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two yellow paws holding up a rainbow galaxy patterned heart.
support | by Vixen.
a red adaptive shoe. the top of the shoe is lifted up from the sole and sides, with a zipper to secure it back. there are false laces on the top.
adaptive shoe | by M.
 an open adult diaper. It is a blue diaper with a white waistband and a pattern of stars. The diaper is open and lying flat, with the blue absorbent pad visible.
adult diaper (open) | by Vixen.
A drawing of an orange prescription bottle with the ADHD butterfly symbol - A rainbow-colored, stylized depiction of a butterfly with the wings drawn with a single stroke to resemble an infinity symbol - on the label. Text on the label is replaced with scribbles.
ADHD medication | by Plum.
A person with brown skin using a blue body sock.
body sock | by Alex W.
a yellow person with the disability sun on their chest holding the hand of a taller white person with pink joints and a pink heart on their chest. The yellow person has an aac device strapped on while the Caregiver has a brown bag.
caregiver | by Ottertime.
a yellow person with the disability sun on their chest holding the hand of a taller white person with a pink heart on their chest. The yellow person has an aac device strapped on while the Caregiver has a brown bag. The yellow person also has a blue cane
caregiver | by Ottertime.
a simple yellow figure adjusting a sheet over a simple blue figure, who is in bed.
carer | by M.
 A wall-mounted changing table with a controller. It is various shades of grey.
changing table | by Katt.
A person chewing on a crystal-shaped chew necklace. Their eyes are closed.
chewelry | by Ry.
a black right facing external hardware of a cochlear implant.
cochlear implant | by Neon.
a dark skin toned right facing external hardware of a cochlear implant.
cochlear implant | by Neon.
a brown dog wearing a red collar and a red service dog vest walking towards the right. In front of it is a blue hand doing the asl sign for 'come'
come (service dog command) | by Ottertime.
a sitting dog wearing a vest that says 'emotional support animal do not pet'. the dog has a red collar and is brown and white.
emotional support animal | by Neon.
a white fidget cube with light green buttons.
fidget cube | by Neon.
A drawing of a plastic fidget tool that looks like a slug. Each segment of the body is a different rainbow color.
fidget slug | by Plum.
The icon for the Finch app, a grey bird's face with a yellow beak and red cheeks.
Finch (app) | by Dusty.
A pair of glasses with dark brown, half-circle-shaped frames.
glasses | by Millie.
A behind the ear hearing aid with an in-the-ear receiver.
hearing aid | by Blackholemojis.
An in-the-ear hearing aid.
hearing aid | by Blackholemojis.
a brown dog wearing a red collar and a red service dog vest walking to the right. It is close to its handler, a blue rabbit with a light blue gray shirt, navy pants,  navy ears and eyes.
heel (service dog command) | by Ottertime.
a red hot water bottle. It is steaming, and there’s a classic red thermometer by it to show that it’s hot.
hot water bottle | by Blackholemojis.
A white cloud, pink chubby cat lying on its back, and light purple octopus with cute faces. Little squiggly lines and shine marks are near each.
mochi squishy | by froggygolem.
Two simplified people in different shades of blue with a colon (:) between them.
one to one support | by M.
Someone waving. Their prosthetic arm starts just below the elbow.
prosthetic arm | by Blackholemojis.
A person with a running blade and prosthetic leg that goes over the knee.
running blade | by Blackholemojis.
lime green slime.
slime | by Ry.
A tablet in a blue case with a handle. on screen is a 5x7 AAC button grid with several different styles of buttons and three folders. It has red text over it reading 'Use your aac' in all caps
use your AAC | by Neon.
a brown dog wearing a red collar and a red service dog vest sitting. In the corner are blue hands doing the asl sign for 'sit'
sit (service dog command) | by Ottertime.
a brown dog wearing a red collar and a red service dog vest laying down. In the corner is a blue hand doing the asl sign for 'stay'
stay (service dog command) | by Ottertime.
A person talking into a microphone. On either side of them is a dotted blue arrow, leading from their mouth to a black box, outlined with yellow, that has dotted whte lines in it to represent text.
subtitles | by M.
 A orange box with a small red button on top, and a green arrow pointing from it to an identical orange box, now with a large red switch wired to it.
switch adapted | by Plum.
A person walking with a symbol cane held in front of them
symbol cane | by Blackholemojis.
a pastel blue gradient tangle stim toy
tangle (light blue) | by Neon.
a tan round oval shape that gets narrower at the bottom with a spout
urostomy bag | by Harlow.
a crayon styled drawing of a white cane, the design includes a black grip, a white shaft, and a red tip with a rounded ball shaped end.
white cane | by Vixen.
A drawing of a long white cane with a red band at the end and a dark gray handle at the top.
white cane | by Méabh.
a blue adult diaper. It has a blue waistband with yellow stars. The diaper has two blue tabs to keep it closed.
adult diaper | by Vixen.
an orange pill bottle in front of a yellow crescent moon.
bedtime meds | by Petri.
A semi simplistic drawing of an ear that has a hearing aid on it which is sitting behind the top edge of the ear.
BTE / Behind the ear hearing aid | by Neon.
a yellow person with the disability sun on their chest holding the hand of a shorter, chubby white person with a pink heart on their chest. The yellow person has an aac device strapped on while the Caregiver has a brown bag.
caregiver | by Ottertime.
a yellow person with the disability sun on their chest holding the hand of a shorter, chubby white person with a pink heart on their chest. The yellow person has an aac device strapped on while the Caregiver has a brown bag. The yellow person also has a blue cane
caregiver | by Ottertime.
Two nondescript yellow people dressed in green shirts (the one on the left having more of a blue tint and the one on the right having more of a yellow tint) and blue pants. The person on the left is shorter and using a blue cane and is looking at the taller and holding hands with them.
caregiver | by Rayin.
A close-up drawing of a teal silicone ring tied onto a black cord. In the top right is a smaller drawing of a very simplified yellow person wearing the ring as a necklace and chewing on it.
chewlery necklace (ring shaped) | by Plum.
 A drawing of a light blue silicone chewable tube, shaped like a lowercase letter “b”. In the top right is a smaller drawing of a yellow emoji face biting down on the round part of the tube and holding the straight end in their hand.
chew tube | by Plum.
 A drawing of a red silicone chewable tube, shaped like a lowercase letter “b”. In the top right is a smaller drawing of a yellow emoji face biting down on the round part of the tube and holding the straight end in their hand.
chew tube | by Plum.
a white right facing external hardware of a cochlear implant.
cochlear implant | by Neon.
a tan round oval shape that gets narrower at the bottom
colostomy bag | by Harlow.
A light blue blanket, a brown teddy bear, and a phone. The blanket is mostly scrunched up but one of the corners is flat. The teddy bear is sitting on some of the scrunched up blanket. Finally the phone is laying partially on the not scrunched up blanket corner
comfort objects | by Ani.
Drawing of a purple, disk shaped dry powder inhaler.
dry powder inhaler | by Plum.
A tangle toy. It's yellow, turquoise, pink and indigo.
fidget toy | by Ry.
A person smiling. They have a plain white eyepatch over their left eye.
eyepatch | by Blackholemojis.
a light green fidget spinner.
fidget spinner | by Neon.
A drawing of a white G-tube with blue and yellow accents.
feeding tube | by Petri.
 a white, vaguely square shape is followed by a green arrow. This leads to a pair of square glasses that sparkle.
glasses cleaner wipes | by Rae.
An in-the-canal hearing aid.
hearing aid | by Blackholemojis.
A behind the ear hearing aid with an in-the-canal receiver.
hearing aid | by Blackholemojis.
the international symbol for a hearing loop, with black outlines.
hearing loop | by M.
a hot water bottle with a fuzzy pastel purple cover with stars and moons on it. It is steaming, and there’s a classic red thermometer by it to show that it’s hot.
hot water bottle | by Blackholemojis.
 A winding arrow leading towards the abbreviated end of an image description. The arrow is overlaid with art of grassy hills with flowers. The image description end is written in blue
image description end | by Esrah.
 A winding arrow leading away from the abbreviated start of an image description. The arrow is overlaid with art of grassy hills with flowers. The image description start is written in blue.
image description start | by Esrah.
Gray headphones with silver accents and a small blue light on the muff to indicate they are powered on. The headphones are angled with one muff turning towards the screen and the other away.
noise cancelling headphones | by Nubs.
A drawing of a featureless yellow person’s head wearing orange noise-cancelling headphones. Red waves representing sounds surround them, and there is a “muted” symbol - A speaker and a red X - in the center of their face to show that they don’t perceive the outside sounds, as well as a green plus sign and an eighth note to show that they are listening to music.
noise cancelling headphones | by Plum.
Two emoji yellow people with a white heartbeat on a red heart between them.
one to one support | by Eldritch-Emojis.
Two emoji yellow people with a black heartbeat on a red heart between them.
one to one support | by Eldritch-Emojis.
Someone waving. Their prosthetic arm starts at about the wrist and wraps around the forearm.
prosthetic hand | by Blackholemojis.
A person with a running blade and prosthetic leg that goes up to their hip, with a strap around their other hip.
running blade | by Blackholemojis.
A light green and blue safety bed viewed from the longest side.
safety bed | by Harlow.
A drawing of a simplified and stylized golden retriever wearing a simplified red service dog vest.
service dog | by Méabh.
a pink reusable ice pack with a white lid.
reusable ice pack | by Neon.
A plush cube. It's light blue with a light turqoise top and a light turqoise pocket on the front. on the top right corner, there's a turqoise loop with a string of chew shapes hanging from it.
sensory cube | by Ry.
A person walking with a symbol cane with a red stripe at the end
symbol cane | by Blackholemojis.
a pink and purple walking harness with a pink leash and D rings for attaching things
walking harness | by NonspeakingKiku.
a pink and purple walking harness with D rings for attaching things
walking harness | by NonspeakingKiku.
a blue adaptive shoe. the top of the shoe is lifted up from the sole and sides, with a zipper to secure it back. there are false laces on the top.
adaptive shoe | by M.
a deep blue crystal-shaped chewelry necklace on a black string
Blue Chewelry | By Gillipop.
A person wearing a blue body sock with their arms up in the air.
body sock | by Ry.
a yellow person wearing a blue hijab, a long sleeve light blue shirt, and a long blue skirt, with the disability sun on their shirt holding the hand of a taller white person with a pink heart on their chest. The yellow person has an aac device strapped on while the Caregiver has a brown bag.
caregiver | by Ottertime.
a yellow person with the disability sun on their chest holding the hand of a taller white person wearing a pink hijab, a light pink long sleeved shirt, and a long pink skirt, with a pink heart on their shirt. The yellow person has an aac device strapped on while the Caregiver has a brown bag.
caregiver | by Ottertime.
a yellow person wearing a blue hijab, a long sleeve light blue shirt, and a long blue skirt, with the disability sun on their shirt holding the hand of a taller  white person wearing a pink hijab, a light pink long sleeved shirt, and a long pink skirt, with a pink heart on their shirt. The yellow person has an aac device strapped on while the Caregiver has a brown bag.
caregiver | by Ottertime.
A person in bed, with a C-PAP connected. The mask is a full face mask style (covering nose and mouth), with a long white hose connected to the box part of the machine, which is on the nightstand.
C-PAP | by M.
a purple right facing external hardware of a cochlear implant.
cochlear implant | by Neon.
 A light blue blanket, a teddy bear, and a phone. Around them are a few hearts or various sizes. The blanket is mostly scrunched up but one of the corners is flat. The teddy bear is sitting on some of the scrunched up blanket. Finally the phone is laying partially on the not scrunched up blanket corner
comfort objects | by Ani.
A drawing of a featureless yellow person’s head wearing orange ear defenders. Red waves representing sounds surround them, and there is a “muted” symbol - A speaker and a red X - in the center of their face to show that they don’t perceive the outside sounds.
ear defenders | by Plum.
A drawing of a featureless grey person’s head wearing orange ear defenders. Red waves representing sounds surround them, and there is a “muted” symbol - A speaker and a red X - in the center of their face to show that they don’t perceive the outside sounds.
ear defenders | by Plum.
a bright yellow circular face, like an emoji, wearing a pair of purple ear defenders or headphones
ear defenders / headphones | by Leaf.
large speech bubble with highlights next to a smaller speech bubble with no highlights. in between is a red arrow to indicate change
explain simpler | by Gleepglorpian.
A person smiling. They have a plain white eyepatch over their right eye.
eyepatch | by Blackholemojis.
a light blue fidget spinner.
fidget spinner | by Neon.
a drawing of a smart phone  with apps in various bright colors, and one icon of the Finch app with an arrow pointing to it.
Finch (app) | by Dusty.
A behind the ear hearing aid with an invisible in-the-canal receiver.
hearing aid | by Blackholemojis.
a green crystal shaped chewelry necklace on a black string
Green Chewelry | By Gillipop.
a drawing of a yellow triangle hazard sign with a white exclamation mark on it. in front of it are two blue pills, and a green arrow pointing downwards.
harm reduction | by Petri.
a drawing with a simple tree inside a square frame on the left side. The tree has a brown trunk and a green leafy top with a bright blue background resembling the sky. On the right side, there's a speech bubble containing scribbled blue text representing a worded description
image description | by Vixen.
an illustration of a red inhaler with a white base and a grayish white top.
inhaler | by Vixen.
 an illustration of a red inhaler with a white base and a grayish white top, it's covered in stickers; a yellow star, a pink heart and a blue spiral.
inhaler | by Vixen.
an orange pill bottle in front of a yellow sun.
morning meds | by Petri.
A drawing of a featureless grey person’s head wearing orange noise-cancelling headphones. Red waves representing sounds surround them, and there is a “muted” symbol - A speaker and a red X - in the center of their face to show that they don’t perceive the outside sounds, as well as a green plus sign and an eighth note to show that they are listening to music.
noise cancelling headphones | by Plum.
two white rectangular boxes with blue text. The top box has a stylized and distorted message that reads, 'tøđãy wå$ $0 ☆M628wg.' Below it is a red arrow pointing downward to the second box. The second box contains a clear message in blue text that reads, 'Today was so awesome.'
plain text | by Vixen.
Someone waving using their prosthetic arm, which starts at the shoulder and has a strap that goes around their torso.
prosthetic arm | by Blackholemojis.
A purple crystal shaped chewelry necklace. The necklace is on a black string.
purple chewelry | By Gillipop
 a hand holding a red stress ball
stress ball | by Crows.
a blue, pink, and yellow tangle.
tangle | by Alex W.
a white and gray cat above three batteries with varying levels.
our needs are | by Petri.
A person with a running blade and prosthetic leg that goes up to the knee.
running blade | by Blackholemojis.
a light blue shower chair with wheels and arms. it is under a running shower that has a cold and a hot tap.
shower chair | by TalkSense.
a simple blue figure sits in front of a screen, and a simple yellow figure stands beside them and points to something on the screen
support worker | by M.
a vertical rectangle that goes from red at the bottom, orange and yellow in the middle, to green at the top. inside the rectangle are a gold star, a thumbs-up, and a speech bubble with a pink heart in it.
supply (NPD) | by M.
A drawing of a blue folded blanket sitting on a simplistic scale. There is a small display infront of the scale  showing an up arrow along with the abbreviation 'lbs' for pounds, showing that the blanket is weighted
weighted blanket | by Budget.
a folded white cane.
white cane (folded) | by Neon.
 a white cane with a black handle made up of three sections, the last one being red
white cane (extended) | by Neon.
