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Two red circles with black outlines, on the left circle there is the number one and on the second there is the number two.
a couple | By Neon.
 A black circle with 5 teal dots in it, and many more outside of it.
a few | By Dusty.
a black line with a grey interior encircles a collection of pink circles with various shades and sizes. Each pink circle has a thick dark pink outline.
all | By Pheonix.
A drawing of a rectangle divided into 10 segments, with the first 9 segments filled in blue, while the last one is empty. It resembles a progress bar seen on computer interfaces.
almost | By Plum.
A black circle with two indigo dots in it, and many more outside of it.
almost none | By Dusty.
A curved purple arrow with a plus sign next to it points from one blue circle to a group of 3 more.
another | By Pheonix.
 Two groups of dots next to each other. There is a large group of yellow dots The group is surrounded by a black squarish shape. Outside of the black shape is a small group of 3 blue dots.
common | By Ani.
two grey circles one lighter than the other have a purple double sided arrow between them. Below is another double sided arrow pointing at the circles it is blue and curved.
either | By Pheonix.
 two grey circles one lighter than the other have a purple double sided arrow between them. Above is another double sided arrow pointing at the circles it is blue and curved.
either | By Pheonix.
three green circles inside a grey blob. Below them is a silver-green needle like dial that points to all three green circles in the blob
every | By froggygolem.
A drawing of a big. pink-ish red, mathematical greater-than symbol. It is two angles converging at a point, with the open, wide end facing the left.
greater / more than | By Plum.
A drawing of a series of stacked pink circles. The first column has one circle, the second has two, and the third has three. A round brown arrow points from the first column to the second, and another points from the second to the third.
increasingly | By Petri.
gray rectangle with various brown lumps in.
lot | By froggygolem.
a small group of pink circles sits in the bottom right corner, a blue curved arrow moves to point to a large group of pink circles. Above the arrow is a plus sign.
more | By Pheonix.
 a small group of pink circles sits at the bottom of the image, a blue arrow points up to a group of large pink circles, a plus sign sits next to it.
more | By Pheonix.
3 groups of circles with a blue line beneath each one. The first group is the smallest and its circles are green, the next is the largest and is yellow, the last is blue. A blue line with a lighter center wraps around the largest group and a blue arrow points to it from below.
most | By Pheonix.
a centered small bluish purple lump.
one | By froggygolem.
Two groups of dots next to each other. There is a small group of blue dots. The small group is inside of a black triangle. Outside of the triangle is a much larger group of yellow dots
rare | By Ani.
orange circle with small  blobs in different shades of orange
all | By froggygolem.
A black circle with 7 green dots inside, and many more outside of it.
a little | By Dusty.
two emoji yellow hands, one pointing to a green circle and one pointing to a blue square.
both | By Gleepglorpian.
a cluster of dark blue, sky blue, and blue rounded things inside a light blue wavy round shape.
group | By Ottertime.
3 groups of circles with a blue line beneath each one. The first group is the largest and its circles are yellow, the next is the smallest and is green, the last is blue. A blue line with a lighter center wraps around the smallest group and a blue arrow points to it from below.
least | By Pheonix.
a large group of dark blue circles sits at the top right corner of the image, a pink arrow curves down to point at a small group of them, a minus sign sits next to the arrow
less | By Pheonix.
a large group of dark blue circles sits at the top of the image, a pink arrow points down at a small group of them. Next to the arrow is a pink minus sign.
less | By Pheonix.
A drawing of a small, blue, mathematical “less than” symbol. It is two angles converging into a point, with the wide, open end facing the right.
less than | By Plum.
a shallow red dish with some of a light red blob poking out and more light red blob pouring in. A brown plus sign in the upper left corner.
more | By froggygolem.
 A large black circle with many orange dots inside, and a few outside.
most | By Dusty.
 a black line with a grey interior encircles a collection of orange circles, outside of this area is an additional smaller group of these. The circles are various shades and sizes,  each with a thick dark orange outline.
most | By Pheonix.
red rectangle with pink wavy blob and orange bits spilling over
much | By froggygolem.
A black circle with nothing inside, and many magenta dots outside of it.
none | By Dusty.
a black line with a grey interior encircles empty space. Outside this area is a collection of blue circles in various shades and sizes. Each circle has a thick dark blue outline.
none | By Pheonix.
 a light red large blob with a red line through it and a few pink blobs beside it.
none | By froggygolem.
A group of 7 variously sized and colored blue circles are encircled by a black line with a grey core. Below it is a larger collection of more circles.
several | By Pheonix.
a drawing of a bunch of pink circles. some of them are separated from the others with green arrows pointing at them
some | By Petri.
A groups of two circles The larger group is made of many yellow circles The smaller group is made of light blue circles The light blue circles are located inside of a black kind of square like shape
uncommon | By Ani.
 A black circle with 3 blue dots in it, and many more outside of it.
a couple | By Dusty.
A large black circle with many red dots inside.
all | By Dusty.
two wavy parallel lines poking into vertical light orange rectangle on right side.
almost | By froggygolem.
two yellow paws pointing upwards, above them is a blue box a white plus sign and a red triangle.
also | By Vixen.
three orange circles lined up. Below is a brown needle like dial that points towards the orange circles.
any | By froggygolem.
a black line with a grey interior encircles three green circles, many more circles sit outside the encircled area. The green circles are various shades and sizes, each with a thick dark green outline.
few | By Pheonix.
 A drawing of a floating tortoise head between two berries, a big reddish-pink one, and a smaller blue one. The turtle has their beak open, about to happily eat the big red berry on the left, which visually resembles a mathematical “greater than” symbol. The large berry is emphasized with some green triangles.
greater / more than | By Plum.
a large green arrow curving downwards toward a purple square containing a question mark. The arrow has a split end.
just | By Vixen.
A drawing of a tortoise’s head between two berries, one small and blue and one big and pinkish-red. The turtle has their beak open, about to eat the bigger berry on their right, which visually resembles a mathematical “less than” symbol. The turtle looks back at the smaller berry on their left, with a smug or unamused expression. The small berry is emphasized with some green triangles.
less than | By Plum.
M shaped pink blob with covered in varied shade purple dots.
many | By froggygolem.
a big blue minus sign.
minus | By Pheonix.
 two grey circles one lighter than the other have a purple double sided arrow between them. Below is a red forbidden sign
neither | By Pheonix.
 two grey circles one lighter than the other have a purple double sided arrow between them. Above is a red forbidden sign
neither | By Pheonix.
a simple drawing of a pie, seen from above. one slice has been cut out of the pie and is a little bit away from it, outlined in light blue
part | By M.
a big pink plus sign.
plus | By Pheonix.
A large black circle with some yellow dots inside, and about the number outside.
some | By Dusty.
a yellow S with yellow blobs in and around it.
some | By froggygolem.
a black line with a grey interior encircles a collection of yellow circles, outside of this area there are even more of the circles. They are various shades and sizes,  each with a thick dark yellow outline.
some | By Pheonix.
