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A white speech bubble with lines in it, in front of purple and green sheets of paper with words on them, with a mouth with bright pink lips behind it.
language | by M.
An orange circle
adverb | by Nubs.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the English language, with the flag of the United States of America shown underneath it.
American English | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Bangla language, with the flag of Bangladesh shown underneath it.
Bangla | by CC.
three letters from the Armenian alphabet, one in red, one in green, and one in blue, all with white outlines.
Armenian alphabet | by dtcd.
the 'bouba' and 'kiki' shapes, coloured light purple within the outlines.
bouba and kiki | by M.
A horizontal pink rectangle
conjunction | by Nubs.
capital letters A, E, O, and N. Each one is black and has a different diacritical mark on top in purple.
diacritical marks | by Rae.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Dutch language, with the flag of the Netherlands shown underneath it.
Dutch | by CC.
a yellow emoji style smiley face
emoji | by Rae.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the French language, with the flag of France shown underneath it.
French | by CC.
a speech bubble with color blocks quoted and representing words. One block is purple, two are green, and three are orange, to show different words being processed as a whole broken into of smaller parts.
gestalt language processing | by Esrah.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Hindi language, with the flag of India shown underneath it.
Hindi | by CC.
a figure with a speech bubble, and an arrow pointing back from the speech bubble to the person. both the speech bubble and person are the same gradient of blue and purple.
idiolect | by M.
a blue figure with a speech bubble. in the speech bubble is a copy of the figure, with an arrow pointing to them.
illeist | by M.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Irish language, with the flag of Ireland shown underneath it.
Irish | by CC.
A gold exclamation mark.
interjection | by Nubs.
A small black circle with a black arrow pointing at it. The arrow is coming off a cut-off large red circle.
object | by Nubs.
A large red circle with two cut-off black arrows heading left and right.
predicate | by Nubs.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Bangla language, with the flag of Pakistan shown underneath it.
Punjabi | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Italian language, with the flag of Italy shown underneath it.
Italian | by CC.
 many different punctuation marks (a question mark, apostrophe, ellipses, comma, exclamation mark,and colon). Each is colored a different color of the rainbow to differentiate them.
punctuation | by Rae.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Spanish language, with the flag of Mexico shown underneath it.
Mexican Spanish | by CC.
A smirking person thinking of an angry cartoony person and saying an X followed by three asterisks in a red speech bubble.
reclaimed slur | by Esrah.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Russian language, with the flag of Russia shown underneath it.
Russian | by CC.
an emoji-yellow face saying a word repeatedly, represented by a speech bubble with five purple dots in it. a thought bubble shows that they're thinking about another purple dot, this one with a glitchy effect on it
semantic satiation | by Gillipop.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Swedish language, with the flag of Sweden shown underneath it.
Swedish | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Ukranian language, with the flag of Ukraine shown underneath it.
Ukranian | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in te reo Māori - 'kia ora!', with the Māori flag shown underneath it
te reo Māori | by CC & M.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Thai language, with the flag of Thailand shown underneath it.
Thai | by CC.
A white speech bubble with lines in it, in front of blue and pink sheets of paper with words on them, with a mouth with bright pink lips behind it.
linguistics | by M.
A light blue triangle
article | by Nubs.
black handwritten Hebrew letters scattered around.
aleph bet | by Froggygolem.
An AUSLAN 'A' with one yellow and one green hand, above the shape of Australia in blue.
Auslan | by M.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the English language, with the flag of the United Kingdom shown underneath it.
British English | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Portugeuese language, with the flag of Brazil shown underneath it.
Brazilian Portuguese | by CC.
An ornate ceaser cipher disk.
cipher | by M.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Esperanto conlang, with the Esperanto flag underneath it.
Esperanto | by CC.
a pale yellow speech bubble with scribbles, representing words, in it. most of the scribbles are black and one is red. in front and to the side of the speech bubble is a clock turning backwards.
etymology | by M.
 An orange, spiky speech balloon with a black bar reading “X X X” inside, to show something that has been censored.
expletive | by Plum.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Finnish language, with the flag of Finland shown underneath it.
Finnish | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the German language, with the flag of Korea shown underneath it.
German | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Hebrew language, with the flag of Irael shown underneath it.
Hebrew | by CC.
a punctuation mark with traits of both an exclamation point and a question mark.
interrobang | by M.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Korean language, with the flag of Korea shown underneath it.
Korean | by CC.
 two columns. One says “ABC” in purple, while the other says “1 2 3” in black. The letters are circled in light red.
letter | by Rae.
 a column of light purple letters: A B and C.
letter | by Rae.
two dark skinned hands with purple nailpolish, one with an open hand palm facing the camera, and one giving a thumbs up, are above a toki pona flag, which is mostly yellow with a blue border and a blue sitelen pona symbol for 'pona' in the center.
luka pona | by CC.
two light skinned hands with purple nailpolish, one with an open hand palm facing the camera, and one giving a thumbs up, are above a toki pona flag, which is mostly yellow with a blue border and a blue sitelen pona symbol for 'pona' in the center.
luka pona | by CC.
A speech bubble with a blue 'splat' symbol in it.
onomatopoeia | by M.
A  tall purple triangle.
pronoun | by Nubs.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Polish language, with the flag of Poland shown underneath it.
Polish | by CC.
an emoji-yellow face saying a word repeatedly, represented by a speech bubble with five red dots in it. a thought bubble shows that they're thinking about another red dot, this one broken in half
semantic satiation | by Gillipop.
A Montessori sentence breakdown with a subject, predicate, object, and adverb.
sentence | by Nubs.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Spanish language, with the flag of Spain shown underneath it.
Spanish (Spain) | by CC.
A red bar and a blue bar of different lengths. Both are gold on the right side.
rhyme | by M.
An angry cartoon person thinking of more realistic person and saying an X followed by three asterisks in a red speech bubble.
slur | by Esrah.
An arrow, in a gradient from green to yellow, points from a brown bear to a brown circle.
taboo deformation | M.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the toki pona conlang, a yellow flag is visible beneath, with a blue border and the symbol for 'pona' in the center.
Toki Pona | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Turkish language, with the flag of Turkey shown underneath it.
Turkish | by CC.
Three square blocks representing words: A green one with a circle inside, an orange one with a triangle inside, and a blue one with a rectangle inside. Red lines go from these and merge into another block made of pieces taken from the leftmost side of each other block, representing an acronym. Red triangles emphasize it.
acronym | by Plum.
A dark blue triangle
adjective | by Nubs.
a speech bubble with color blocks quoted and representing words. One block is purple, two are green, and three are orange, to show different words being processed as a whole broken into of smaller parts.
analytic language processing | by Esrah.
three brown hands with purple nail polish spell out A-S-L in American Sign Language, with the flag of the United States of America underneath
American Sign Language | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Arabic language, with the flag of the Arab League shown underneath it.
Arabic | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Chinese language, with the flag of China shown underneath it.
Chinese | by CC.
A long rectangle colored a pastel mix of swirling blue and green. Inside of it is a green square with a circle design, a black plus sign (+), and a half of a broken blue square with a triangle design.
contraction | by Plum.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Danish language, with the flag of Denmark shown underneath it.
Danish | by CC.
a dark green speech bubble that branches off into a smaller light green speech bubble.
dialect | by M.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the English language,with a dual flag of the United States and United Kingdom shown underneath it.
English | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Greek language, with the flag of the Greece shown underneath it.
Greek | by CC.
different colored handwritten Hebrew letters scattered around.
Hebrew alphabet | by Froggygolem.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Hungarian language, with the flag of Hungary shown underneath it.
Hungarian | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Japanese language, with the flag of Japan shown underneath it.
Japanese | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Na'vi conlang, a flag is visible underneath with three stripes going from the bottom left to the top right in white, blue, and black, with a small tree-like shape on the top left corner.
Na'vi | by CC.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Norwegian language, with the flag of Norway shown underneath it.
Norwegian | by CC.
A large black triangle
noun | by Nubs.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Portuguese language, with the flag of Portugal shown underneath it.
Portuguese | by CC.
A green arch
preposition | by Nubs.
 A black colon (:) above a red bus.
rebus | by M.
an emoji-yellow face saying a word repeatedly, represented by a speech bubble with five purple dots in it. a thought bubble shows that they're thinking about another purple dot, this one broken in half
semantic satiation | by Gillipop.
an emoji-yellow face saying a word repeatedly, represented by a speech bubble with five red dots in it. a thought bubble shows that they're thinking about another red dot, this one with a glitchy effect on it
semantic satiation | by Gillipop.
a speech bubble with blue, white, and red stripes.
speaking French | by Rae.
a speech bubble with black, red, and yellow stripes.
speaking German | by M.
 a nondescript, bald, tan skinned person speaks. Their speech bubble is filled with red and yellow like a Spanish flag.
speaking Spanish | by Rae.
 A series of black squiggles, indicating words, with a vertical bar (indicating a capital letter) at the start and a full stop at the end. The black lines and dot have white shadows.
sentence | by M.
[A large black circle with a black arrow pointing to the right.
subject | by Nubs.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Tagalog language, with the flag of The Philippines shown underneath it.
Tagalog | by CC.
A dark blue blackletter-style letter 'A' next to a thin vertical bar.
typography | by M.
A very light grey blackletter-style letter 'A' next to a thin vertical bar.
typography | by M.
A white blackletter-style letter 'A' next to a thin vertical bar.
typography | by M.
A large red circle
verb | by Nubs.
A speech bubble in yellow shows a greeting in the Vietnamese language, with the flag of Vietnam shown underneath it.
Vietnamese | by CC.
