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holiday pages:
an hourglass
time | by M.
a purple arrow sitting below a sun points to a brown bar. The arrow grades from purple to light blue, and the sun has a slight grade from orange to yellow
afternoon | by Pheonix.
A clock with a curvy blue arrow coming from it pointing left.
ago | by Pheonix.
an orange pumpkin with a brown stem and a curly green vine coming off of it.
Autumn | by Vixen.
a winding line that starts in the top left corner, with a circle at its start, the line is thick at the start and gets smaller as it progresses. It ends in the bottom left corner with an arrow. As is progresses the colour changes, it has greens, blues, and purples.
awhile | by Fractals.
a winding line that starts in the top left corner, with a circle at the start, the line is thick at the start and gets smaller as it progresses. It ends in the bottom left corner with an arrow. It is a turquoise blue.
awhile | by Fractals.
an arrow points to the left hand darker blue circle of two which sit above a light blue semicircle and are connected by dashed line of tiny triangles.
before | by froggygolem.
a fluffy yellow person with orange eyes wearing a blue and purple party hat. it looks happy
birthday | by OtterTime.
a white calendar with a horizontal red stripe at the top of it.
calendar | by Neon.
the disability sun symbol colored with the physical disability flag. the sun symbol is a clock. around the clock travel arrows pointing in different directions; some are dotted lines. the arrows are also colored with the physical disability flag. the disabled sun symbol is a large ring with a small circle inside; the physical disability flag is a grey field with diagonal red, white, and red stripes going through it
crip time | by M.
a  white bar with seven sections. There is a teal star in each one of the sections
daily | by Ottertime.
a sun with a red arrow pointing to it.
day | by Eldritch-Emojis.
 a yellow line, above the line is a half sun with 5 rays
day | by Koda.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'DEC' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of December. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
December | by TCC.
two empty circles arranged vertically have  squiggles to the right of them. Next to them, off to the side and slightly overlapping with these squiggles is a purple exclamation point.
due | by Pheonix.
two circles are arranged vertically. The one on the bottom has a check mark in it the one above is empty. Both circles have squiggles to the right of them. Next to them, off to the side and slightly overlapping with these squiggles is a purple exclamation point.
due | by Pheonix.
a wooden hourglass with gold sand, above it is a yellow arrow pointing down left to three swirls.
early | by Vixen.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'FEB' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of February. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
February | by TCC.
a hand waving with a sun drawn behind it
good morning | by Blackholemojis.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'Jan' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of January. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
January | by TCC.
a white clock face with a red dot at the bottom, and a red arrow on the right pointing right very far away from the dot, with blue hands.
late | by Vixen.
a wooden hourglass with gold sand, above it is a red arrow pointing down right to an exclamation mark.
late | by Vixen.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'MAR' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of March. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
March | by TCC.
a white calendar with a red strip at the top. All the days on the calendar are surrounded by one big red circle.
month | by Neon.
a sun sits above a brown line, the sun has a slight purple to yellowish orange gradient
morning | by Pheonix.
a yellow hand tapping an analogue wristwatch with one finger. there is a red circle on the wristwatch where it is being tapped, and a red triangle to the upper left of the picture.
now | by M.
a cream colored hand tapping an analogue wristwatch with one finger. there is a red circle on the wristwatch where it is being tapped, and a red triangle to the upper left of the picture.
now | by M.
a blue, textured moon at the top center. Below it, there’s a bright yellow star with animated lines around it, giving the impression that it’s shining or glowing. A red, curved arrow arcs upwards from the star, pointing towards the blue moon.
once in a blue moon | by Vixen.
an image representing a sunset sits on the face of a clock. The background of the clock is gradient orange to yellow. The hands roughly read, 11:53.
P.M. | by Pheonix.
 a white clock face with a red dot at the bottom, and a red arrow on the left pointing right very close to the dot, with blue hands.
running early | by Vixen.
4 blue circular blobs with a darker wavy shape above them.
sometimes | by Pheonix.
above a brown line sits a sun depreciated by a circle surrounded by 8 rays. It is gradient orange to yellow, and above the circle where a 9th ray would go is an arrow pointing up. It is also gradient but orange to light orange.
sunrise | by Pheonix.
 a sun sits above a brown line, the sun has a slight purple to yellowish orange gradient. At the top of the sun is an arrow pointing up with a blue to white gradient.
sunrise | by Pheonix.
five clocks pointing to different times
time | by Petri.
A simple drawing of a monthly calendar for the month of Tishrei. It has the word Tishrei written in white on the top with two blue Magen Davids flanking it. Below the word are thirty golden boxes in rows.
Tishrei | by Ani.
a sun and moon with an equals sign between them, with brown leaves above, on a light red background surrounded by a green circle with a gold segment on its right.
Autumnal (Autumn) equinox | by M.
a simple schedule with four different slots, each having a clock that shows a different time
schedule | by Petri.
a sun half visible over a horizon line, an arrow pointing up to it
sunrise | by StellarSymbols.
A drawing of a brown landscape with a sun partially sticking out from the horizon. In front of the sun is a black arrow pointing upwards
sunrise | by Ani.
a white calendar with a red strip at the top. The first week on the calendar is circled in red.
week | by Neon.
a clock with an orange arrow pointing to it from the right.
will | by StellarSymbols.
pink sun with darker pink arrow pointing left in the center
yesterday | by froggygolem.
an orange arrow points to the left hand darker orange circle of two which sit above a light orange semicircle and are connected by dashed line of tiny triangles.
after | by froggygolem.
 a purple arrow makes a circle, its ends are on the right side and it is traveling clockwise. The circular space created by the arrow is a transparent clock face. The ticks are purple and the hands are black. Everything has a white outline
always | by Pheonix.
an image representing a sunrise sits on the face of a clock. The background of the clock is gradient orange to yellow. The hands roughly read 2:05.
A.M. | by Pheonix.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'APR' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of April. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
April | by TCC.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'AUG' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of August. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
August | by TCC.
a fluffy yellow person with orange eyes wearing a blue and purple party hat. it looks happy. Next to it is a vanilla cake with vanilla frosting, sprinkles that are pink purple blue and green, and a colorful candle
birthday | by OtterTime.
a young person with a red shirt is sat down with their eyes closed and a smile on their face. to the viewers left, from top to bottom, there is a clock with a section highlighted showing a 15 minute period, a pink heart, and a green charger-battery symbol.
break | by CC.
two blue circles next to each other, both patterned with waves.
concurrent | by M.
A sun sits above a brown line. The sun is yellow with a slight orange gradient.
day | by Pheonix.
a white calendar with a red strip at the top. The first day on the calendar is circled in red.
day | by Neon.
two empty circles arranged vertically have  squiggles to the right of them. Next to them, off to the side and slightly overlapping with these squiggles  is a red exclamation point.
due | by Pheonix.
two circles are arranged vertically. The one on the bottom has a check mark in it the one above is empty. Both circles have  squiggles to the right of them. Next to them, off to the side and slightly overlapping with these squiggles  is a red exclamation point.
due | by Pheonix.
a white clock face with a red dot at the bottom, and a red arrow on the left pointing right very far away from the dot, with blue hands.
early | by Vixen.
 A drawing of a long dotted green line going around in various directions, with an arrow at the end pointing to a black spot with a larger black arrow over top of it. At the top of the image is a drawing of a clock.
eventually | by Petri.
a calendar with a cone party popper overlapping it. The calendar has gibberish text written as the month. four days are highlighted in orange. The party popper is gold.
holiday (ongoing) | by Fractals.
a moon with a red arrow pointing to it.
night | by Eldritch-Emojis.
 a blue line, below it is a half moon, and 6 yellow stars in various sizes
night | by Koda.
a hand waving with a moon drawn behind it
good night | by Blackholemojis.
light brown circle with brown L positioned upper right. Outside the circle brown arrow curves from top center to right middle.
later | by froggygolem.
A dark purple arrow sits above a brown line pointing to  a crescent moon sits with 2 yellow stars next to it. The moon has an off white to light blue gradient, and the arrow grades slightly to light blue at the tip.
midnight | by Pheonix.
 an analogue clock pointing to 12 o'clock. the background of the clock looks like a night sky
midnight | by TalkSense.
a brown clock face with a red slash through it.
never | by froggygolem.
a purple arrow sitting below a sun points to a brown bar. The arrow grades from purple to light blue, and the sun has a slight grade from orange to yellow
noon | by Pheonix.
a dark brown hand tapping an analogue wristwatch with one finger. there is a red circle on the wristwatch where it is being tapped, and a red triangle to the upper left of the picture.
now | by M.
 a wooden hourglass with gold sand, above it and behind is a green circle and a check mark.
on time | by Vixen.
 a rectangle separated into 7 sections (days) scribbles representing dates and a red x on the first day with an arrow pointing to the right from it to a red x on the 5th day
postpone | by Harlow.
a purple arrow curves from a clock and arcs to the left with the edge of the clock for a few ticks.
recently | by Pheonix.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'SEP' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of September. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
September | by TCC.
 a bright yellow sun with yellow and orange triangles representing the suns rays.
summer | by Vixen.
 two green arrows forming a circle. inside the arrows is a yellow sun
Summer | by Koda.
above a brown line sits a sun depicted by a circle surrounded by 7 rays. The sun is gradient purple to orange. Below the line is an arrow pointing down, it is gradient blue to light blue.
sunset | by Pheonix.
A drawing of a brown landscape with a sun partially sticking out from the horizon. In front of the sun is a black arrow pointing downwards.
Sunset | by Ani.
orange arrow pointing down to the left on top of brown clock face.
then | by froggygolem.
A drawing of an analog clock being set back one hour. A semi-transparent  blue hour hand sits at 6 o’clock, showing the time before the change. Then, an opaque red hour hand sits at 5 o’clock, showing the current time. Motion blur and a green arrow outside of the clock show the counter-clockwise motion. The clock is circular and colored a blue-ish off-white. It lacks any numbers, just having a set of 12 small lines around the outer edge for each hour. It also lacks a minute hand.
time change - clocks back | by Plum.
A simple drawing of a monthly calendar for the month of Tishrei. It has the word Tishrei written in white on the top. Below the word are thirty golden boxes in rows.
Tishrei | by Ani.
orange sun with dark orange exclamation mark shape in the center that resembles that of a “you are here” marker on a map.
today | by froggygolem.
A blue box with a yellow sun and moon inside and an arrow outside pointing to the right.
tomorrow | by Kit.
a pink clock face with a line above that goes right then down ending midway and capped off by a u.
until | by froggygolem.
a sun and moon with an equals sign between them, with flowers above, on a light green background surrounded by a green circle with a gold segment on its right.
Vernal (Spring) equinox | by M.
an hourglass in front of a clock shape.
wait | by TalkSense.
two white bars with seven sections. For both bars, in the third section there is a teal star
weekly | by Ottertime.
 a winding line that starts in the top left corner, it is thick at the start and gets smaller as it progresses. It ends in the bottom left corner with an arrow. It is a dark dusty blue
while | by Fractals.
A blue arrow pointing to the right from an hourglass.
will | by M.
 twelve identical white calenders to represent a year of time.
year | by Neon.
A circular green arrow pointing up at its end. The arrow travels counter clockwise.
again | by Pheonix.
an orange clock face with a line above that goes left then down ending midway and capped off by a u.
already | by froggygolem.
A clock face with numbers, no hands, and a blue rim has 5 blue arrows radiating from its center pointing out.
anytime | by Pheonix.
a red arrow pointing from a moon to a sun.
day | by Eldritch-Emojis.
yellow sun with a brown arrow pointing around in a circle in the center.
day | by froggygolem.
a green circle with darker green dot in the center that had six small arrows on it pointing radially out from the center.
ever | by froggygolem.
a calendar with a cone party popper overlapping it. The calendar has gibberish text written as the month. one day is highlighted in orange. The party popper is gold.
holiday (single day) | by Fractals.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'JUL' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of July. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
July | by TCC.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'JUN' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of June. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
June | by TCC.
drawing of a white visual kitchen timer. The timer goes from 5 minutes to 55 minutes.
kitchen timer | by Levi.
 a clock with a yellow star at the end of the minute hand. From the star is a yellow arrow leading out a doorway.
leave now | by Esrah.
a clock with ten minutes of it highlighted in green. From the green section is an arrow leading out a doorway.
leave soon | by Esrah.
A simple, stylized representation of a calendar page. The main section of the calendar is a light gray square with the letters 'MAY' printed in large, bold, black font, indicating the month of May. Above this, there is a horizontal maroon header. Behind the front page, there are two additional pages slightly offset to the right and down.
May | by TCC.
a pill bottle with a white safety lid and blank label in front of a clock.
med time | by Rover.
Two circles one being red and one being blue with a black arrow between them and a grey clock above them.
next | by Neon.
Glitter arches around the point of a large blue arrow that points up.
new | by Pheonix.
yellow crescent moon with brown curved arrow on inner side and lighter yellow diamond shaped star above that.
night | by froggygolem.
a red arrow pointing from a sun to a moon.
night | by Eldritch-Emojis.
 A drawing of a brown landscape. On the right hand side of the landscape is a sun partially below the horizon and in front of the sun is a black arrow pointing downwards. On the left hand side of the landscape is a moon which is located just above the horizon. Above the moon is an arrow pointing both upwards and curved slightly towards the sun
nightfall | by Ani.
a red clock face with a you are here style marker on it.
now | by froggygolem.
a light brown hand tapping an analogue wristwatch with one finger. there is a red circle on the wristwatch where it is being tapped, and a red triangle to the upper left of the picture.
now | by M.
a blue hand tapping an analogue wristwatch with one finger. there is a red circle on the wristwatch where it is being tapped, and a red triangle to the upper left of the picture.
now | by M.
 a rectangle separated into 7 sections (days) scribbles representing dates and a black x on the first day with an arrow pointing to the right from it to a red x on the 5th day
postpone | by Harlow.
 A drawing of a large clock, with both hands pointing to the very top-middle. Above that spot is a plain emoji-yellow person.
punctual | by Petri.
a white clock face with a red dot at the bottom, and a red arrow on the right pointing right very close to the dot, with blue hands.
running late | by Vixen.
A simple drawing of a monthly calendar. It has the word Shevat written in black on the top with two blue Magen Davids flanking it. Below the word are thirty golden boxes in rows.
Shevat | by Ani.
 A simple drawing of a monthly calendar. It has the word Shevat written in black on the top and below it is thirty golden boxes in rows.
Shevat | by Ani.
a clock with a blue arrow curving from it, arcs to the right with the edge of the clock for a few ticks.
shortly | by Pheonix.
a clock with a blue arrow coming from it pointing right
soon | by Pheonix.
A yellow flower with a dark orange center and dark orange lines pointing outwards to the petals.
Spring | by Vixen.
 two green arrows forming a circle. inside the arrows is a pink flower
Spring | by Koda.
a pair of light yellow orbs with a swooshy yellow S shaped arrow connecting them pointing right.
still | by froggygolem.
a sun half visible over a horizon line, an arrow pointing down to it
sunset | by StellarSymbols.
A clock on the right and a large purple arrow on the left pointing right. The arrow and clock are outlined in white. The purple arrow slightly overlaps the clock face.
then | by Pheonix.
a blank brown clock face with hour and minute hands indicated 4 o’clock.
time | by froggygolem.
A clock in front of a piece of paper that has lines and boxes on it
timesheet | by M.
: A drawing of an analog clock being set forwards one hour. A semi-transparent  blue hour hand sits at 5 o’clock, showing the time before the change. Then, an opaque red hour hand sits at 6 o’clock, showing the current time. Motion blur and a green arrow outside of the clock show the clockwise motion. The clock is circular and colored a blue-ish off-white. It lacks any numbers, just having a set of 12 small lines around the outer edge for each hour. It also lacks a minute hand.
time change - clocks forward | by Plum.
A blue box with a yellow sun and moon inside and an arrow outside pointing down.
today | by Kit.
light green sun with a dark green arrow in the center pointing right.
tomorrow | by froggygolem.
A red arrow going left to right. At the point is a yellow starburst shape. A bracket is above the arrow going along its length.
until | by Plum.
a winding line that starts in the top left corner, it is thick at the start and gets smaller as it progresses. It ends in the bottom left corner with an arrow. As is progresses the colour changes, it has greens, blues, purples and pinks.
while | by Fractals.
A teal and blue snowflake, it has various spikes and stems coming off of it.
Winter | by Vixen.
A blue box with a yellow sun and moon inside and an arrow outside pointing to the left.
yesterday | by Kit.
