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a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and an exclamation point in the middle.
mild allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow triangle with an apple inside it.
apple allergy | By Koda.
a yellow triangle with a banana inside it
banana allergy | By Koda.
a yellow triangle with two cherries inside it
cherry allergy | By Koda.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a small pile of brown fur pictured in the center.
mild fur / pet allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a yellow flying insec pictured in the center.
mild insect sting / bite allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and half a kiwi fruit cut pictured in the center.
mild kiwi allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and three heads of wheat pictured in the center.
mild wheat / gluten allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a small pile of brown fur pictured in the center.
serious fur / pet allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and various types of yellow and green pollen pictured in the centre.
serious pollen allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red triangle with an apple inside it.
severe apple allergy | By Koda.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and an exclamation point in the middle.
serious allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow triangle with an almond inside it
almond allergy | By Koda.
a yellow explosive shape with a banana inside it
banana allergy | By Koda.
a yellow explosive shape with two cherries inside it
cherry allergy | By Koda.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and two eggs, one smaller and brown, and a fried egg, pictured in the center.
mild egg allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a blue medical glove, a banana, and two bandaids pictured in the center.
mild latex allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a blue and white pill, and a white mortar and pestle, pictured in the center.
mild medication allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a blue cleaning spray bottle and a purple perfume bottle pictured in the centre.
serious chemical / perfume allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a yellow flying insec pictured in the center.
serious insect sting / bite allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and three heads of wheat pictured in the center.
serious wheat / gluten allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and half a kiwi fruit cut pictured in the center.
serious kiwi allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red explosive shape with an apple inside it.
severe apple allergy | By Koda.
a yellow explosive shape with an almond inside it
almond allergy | By Koda.
a yellow explosive shape with an apple inside it
apple allergy | By Koda.
a yellow triangle with a cob of corn inside it
corn allergy | By Koda.
a yellow explosive shape with a cob of corn inside it
corn allergy | By Koda.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a blue cleaning spray bottle and a purple perfume bottle pictured in the centre.
mild chemical / perfume allergy | By blackholemojis.
a yellow circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a cow next to a glass of milk pictured in the center.
mild dairy / lactose allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and various types of yellow and green pollen pictured in the centre.
mild pollen allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a cow next to a glass of milk pictured in the center.
serious dairy / lactose allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and two eggs, one smaller and brown, and a fried egg, pictured in the center.
serious egg allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a blue medical glove, a banana, and two bandaids pictured in the center.
serious latex allergy | By blackholemojis.
a red circle with a large medical alert asterisk inside it, and a blue and white pill, and a white mortar and pestle, pictured in the center.
serious medication allergy | By blackholemojis.
