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the periodic table, each major grouping is having an unique color
periodic table | By Ottertime.
A light blue square with a large H in the middle of it. There is also a 1 in the upper left corner
hydrogen | By Ani.
An orange rectangle with a “Be” in the middle of it In the top left corner is a 4
beryllium | By Ani.
A light blue square with a “N” in the middle of it There is also a 7 in the top left corner
nitrogen | By Ani.
A gray rectangle with “Ne” in the middle of it In the top left corner is a 10
neon | By Ani.
A light green rectangle with an “Al” in the middle of it. In the top left corner is a 13
aluminium | By Ani.
a light orange square with 'Ca' in the middle and a '20' in the top left corner.
sulphur | By Neon.
A drawing of a blue rectangle with an “S” in the middle of it. There is also a 16 in the top left corner
sulphur | By Ani.
a light yellow square with 'K' in the middle and a '19' in the top left corner.
potassium | By Neon.
a pastel purple square with 'Ti' in the middle and a '22' in the top left corner.
titanium | By Neon.
a pastel purple square with 'Mn' in the middle and a '25' in the top left corner.
manganese | By Neon.
A pastel purple square with 'ni' in the middle and '28' in the top left corner.
nickel | By Neon.
 A gray square with a large “He” in the middle of it. There is also a 2 in the upper left corner
helium | By Ani.
A blue square with a “B” in the middle. There is also a 5 in the upper left corner
boron | By Ani.
A light blue rectangle with a “O” in the middle There is also a 8 in the top left corner
oxygen | By Ani.
A bright red rectangle with “Na” in the middle of it. The top left corner has an 11 in it.
sodium | By Ani.
 A blue square with an “Si” in the middle of it. The top left corner has a 14 in it
14 silicon | By Ani.
a light green square with 'Cl' in the middle and a '17' in the top left corner.
chlorine | By Neon.
A bright light blue rectangle with a “Cl” in the middle of it. There is also a 17 in the top left corner
chlorine | By Ani.
a light orange square with 'Ca' in the middle and a '20' in the top left corner.
calcium | By Neon.
a pastel purple square with 'V' in the middle and a '23' in the top left corner.
vanadium | By Neon.
a pastel purple square with 'Fe' in the middle and a '26' in the top left corner.
iron | By Neon.
A pastel purple square with 'cu' in the middle and '29' in the top left corner.
copper | By Neon.
A light red square with “Li” in the middle of it. In the top left corner is a 3
lithium | By Ani.
A light blue square with a “C” in the middle in the top left corner is a 6
carbon | By Ani.
A very light and bright blue rectangle with a “F” in the middle of it. The top left corner also has a 9 in it.
flourine | By Ani.
An orange square with “Mg” in the middle. There is a 12 in the top left corner
magnesium | By Ani.
a light blue square with a “P” in the middle of it. The top left corner has a 15 in it.
phosphorus | By Ani.
a white square with 'Ar' in the middle and a '18' in the top left corner.
argon | By Neon.
 A grey rectangle with an “Ar” in the middle of it. There is also a 18 on the top left corner
argon | By Ani.
a pale green square with 'Sc' in the middle and a '21' in the top left corner.
scandium | By Neon.
a pastel purple square with 'Cr' in the middle and a '24' in the top left corner.
chromium | By Neon.
a pastel purple square with 'Co' in the middle and a '27' in the top left corner.
cobalt | By Neon.
A pastel purple square with 'zn' in the middle and '30' in the top left corner.
zinc | By Neon.
