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 person in a self-propelled manual chair, stopped by stairs. on top of the stairs is a person without any mobility aids, in a confident pose with their hands on their hips.the person without the mobility aids is benefiting from the barrier that is preventing the wheelchair user from reaching their position. a red arrow points at the person without mobility aids, on the top of the stairs. the arrow is inside the stairs, and is also pointing at the stairs themselves. this way, the picture can mean both “ableist” as a description, and “ableist” as a person who enforces and uses ableism.
ableist | By M.
a light brown bag with an arrow pointing from it to a sprouting plant in dark brown soil.
biodegradable | By M.
 Two groups of dots next to each other. There is a large group of yellow dots The group is surrounded by a black squarish shape. Outside of the black shape is a small group of 3 blue dots.
common | By Ani.
a green upwards curve.
good | By M.
A series of blue circles They go from dark blue on the left to light blue on the right. Above them are two arrows originating from the lightest circle one arrow points to the darkest circle and the second points to the middle circle
darker | By Ani.
A grey mental anvil surrounded by a light grey border.
heavy | By Neon.
pixelated circle, red with a line that goes left to right.
hostile | By CC.
softly lined image of two arms with flat, palm-out hands. the first arm is raised, and the second is down to the ground, almost making a shrugging motion. in the empty space between and next to them are green emphasis lines.
kinda | By Petri.
circle with a crayon-style texture. it's yellow with a line that goes up and down.
neutral | By CC.
a green circle with a checkmark
right | By Petri.
Two groups of dots next to each other. There is a small group of blue dots. The small group is inside of a black triangle. Outside of the triangle is a much larger group of yellow dots
rare | By Ani.
a light green 'drippy' shape.
slimy | By M.
a clear cup of uncarbonated blue liquid, which looks smooth and calm
uncarbonated | By Petri.
 A chunk of dough with arrows pointing up and away from it. In front of the dough and arrows is a large red X
unleavened | By Ani.
A drawing of a braid made of blue fabric or string next to a smiling yellow person holding their wrist up, wearing the braid as a bracelet. An arrow goes from the braid to the person’s wrist with the bracelet. There is a light blue starburst shape behind their wrist.
wearable | By Plum.
two identical blue circles balanced evenly on a scale.
balanced | By Neon.
two emoji yellow hands, one pointing to a green circle and one pointing to a blue square.
both | By Gleepglorpian.
a blue upwards arrow next to a device with a screen and buttons.
high tech | By M.
circle with a crayon-style texture. it's red with a line that goes left to right.
hostile | By CC.
A drawing of an extreme close up of a red piece of thread with the end frayed. In the bottom right corner of the picture is a drawing of a spool of red thread inside a circle.
frayed | by Plum.
a purple hardcover book with a mauve cloud behind it.
fiction | By M.
a  left hand making an L shape with an arrow pointing left
left | By Petri.
A chunk of dough with arrows pointing up and away from it. The dough is in a roughly circular shape.
leavened | By Ani.
An orange feather with dark brown stripes surrounded by a light grey border
light | By Neon.
pixelated circle, green with a plus sign.
passive | By CC.
a right hand making a backwards L shape with an arrow pointing right
right | By Petri.
a drawing of a bunch of pink circles. some of them are separated from the others with green arrows pointing at them
some | By Petri.
a red sphere with lots of spikes on it.
spiky | By M.
a big blue circle and small blue circle balanced unevenly on a scale.
unbalanced | By Neon.
A groups of two circles The larger group is made of many yellow circles The smaller group is made of light blue circles The light blue circles are located inside of a black kind of square like shape
uncommon | By Ani.
a red downwards curve.
bad | By M.
 a clear cup of carbonated orange liquid which is full of bubbles and looks fizzy.
carbonated | By Petri.
a sun behind dark grey clouds
cloudy | By Petri.
a dark blue downwards arrow pointing through a green disc, which has gradually fading dark brown beneath it, to empty space below.
cthonic | By M.
a gold coin at an angle in front of a line graph with an orange outline
economic | By Ani.
A dark blue square. inside the square are grey lines arranged into the outline of a circle. The lines are pointing away from the center of the circle and have a small gap between each of them
hollow | By Ani.
A dark blue square. Inside the square are grey lines arranged into the outline of a circle. The lines are pointing away from the center of the circle and have a small gap between each of them.
neutral | By CC.
a tall, plain, emoji yellow person standing with a long vertical pink line next to them that has arrows on both ends
tall | By Petri.
A series of blue circles They go from dark blue on the left to light blue on the right and have two arrows above them. The arrows originate form the darkest circle with one pointing to the lightest circle and one pointing to the middle circle
lighter | By Ani.
a blue downwards arrow next to a device with a screen and buttons.
low tech | By M.
a green hardcover book with two dot points with rectangles, representing text, above it.
nonfiction | By M.
a group of similar black circles and ovals with an arrow over them. The arrow is arched over the top of three circles and has a point on each end of it.
overall | By Ani.
circle with a crayon-style texture. it's green with a plus sign.
passive | By CC.
 two figures sitting next to each other, overlapping, from the waist up. One is leaning their head on the other’s shoulder. They both have their eyes closed contentedly.
together | By Blackholemojis.
a light grey container with a thick red substance filling it and overflowing. the red is lighter at the base of the container and darker at the top, where it flows over.
too | By M.
a red circle with an X
wrong | By Petri.
