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A red advent calendar. It is a box with lighter red doors on it. Each door has a light red number from 1 to 25 on it. The numbers on the doors are randomly placed and door 1 and 2 are open.
Advent calendar | by Fractals.
green fir tree with long rectangle pieces of paper hanging from it. On the paper is a pale yellow circle and under that is writhing that is not legible.
angel tree | by Fractals.
an image with three drawings in it. In the top left corner there is an image of a calendar with DEC written on it and a red circle around one day. Below that is a red number 25. On the right side it has a christmas tree with presents underneath
Christmas | by Fractals.
an image with three drawings in it. In the top left corner there is an image of a calendar with DEC written on it and a purple half circle around one day. Below that is a red number 24. On the right side there is a crescent moon wearing a santa hat .
Christmas eve | by Fractals.
 an image with drawings in it. In the top left corner there is a red number 24. On the right side there is a crescent moon wearing a santa hat. There are gold stars scattered around.
Christmas eve | by Fractals.
a Christmas gift box with a red ribbon and bow, The box is wrapped in green paper with a festive pattern of Christmas trees, snowmen, candy canes, and stars.
Christmas gift | by Vixen.
A green tree in a triangular shape with a brown trunk. It is decorated in gold lights and red and blue baubles. It has a shining star on top.
Christmas tree | by Fractals.
a gingerbread man cookie. It has a brown body, brown cat like ears with white frosting outlining its shape. It has black round eyes, a red and blue button on its chest, and a white frosting smile.
gingerbread man (wolf) | by Vixen.
a speech bubble. In it is a cone shaped party popper going off, a christmas tree with gifts underneath and a red number 25.
merry Christmas | by Fractals.
 2 springs of mistletoe with their leaves facing down. The white berries are clustered together. Around the sprigs is a red ribbon.
mistletoe | by Fractals.
 the head of a reindeer. It has large antlers and is coloured in shades of grey and brown with a white chest, muzzle and ear fluff. It has a glowing red nose.
Rudolph | by Fractals.
A red hat. It would be a triangle shape except that it has flopped over. There is light purple fluff around the rim of the hat and a ball of fluff at the tip.
Santa hat | by Fractals.
a red Christmas stocking with a white cuff.
stocking | by Vixen.
an image with two drawings in it. In the top left corner there is a red number 25. On the right side it has a christmas tree with presents underneath
Christmas | by Fractals.
A green christmas cracker with darker and lighter green dots on it. It has red ribbons tied between the segments that are pulled apart
bonbon / Christmas cracker | by Fractals.
an image with two drawings in it. In the top left corner there is an image of a calendar with a red circle around one day. On the right side it has a christmas tree with presents underneath
Christmas | by Fractals & M.
 an image with drawings in it. In the top left corner there is a red number 24. On the right side there is a crescent moon wearing a santa hat.
Christmas eve | by Fractals.
a brown wall corner, Inside a string of colorful lights is hanging diagonally from the top corner, there is a green arrow pointing to the lights.
Christmas lights | by Vixen.
A golden star attached to a triangular base of the same colour. There are lighter yellow star shores inside the main star. The star is glowing brightly.
Christmas tree topper | by Fractals.
 a circular green wreath with a light red tag at the top to hang it from things. It has three bunches of holly on it.
Christmas wreath | by Fractals.
 a red Christmas stocking in the shape of a paw with a white cuff and a green paw print.
paw stocking | by Vixen.
 the head of a reindeer. It has large antlers and is coloured in shades of grey and brown with a white chest, muzzle and ear fluff. It has a glowing red nose and strung from its antlers are christmas lights.
Rudolph | by Fractals.
a drawing of santa’s outfit. There is a red pointy hat, a red coat and red pants. All of these have fluff around the their rims. There is also a black belt with a gold buckle and black boots.
Santa costume | by Fractals.
A red christmas stocking with white fluff around the rim and patches on it.
stocking | by Fractals.
an image with three drawings in it. In the top left corner there is the greek character chi, which resembles an x. Below that is a red number 25. On the right side it has a christmas tree with presents underneath.
Xmas | by Fractals.
a digital drawing of a festive Yule log adorned with candles in green, red then white, pinecones, cranberries, and  pine greenery and dried citrus slices adorning the log. It also includes gold coins next to the log.
Yule log | by Vixen.
A red bauble with a gold string to hang it.
bauble | by Fractals.
 a music staff that is twisting. Instead of a treble or bass clef it has a christmas tree styled like a clef. The notes on the staff are coloured in alternating red and green and they are the opening notes to jingle bells
Christmas carol | by Fractals.
 a Christmas tree. It is decorated with colorful ornaments in red, white, blue, and yellow. The tree is green and has a brown trunk. It sits on a red base.
Christmas tree | by Vixen.
A gold star with a pale blue star inside it and a gold star inside the blue one. It has a pale bluer string attached to the top.
Christmas tree ornament | by Fractals.
 A golden star attached to a triangular base of the same colour. There are lighter yellow star shores inside the main star.
Christmas tree topper | by Fractals.
speech bubble with a cartoon confetti bomb and christmas tree in it
happy Christmas | by Fractals & M.
a speech bubble. In it is a cone shaped party popper going off and a red number 25.
merry Christmas | by Fractals.
 a somewhat detailed drawing from the shoulders up of Santa Claus . Santa is a white man with a curly white beard , mustache , & a warm smile . He wears all red and white .
Santa Claus | By Tonto.
A rich red sack with white fluff around the rim. It is tied with a gold string with two pieces of fluff on the end of it.
Santa's gift bag | By Fractals.
Bright red tinsel that curls in a sort of backwards s shape. It has a dark red outline around it.
tinsel | By Fractals.
Bright red tinsel that curls in a sort of backwards s shape.
tinsel | By Fractals.
A yule log cake, it’s a warm brown color with white icing and red cranberries on it.
yule log | by Budget.
