with a black outline.
undiagnosed | By Petri.
a spiky purple blob containing a bright purple droplet with skull and crossbones injects purple liquid through a spiky tooth- or stinger-like protrusion into pink in the corner through brown layer. Purple liquid blobs out into the pink at the end of the spike.
venomous | By froggygolem.
A purple oval with a slice taken out of it. from this gap a red arrow points to the side and downwards.
vomit | By M.

pictures with needles below

A red sharps container, which is a tall red plastic box labeled with a biohazard symbol. A syringe with a needle is above it, with a yellow arrow going down towards the container. A sparkle highlights the sharp point of the needle.
sharps container | By Plum.
A yellow sharps container, which is a tall red plastic box labeled with a biohazard symbol. A syringe with a needle is above it, with a yellow arrow going down towards the container. A sparkle highlights the sharp point of the needle.
sharps container | By Plum.
a syringe with the needle pointing to a rabies germ, which is teal and vaguely sausage shaped with greenish blue hairlike lines sticking out all over it.
rabies shot | By Rae.
a grey crayon textured syringe with red lines on it, there's a purple, blue and pink liquid inside that has white particles, the tip has a blue needle
syringe | By Vixen.
A drawing of a syringe inside of it is various letter ‘K’s that are all red
vitamin K shot | By Ani.
