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white circle with a greenish blue heart in the middle with a question mark on it, their is a dark green border around the white circle, between the green and white is a dotted line, and around the heart is a black solid line.
feel | By Pheonix.
two hands held near each other, connected by a rainbow blob, with a rainbow disk above them.
aesthetic attraction | By Blackholemojis.
an emoji afraid face
afraid | By StellarSymbols.
a blue dog looks afraid at a red delta, the greek symbol for change
afraid of change | By cytochrome-sea.
A drawing of a yellow, emoji-like face with a very cartoonish blank, confused expression. Their thoughts are represented by a thought bubble filled with a recreation of a computer’s fatal error screen, with the whole thing colored royal blue and a heading reading “ERROR” in the center above some white scribbles standing in for text. Three red question marks appear above the face’s forehead, partially obscuring their thought bubble.
bluescreen | By Plum.
A drawing of a blue square with three blue emoji-like faces and a single raincloud in front of it, representing the blue zone. One face is a pale, desaturated blue and looks very tired or drained. One is turquoise and crying, upset. One is a darker indigo, and looks bored, cupping their face with their hand and frowning. Some glowy decorate lines are to the left of this. Above everything is a light grey shape in the top left corner with a symbol representing the zones of regulation as a whole, which is a red, yellow, green, and blue rainbow with corresponding faces below, clarifying that the symbol is relating to the zones of regulation. To the right of this is a green heart with symbols of a recharging battery and two people hugging in front of it, showcasing ways to regulate while in the blue zone. A few more glowy lines emphasize the heart
blue zone | By Plum.
a person with light skin, glasses, brown hair in a ponytail, and a green tshirt. they sit with their eyes shut, leaning against one hand. in front of them is a blue circle with three dots in it
boredom | By M.
A yellow figure sitting nestled in a dark blue blanket. They have a happy, content expression
comfy | By Pheonix.
an emoji yellow face with three blue question marks around their face.
confused | By Rayin.
a figure, sweating slightly, looking at a blue vase tipping over on a shelf.
concern | By M.
a light blue face with tears and an open mouth.
distressed | By Gillipop.
A drawing of a yellow emoji face staring with wide, starry eyes at the orange five-pointed star they’re holding. The star glows orange and is surrounded by some sparkles.
fascinated | By Plum.
a red faced emoji person glares at the camera with tears in their eyes. A thought bubble displays a fried egg, a turkey leg, and some grapes.
hangry | By Rae.
an emoji yellow person frowning and folding their arms.
grumpy | By M.
A ms paint style drawing of a red person hugging a grey person to comfort them.
happy comfort | By Méabh.
A drawing of a yellow emoji with a flushed face, frowning angrily and crying while giving a thumbs-down. A few jagged lines radiating off of their face further show their upset feelings.
hate | By Plum.
 large red lump with dark red V on it has patch on the side with spikes angled towards smaller light red lump.
hate | By froggygolem.
two yellow hands have let go of a white dove, the dove is in flight above the hands. Around the image are blue stars and little streaks.
hope | By Pheonix.
thought bubble containing food such as ham, an apple, soup, and a generic box.
hungry | By Petri.
 a sapling coming out of barren ground with an X over the sapling.
hopeless | By Rae.
a green figure with folded arms turned slightly away from the viewer and grimacing. there are green wavy lines coming from them.
jealousy | By Tonto.
two characters. The left character is yellow coloured, with a frustrated expression, rosy cheeks, and a scribbly 'messy' thought bubble drawn on their head. The right character is blue, smiling cheerfully, and holding a glowing yellow star, with a little exclamation mark next to its head. A green squiggly arrow above connects the frustrated character to the happy one.
I'm jealous | By Vixen.
white circle with a thumbs up in the middle, their is a dark ochre border around the white circle, between that and the white is a dotted line
like | By Pheonix.
thumbs up on white circle in front of pink circle, dashed like goes between white and pink
like | By Pheonix.
A drawing of a simple yellow person sitting in a grey room with an upset expression. A dark aura seems to emanate off of them as they imagine themself with two other featureless people.
lonely | By Plum.
 a light greyscale figure with a cheeky expression, hands placed down in front of them, and three purple emphasis lines.
mischevious | By K9.
 a light yellow emoji face with a blank staring expression, a dotted outline, and irregular fading/erasing of the color.
numb | By Rae.
a mid-sized person pumping their fist. They have a proud smile on their face and their other hand resting on their hip. Around them are yellow emphasis marks.
proud | By Blackholemojis.
two hands held near each other, connected by a yellow, pink, white, grey, and black blob, and a multicolored rose with the same color petals above them.
queerplatonic attraction | By Blackholemojis.
A red square with three different red emoji faces on top, as well as an icon of a tornado. The faces are an orangish-red angry face in the top left, a pinkish-red overjoyed face in the bottom left, and a dark red panicked face in the bottom right. Various cartoony effects emphasize the emotions.
red zone | By Plum.
 two hands held near each other, connected by a red blob, and a red rose above them.
romantic attraction | By Blackholemojis.
a round blue face with a downturned mouth and tears coming from dark eyes.
sad | By M.
a face with brown skin and short black hair crying three tears.
sadness | By TalkSense.
a blocky light blue-grey figure with folded arms and a simple, unimpressed expression. they are wearing a dark grey sash
serious | By M.
A yellow face with a sad expression, inside its mouth is a thermometer and on its forehead is some sort of ice or heat pack.
sick | By Pheonix.
A thought bubble with a medical mask in it
sick | By CC.
an emoji yellow person with dark afro puffs and a suspicious or displeased expression.
suspicious | By Kip.
a surprised emoji yellow face.
surprised | By Gillipop.
image of a yellow dog looking surprised with two red exclamation marks
surprised | By cytochrome-sea.
a hunched over, emoji yellow figure with tired face and three wavy purple lines coming off their back.
tired | By Tonto.
 A thought bubble with a glass of water in it.
thirsty | By CC.
The upper portion of a nondescript yellow person, with the right hand pointing towards the throat. A red arrow traces down the length of the throat.
thirsty (ASL) | By Levi.
 A yellow figure with a neutral expression leaning on their hand, appearing to be thinking.
thoughtful | By K9.
 a cartoon-style drawing of a sad yellow cat. It has big, teary eyes, a downturned mouth, and a few blue lines above its head.
upset | By Vixen.
 a person holding one hand to their head and squeezing their eyes shut. There are blurred circular motion lines around their head to show a spinning feeling.
vertigo | By Blackholemojis.
a smiling light yellow emoji, looking at colorful shapes above them.
whimsy | By M.
 yellow heart with question mark in front on white circle in front of blue circle, dashed line goes between the white and blue
feel | By Pheonix.
One person hugging another tightly and giving them a kiss on the cheek. The other wraps their arm around the first’s shoulders, and pushes back against their face playfully with one hand.
affection | By Neon.
a round red face with a frown, orange eyes, and open dark red mouth.
angry | By M.
a blue dog holds strings to three very large balloons, one of them is red with an angry face, one of them is blue with a sad face and one of them is yellow with a happy face.
big emotions | By cytochrome-sea.
AA drawing of a blue square with three emoji-like faces and a single raincloud in front of it. Each face is a different shade of blue and has a different expression. One is a light, desaturated baby blue and appears very tired or drained. One is a darker indigo and appears bored or irritated, frowning and cupping their cheek with their hand. One is turquoise and appears sad or otherwise upset, crying with knit brows and a frown.
blue zone | By Plum.
A yellow figure sitting nestled in a light blue blanket. They have a happy, content expression
comfy | By Pheonix.
an emoji confused face with one eyebrow raised
confused | By StellarSymbols.
an emoji confused face with one eye wide, one eye squinting, and small question marks in the eyes
confused | By Millie.
A yellow, emoji-like face with red eyes (the iris is an unrealistic color; the eyes are not bloodshot.) nervously looking up at their own thought bubble, with their eyebrows lowered and knit, and their mouth a wobbly frown as they sweat a bit. Three red questions marks are above their head, partially obscuring the thought bubble, which contains a nonsensical diagram with simple polygons, arrows, and scribbles, all appearing to be drawn with a  blue-grey colored pencil. A faint blue-grey spiral is behind the face.
confused | By Plum.
A drawing of a plain yellow person holding their hands to their head and looking distressed. They are surrounded by thought bubbles, each containing a green circle.
cravings | By Petri.
A drawing of a yellow emoji face with stars in their eyes smiling widely.
elated / overjoyed | By Plum.
A drawing of a pink emoji face with stars in their eyes smiling widely.
elated / overjoyed | By Plum.
a yellow dog blushing and looking nervous
embarrassed | By cytochrome-sea.
Person wide-eyed, flustered, and facing you.
flustered | By TCC.
a round emoji yellow and blue face smiling with closed eyes and making a thumbs-up.
glad | By M.
a cartoon-style drawing of a yellow cat with big closed eyes, and a wide, toothy grin. It has pink cheeks and is making an excited expression. The cat has long, fluffy fur.
happy | By Vixen.
an emoji yellow person with dark box afro puffs smiling widly, their mouth open.
happy | By Kip.
a yellow figure with a sad face and thought bubble. in the thought bubble is a house.
homesick | By Evan.
an emoji yellow face with wide eyes and an open mouth in a downturned 'u' shape
flabbergasted | By Melody.
an emoji yellow person kneeling in grass in front of a grave. a hand covers their face, and there is a teardrop coming from it.
grief | By M.
a person frowning and folding their arms. they have dark brown hair and light brown skin and are wearing a dark red tank top.
grumpy | By M.
two yellow hands have let go of a white dove, the dove is in flight above the hands. Behind the bird and hands is a big blue diamond shaped star. Around the image are blue stars and little streaks. The entire image is outlined in thick white lines in the style of a sticker
hope | By Pheonix.
a dark blue thought bubble with a sun in it. the sun has a multi-colored trail, like a shooting star tail or a rainbow.
hope | By M.
A thought bubble with a loaf of bread and an apple in it.
hungry | By CC.
an emoji yellow face frowning, with a red 'anger' anime symbol on one side of their forehead.
irritated | By Kip.
a blue dog smiles next to a heart
like | By cytochrome-sea.
A yellow emoji with a distressed expression, covering their ears or with their (floating) hands. Their eyes are shut tight, their mouth is a wobbly frown, and their eyebrows are knit. Several spiky starburst shapes representing stimuli surround them, collectively colored as a rainbow gradient. A faint red cloud emanates off of the emoji, further showing their distress.
overstimulated | By Plum.
A yellow emoji with a distressed expression, covering their ears or with their (floating) hands. Their eyes are shut tight, their mouth is a wobbly frown, and their eyebrows are knit. Several red, spiky starburst shapes representing stimuli surround them, and a faint red cloud emanates off of the emoji, further showing their distress.
overstimulated | By Plum.
 A humanoid chocolate-point siamese cat with blue spiral eyes and an uncomfortable face as they're looking down. on the right is a red arrow pointing up to a yellow curved line and an orange dot above the line, the cat has their paws up to their face close to their ears and have 2 blue sweat drops dripping down their face. behind them is a bunch of squiggles and spirals in different colours and shapes.
overstimulated | By Vixen.
a white person with gray ears cringing with a pained expression. One of their eyes is squeezed shut and they are crying. There are gray scribbles in the backround behind them.
overstimulated / overwhelmed | By Méabh.
 A yellow person sitting on a chair, holding one leg up, and scowling with their tongue out. There is static and little dots and lines on the foot of the leg they’re holding up to represent the sensation of tingling and numbness
paresthesia / limb "fallen asleep" | By Plum.
A red square with three different red emoji faces on top, as well as an icon of a tornado. The faces are an orangish-red angry face in the top left, a pinkish-red overjoyed face in the bottom left, and a dark red panicked face in the bottom right.
red zone | By Plum.
a blue face with tears and a closed mouth.
sad | By Gillipop.
two hands held near each other, connected by a blob which is colored in a gradient of human skin tones. Above the hands is a smoke-like shape and four dots, which are colored in the same way.
sensual attraction | By Blackholemojis.
two hands held near each other, connected by an orange blob, and an orange flame above them.
sexual attraction | By Blackholemojis.
an emoji shy face
shy | By StellarSymbols.
A thought bubble with three Z's of increasing size in it.
sleepy | By CC.
Two shattered halves of a round shape. The left half is white and has smiley faces displaying various positive emotions in it. The right half is black, and has frowny faces displaying various negative emotions in it. Red marks emphasize the top of the crack separating the halves.
splitting (BPD) | By Plum.
an emoji yellow person with dark box braids and a suspicious or displeased expression.
suspicious | By Kip.
A very distressed red emoji. Their eyebrows are knit, their pupils are spirals looking down at nothing in particular, as if they’re caught up in their own frantic thoughts, they’re grimacing with their teeth grit in a wobbly frown, and are sweating and shivering..
terrified | By Plum.
an emoji yellow person with their tongue poking out and hands on their stomach, a bubble coming from their head with a glass of water in it.
thirsty | By Eldritch-Emojis.
an emoji yellow face with tired eyes, closed, and a neutral mouth. they have bags under their eyes.
tired (eyes closed) | By Gillipop.
A ms paint style drawing of a red person hugging a grey person to comfort them. the grey person is crying into the red persons shoulder.
upset comfort | By Méabh.
A square grid of colored tiles, each with an emoji-like face inside, representing the four zones of regulation. In the top left, a red square with face angrily crying or yelling, looking angry or extremely upset; in the top right, a yellow square with a face with spiral eyes and a wobbly mouth, looking confused, overwhelmed, or silly; In the bottom left, a green square, a face smiling with their eyes closed, looking calm and happy; In the bottom right, A face frowning with shut eyes, looking sad or tired. To the left of the grid is a grey question mark, and above it is a yellow emoji face thinking with a thought bubble. In the top left of the whole picture is a round white shape containing a red, yellow, green, and blue rainbow with accompanying faces for each zone at the bottom, to clarify that this symbol is about the zones of regulation.
Which zone (of emotional regulation)? | By Plum.
a figure, sweating slightly, thinking about a blue vase tipping over on a shelf.
worry | By M.
two figures pictured from the shoulders up, viewed from the side. The one on the right is cupping the one on the left’s jaw, and looking at them with wide eyes and a smile. There are blue stars, dots, and exclamation points surrounding them. The person on the left has a somewhat surprised but neutral face.
admiring | By Blackholemojis.
two clasped hands with a yellow, grey, pink, and red blob connecting them, and a fluid shape above the hands.
alterous attraction | By Blackholemojis.
A very angry emoji with a cartoonishly red/flushed face. They glare off to the right with their eyes narrowed and teeth grit.
angry / enraged | By Plum.
 A very angry yellow emoji. They glare off to the right with their eyes narrowed and teeth grit.
angry / enraged | By Plum.
an arrow, slowly turning from yellow to black, points towards a clock. below, a yellow figure kneels in grass in front of a grave, crying and covering their face.
anticipatory grief | By M.
 two hands held near each other, connected by a grey blob, with a grey circle above them.
attraction | By Blackholemojis.
a person with light skin, glasses, brown hair in a ponytail, and a green tshirt. they sit with their eyes shut, leaning against one hand. in front of them is an orange circle with three dots in it
bored | By M.
a smiling, scrunched up face. They have their eyes closed, and a big closed grin on their face.
brain fog | By CC.
A yellow figure sitting nestled in a purple blanket. They have a happy, content expression
comfy | By Pheonix.
a pink cartoony heart with arms smiling while tucked into bed. there are blue Zzzs by its head
compassion fatigue | By Asher.
A drawing of a yellow, emoji-like face with a very cartoonish blank, confused expression. Shown through a thought bubble, they try to think of something represented by a nonsensical diagram of various simple polygons with arrows and scribbles, drawn with blue-grey colored pencils. Three red question marks appear above the face’s forehead, partially obscuring their thought bubble
confused | By Plum.
A yellow, emoji-like face with orange eyes nervously looking up at their own thought bubble, with their eyebrows lowered and knit, and their mouth a wobbly frown as they sweat a bit. Three orange question marks are above their head, partially obscuring the thought bubble, which contains a nonsensical diagram with a few simple polygons, arrows, and scribbles, all appearing to be drawn with a  blue-grey colored pencil. A faint blue-grey spiral is behind the face.
confusion | By Plum.
an excited emoji face
excited | By StellarSymbols.
a smiling, scrunched up face. They have their eyes closed, and a big closed grin on their face.
happy scrunchy face | By Blackholemojis.
 a yellow figure sitting with their head in their hands under a raining thundercloud.
grief | By Eldritch-Emoji.
 Three emojis or smiley faces, each a different shade of green, and a pastel yellow-green icon of the sun, all in front of a green square. The faces are: A happy, smiling face giving a thumbs up; A focused face reading a book; A calm, content face closing their eyes and gently sighing.
green zone | By Plum.
a person frowning and folding their arms. they have dark hair and warm brown skin and are wearing a dark red tank top.
grumpy | By M.
 inside a blue thought bubble are two yellow hands that have let go of a white bird, the bird is in flight above the hands, it is a dove.
hope | By Pheonix.
two yellow hands have let go of a white dove, the dove is in flight above the hands, and its beak is exaggerated in size. Behind the bird and hands is a big blue diamond shaped star. Around the image are blue stars and little streaks. The entire image is outlined in thick white lines in the style of a sticker
hope | By Pheonix.
an emoji yellow person with dark box braids and a lopsided smile or smirk.
pleased | By Kip.
 a sapling coming out of barren ground
hope | By Rae.
an in love emoji face with eharts for eyes, holding its cheeks
in love | By StellarSymbols.
an emoji yellow figure making the ASL sign for 'hungry'
hungry (ASL) | By Tonto.
 dark red heart with squiggly light red border.
love | By froggygolem.
a wide, dark red love heart
love | By M.
a cartoon-style drawing of an yellow/orange cat with a very angry expression. It has furrowed eyebrows, sharp teeth bared, and fiery red eyes. The cat's ears are also pointed upwards, indicating its aggression.
mad | By Vixen.
 A yellow emoji  with a sly cat-like smile. The upper part of their face is in a shadow, and a sparkle is next to them.
mischievous | By Plum.
an emoji yellow face looking away nervously.
nervous | By Gillipop.
a sad orange figure with emotion waves bouncing off a neutral green figure
no empathy | By Midi.
A thought bubble with a bandaid and a bleeding cut in it
hurt | By CC.
Yellow heart on white circle with a yellow shadow
like | By Pheonix.
a red heart outlined in a darker red, and a lighter red heart on the inside. there's 4 emphasis marks at the bottom on the heart- 2 on each side.
love | By Koda.
a person holding their face dramatically and yelling, with a mushroom cloud coming out the top of their head. On either side of them are two arrows that point up and go from green, to yellow, to red to show rising intensity.
overreact / overreaction | By Esrah.
two hands held near each other, connected by a yellow blob, with a yellow rose above them.
platonic attraction | By Blackholemojis.
 a drawing of a yellow person with big blues eyes. the yellow person has a confused expression. there are blue question marks around them.
questioning / confused | By Méabh.
A light green person with round multicoloured eyes and pointy ears. Next to them is a beaker with bright colours spilling out the top. Inside the beaker is an eye, an ear and a nose. These are all a dusty blue. There is a bright red arrow pointing up and out from the beaker . All the lineart is made up of different colours for different strokes.
sensory overload | By Fractals.
A drawing of a yellow face, like an emoji, winking, smiling, sticking their tongue out, and lightly tugging on the lower eyelid of their open eye with their finger.
silly | By Plum.
an emoji yellow person smugly grinning with their fist held to their chin, and a star shining beside them. The face is more realistically proportioned, and the line art is three shades of purple.
smug | By Blackholemojis.
a grey person with teal eyes looking up in discomfort. Above them is a teal thought bubble which has a smaller version of the grey person and a pawprint.  On the right side of the pawprint is a question mark. Between the smaller person and the pawprint is a Equals sign. Also next to the person are two other question marks
species dysphoria | By Ottertime.
an emoji yellow person with their tongue poking out and hands on their stomach, a bubble coming from their head with a bottle of water in it.
thirsty | By Eldritch-Emojis.
thought bubble containing a glass of water.
thirsty | By Petri.
an emoji face with tired eyes, open, and a neutral mouth. they have bags under their eyes.
tired | By Gillipop.
A humanoid chocolate-point siamese cat with blue spiral eyes and an uncomfortable face as they're looking to the left. on the right is a red arrow pointing down to a blue curved line and a blue dot underneath that line, the cat has blue lines by their face showing worry, both their paws are up to their chest.
understimulated | By Vixen.
A sparkly blue wizard hat with blue swirly lines around it, outlined in white
wish | By Pheonix.
A drawing of an arced rainbow consisting of a red, yellow, green, and blue gradient. At the ends on the rainbow are four emoji-like faces (two on each side): A blue sad and tired face, a green, happy and calm face, a yellow nervous face, and a red angry crying face.
zones of emotional regulation | By Plum.
