6,175+ symbols and counting. 630,000+ pageviews and counting. 60+ Disabled artists and counting.
The works on this website are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
Image artists: Aerron; Alex W.; Ani; Astro; Blackholemojis; Budget; CC; Chan; Crows; cytochrome-sea; Dave; DoctorZero; dtcd; Dusty; Eldritch-Emojis; envi; Esrah; Evan; Fractals; Frogverbal; froggygolem; Gillipop; Gleepglorpian; goldstargloww; Harlow; InsertNameHere*; Jasper; K9Emote; Katt; Koda; Kip; Kirby; Kit; Lady; Leaf; Leo; Levi; M; Méabh; Melody; Midi; Mikey; Millie; Neon; NonspeakingKiku; Nubs; Petri; Pi; Plum; Proxy; Rae; Rayin; Rover; Ry; Samuel; Smolmoss; StellarSymbols; TalkSense (Tony Jones); TCC-mojis; Teddy; TinyTyra; Tonto (Freddy); Vixen; Wolf. Almost all of us are AAC users as well as artists, and all of us are Disabled. If you want to contribute AAC symbols or otherwise contact us, email: aacschar@gmail.com. Website founded and managed by M Scharnke.
*Not a placeholder; the preferred online handle of the anonymised contributor.