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 two featureless people looking at each other. the person on the left has their hand on the other person’s shoulder. there are purple ovals in their heads that are connected with a straight line.
empathy | By Petri.
image of a face wearing a sad blue mask with a rainbow arrow to a blue sad face. in the middle is a thermometer with the temperature high
high empathy | By cytochrome-sea.
image of a yellow figure comforting a sad blue figure. next to it is a thermometer with a moderate temperature
Moderate Sympathy | By cytochrome-sea
image of a face wearing a sad blue mask with a rainbow arrow to a blue sad face. in the middle is a thermometer with the temperature high. next to it is a clock with a section highlighted
high empathy episode | By cytochrome-sea.
a symbol of two yellow silhouettes. The one on the left has a purple blob on their chest to represent emotion, and the one on the right has the exact same purple blob
high empathy | By Blackholemojis.
a symbol of two yellow silhouettes. The one on the left has a purple blob on their chest to represent emotion, and the one on the right has no purple blob
no empathy | By Blackholemojis.
a symbol of two yellow silhouettes. The one on the left has a purple blob on their chest to represent emotion, and the one on the right has the same purple blob, but it’s bigger and they have little purple emphasis marks around their head
hyper empathy | By Blackholemojis.
image of a face wearing a sad blue mask with a rainbow arrow to a blue sad face. in the middle is a thermometer with the temperature mid range
moderate empathy | By cytochrome-sea.
image of a yellow figure comforting a sad blue figure. next to it is a thermometer with a low temperature
Low Sympathy | By cytochrome-sea
 image of a face wearing a sad blue mask with a rainbow arrow to a blue sad face. in the middle is a thermometer with the temrpaete mid range. next to it is a clock with a section highlighted
moderate empathy episode | By cytochrome-sea.
 two featureless people looking at each other. the person on the left has their hand on the other person’s shoulder. there are purple ovals in their heads that are connected with a straight line. there is a red X over the image
no empathy | By Petri.
image of a face wearing a sad blue mask with a rainbow arrow to a blue sad face. in the middle is a thermometer with the temperature low
low empathy | By cytochrome-sea.
 image of a yellow figure comforting a sad blue figure. next to it is a thermometer with a high temperature
High Sympathy | By cytochrome-sea
a symbol of two yellow silhouettes. The one on the left has a purple blob on their chest to represent emotion, and the one on the right has an outline of a purple blob
low empathy | By Blackholemojis.
image of a face wearing a sad blue mask with a rainbow arrow to a blue sad face. in the middle is a thermometer with the temperature very low. next to it is a clock with a section highlighted
low empathy episode | By cytochrome-sea.
a sad orange figure with emotion waves bouncing off a neutral green figure
no empathy | By Midi.
