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a drawing of a brown mountain with a peak and a lower portion. the peak is covered in snow, while the lower portion has some pine trees. above the mountain is a dark cloud, which is snowing on the peak and raining on the lower portion.
altitude | By Petri.
dark blue and light blue swirls over a medium blue blob with waves. Dark blue swirl has salt shaker on it. Light blue swirl has a glass of water on it.
brackish | By froggygolem.
a pink (staghorn) coral with one side of the coral fading into white
coral bleaching | By Koda.
A drawing of the ocean. At the top of the water right below the surface is a small green circle next to the circle there  is an arrow pointing down towards the deeper water at the bottom of the arrow at the very bottom of the water is a much larger green circle
deep sea gigantism | By Ani.
an image showing a small dumbo octopus at shallow water, and a large dumbo octopus in deep, darker water. An arrow points to the larger octopus. The dumbo octopus is a pale pink and has big ear-like paddles on either side of its head.
deep sea gigantism | By Esrah.
 a lineup of a single celled organism, a fish, a lizard, and and an early human wearing leather shoes and a skirt. A wiggly line below the lineup goes from various primary colors of each animal, from yellow, to blue, to green, to brown.
evolution doesn't have an end goal | By Esrah.
A fossilized dinosaur skull, facing to the right, with a bright red outline around it.
extinct | By M.
 a sunny desert with a cactus, showing an almost full thermometer.
hot weather | By Rae.
a stick figure, equals sign, and soweli drawing in different colors.
humans are animals | By Rae.
A drawing of three gems. In the front is a light blue diamond, behind it is a green emerald, and in the back is a pale pink pearl.
gem | By Petri.
a common eland with a cool green outline around it.
least concern (conservation) | By M.
a bolt of lightning and two drops of rain coming from a cloud.
lightning | By StellarSymbols.
a grey mountain with a dark blue outline.
mountain | By Rae.
a paint like style of 5 pearls, each of different sizes with similar shading
pearls | By Budget.
a chunk of quartz, a pale, whitish crystal.
quartz | By M.
 a grey rain cloud with rain
rain | By Crows.
a light aqua-blue, foaming wave splashing over onto itself.
seafoam | By Smolmoss.
four light spikes on a green tail
thagomizer | By M.
a sun shining out from behind a fluffy white cumulus cloud.
lightning | By StellarSymbols.
A big chunk of dark purple amethyst.
amethyst | By M.
 A swatch of light blue with small waves inside and dappled blue.
calm seas | By Fractals.
many white clouds of various sizes
cloudy | By Crows.
a tree in the snow next to a thermometer showing a low temperature.
cold weather | By Rae.
a golden toad, an extinct animal that's a symbol for conservation , with a red outline around it.
extinct | By M.
A simple drawing of a yellow fatu. There is a glowing black outline around the flower
extinct in the wild | By Ani.
A silhouette of a baby sea turtle hatching out of its egg. The sea turtle is about half way hatched out of the egg. The egg and sea turtle are both outlined by an orange glow
endangered | By Ani.
a lineup of a single celled organism, a fish, a lizard, and an early human wearing leather shoes and a skirt. An arrow points upwards from the cell to the human, and turns red, then orange, then yellow, then green. This arrow is crossed out by a bix red X
evolution isn't the same as eugenics | By Esrah.
 a brown feather. its darkest at the top tip and fades lighter, there’s tan strokes near the “stem” of the feather down the middle
feather | By Koda.
 a stick figure, equals sign, and fish.
humans are fish | By Rae.
a red circle and a blue circle give way to a purple circle, which has simple muscley arms and gold sparkles.
hybrid vigor | By Rae.
an opaque blue ice cube with an extra layer of ice flowing down the sides of it
ice | By Pheonix.
on a tan colored land mound there is a pointy leaf plant. An arrow points from there to a brown land mound where another pointy leaf plant is sprouting next to a smooth leafed plant. The smooth leafed plant has longer roots.
introduced species | By froggygolem.
a mushroom with a brown stem and a red and white rounded cap
mushroom | By Eldritch-Emojis.
the entrance to a forested nature park. It has a large descriptive sign and a gravel trail.
nature park | By Esrah.
a grey piece of shale.
shale | By M.
a simple drawing of a slime mold. The slime mold is a yellow blob outlined in black
slime mold | By Ani.
a painterly digital image of a sunset over a body of water. the image is not transparent.
sunset | By Gillipop.
 A cartoon style drawing of simplified white angel wings.
wings | By Neon.
7 orange hexagons with a yellow outline interconnected, there are three bees flying around it
beehive | By Crows.
 a yellow Beehive. There are two bees coming out of it, one from the top right and the other from the bottom left
beehive | By Crows.
A silhouette of a vaquita with a red glowing outline around it.
critically endangered | By Ani.
A drawing of an island in the middle of the ocean. The island has two beaches on the upper section of the island one beach to the left and one on the right There is a forest that is dark green in the middle of the island On a small section of the lower right section of the island a red blob that covers a small section of the island.
endemic | By Ani.
an arrow pointing from a single celled organism to a yellow and blue fish. In the middle of the arrow is a tilted hourglass to show the passing of time. The arrow goes from pink, the primary color of the cell, to yellow, the primary color of the fish.
evolution | By Esrah.
A coelacanth, facing to the right, with a bright green outline around it
extant | By M.
 a light blue rectangle of ice with an outline
iceberg | By Pheonix.
a mushroom with a brown stem and a brown rounded cap
mushroom | By Eldritch-Emojis.
an orange and a piece of bread, each with a smear of greenish mold.
mold | By Rae.
a grey mound with light grey and dark grey details
rock | By Koda.
a chunk of rose quartz, a pale, pinkish crystal.
rose quartz | By M.
A swatch of dark blue with large waves inside it. The waves are capped with white foam.
rough seas | By Fractals.
A raining cloud partly in front of a shining sun.
sunshower | By M.
a bird of prey's talon
talon | By M.
Artwork depicting a triangle with the wide end at the top and the thin end at the bottom. The triangle is divided into 7 stripes, colored in rainbow colors. Next to the triangle is a circle with a paw print, leaf, and microorganism inside.
taxonomy (biology) | By Plum.
a twist on the traditional evolutionary timeline in a gradient from green to brown. It starts with the usual ape-to-human progression but then abruptly changes to show fantastical creatures like a bird like winged creature at the end is a question mark, above it is a red X.
that's not how evolution works | By Vixen.
a dark grey storm cloud with rain and lightning
thunderstorm | By Crows.
A silhouette of a Greenland Shark outlined in a very bright glowing yellow
vulnerable | By Ani.
stylized drawing of a sun, wind, water droplets and a cloud
weather | By Eldritch-Emojis.