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A drawing of a person angrily sticking their tongue out. Drawn on their head is a green circle with a large X drawn over it.
bigot | By Petri.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a red circle and a blue square with a large X drawn over them.
xenophobe | By Petri.
A person with brown skin looking sadly up at a speech bubble coming from somewhere else. the speech bubble has a picture of them, but with added red horns and frowning, in it.
demonisation | By M.
the face of an average person with no hair and mid-toned skin, and red arrows pointing from them to the face of a purple demon version of them. The demon version has pointy ears, fangs, and horns, and is grinning.
demonize | By Esrah.
A red blob on a lower pedestal and a purple blob on a higher pedestal. The red blob uses a wheelchair and is outlined in bronze. The purple blob does not use a wheelchair and is outlined in yellow with sparkles around it.
able-bodied superiority | By Esrah.
A muted-yellow figure is looking to the side with their tongue sticking out. A thought bubble is connected to their head, showing a purple ampersand that is crossed out with a red X.
anti-plural | By CC.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is an aromantic flag with a large X drawn over it
arophobe | By Petri.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is the Deaf symbol, an ear crossed out, with a large X drawn over it
audist | By Petri.
the Roma flag with a No sign over it. The No sign is black
Antiziganism/Anti-Romani | By Rae.
a thought bubble with a brown square and a red down arrow
colorism | By Rae.
A red blob on a higher pedestal and a purple blob on a lower pedestal. The red blob uses a wheelchair and is outlined in yellow with sparkles. The purple blob does not use a wheelchair and is outlined in bronze
disability idealization | By Esrah.
An angry person thinking of a gay person and saying a f followed by two asterisks in a red speech bubble.
F slur | By Esrah.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a simplified outline of a fat person, with a large X drawn over it
fatphobe | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing two interlocked Mars symbols and two interlocked Venus symbols, with a large X drawn over them.
homophobia | By Petri.
An emoji yellow figure smiling with sharp teeth and a burning a progress pride flag with a lighter
homophobic | By Tonto.
blue dog holding x-ray over chest with green scribbles in ribs. next to it is a broken pink heart with gay pride flag in it
internalized homophobia | By cytochrome-sea.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a lesbian flag, with a large X drawn over it.
lesbophobia | By Petri.
A drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a woman-loving-woman symbol with a large X drawn over it.
lesbophobe | By Petri.
 a metal trash can with the SS symbol on the front. It has cardboard boxes, green paper, and red fabric in it, and flies hovering over the trash can.
Nazi trash | By Esrah.
A spiky red and orange bubble with the SS symbol and an exclamation point, with an arrow branching out of the bubble that points to a grey block
That's a Nazi thing. | By Esrah.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a pansexual flag with a large X drawn over it
panphobe | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a rainbow with a large X drawn over it
queerphobia | By Petri.
a red, spiky capital letter 'R' in quote marks with a dash after it.
r slur | By M.
drawing of a thought bubble containing a spiral with a large X drawn over it.
sanism | By Petri.
drawing of a thought bubble containing a Chinese flag with a large X drawn over it.
sinophobia | By Petri.
 thought bubble with three purple lines to indicate stress and a dark cloud casting a shadow on the bubble.
stigma | By Gillipop.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a transgender flag with a large X drawn over it
transphobe | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a transgender flag with a large X drawn over it
transphobia | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing an intersex flag with a large X drawn over it
intersexism | By Petri & M.
a drawing of a person angrily sticking their tongue out. in their head is the intersex flag with an X over it.
intersexist | By Petri.
a drawing of a person angrily sticking their tongue out. in their head is the transmasculine flag with an X over it.
transandrophobe | By Petri.
A drawing of a large pale tan box with a light blue fragile glass symbol in it. Around the box are six emphasis lines
white fragility | by Petri.
A drawing of a small gold box above a long silver rectangle. The box contains a pale circle and the rectangle contains four circles in various shades of brown. Around the box is a pale yellow emphasis effect. Everything is outlined in white
white supremacy | by Petri.
 A drawing of a small gold box above a long silver rectangle. The box contains a pale circle and the rectangle contains four circles in various shades of brown. Around the box is a pale yellow emphasis effect.
white supremacy | by Petri.
A simple drawing of a person speaking. Inside the persons speech bubble is a person with black boxes censoring their chest and genitals with money next to them. over the person and money in the speech bubble are a large red ‘X’
whorephobe | by Ani.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a green circle with a large X drawn over it.
bigotry | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a red circle and a blue square flag with a large X drawn over them
xenophobia | By Petri.
A person with light brown skin looking sadly up at a speech bubble coming from somewhere else. the speech bubble has a picture of them, but with added red horns and frowning, in it.
demonisation | By M.
 a purple person looking at a red person. The red person looks confused. The purple person has their hands clasped and looks scared, and is thinking of an explosion.
prejudice | By Esrah.
 a blue male sign with a red No symbol around it
Anti Masculism | By Rae.
A muted-yellow figure is looking to the side with their tongue sticking out. A thought bubble is connected to their head, showing a blue treblesand that is crossed out with a red X.
anti-plural | By CC.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a Star of David with a large X drawn over them.
antisemite | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing an asexual flag with a large X drawn over it
acephobia | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing an aromantic flag with a large X drawn over it
arophobia | By Petri.
A man with blond hair, blue eyes, and glasses wearing a formal shirt and holding a piece of paper. there is a green up arrow next to him. next to that is a red down arrow, pointing towards a golden infinity sign (the autism symbol).
aspie supremacy | By M.
An angry person thinking of a lesbian and saying a d followed by three asterisks in a red speech bubble.
D slur | By Esrah.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a bisexual flag with a large X drawn over it
biphobe | By Petri.
A person looking frustrated and upset at a sticky note that’s been put on their forehead. The sticky note has a silhouette of a human and a red X over it.
dehumanized / dehumanised | By Blackholemojis.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a simplified version of a fat person with a large X drawn over it
fatphobia | By Petri.
blue dog holding x-ray over chest with green scribbles in ribs. next to it is a broken pink heart with disability pride flag in it
internalized ableism | By cytochrome-sea.
A drawing of someone angrily sticking their tongue out. Drawn on their head is the moon and star symbol of Islam with a large X over it.
islamaphobe | By Petri.
a blue lightbulb with a dark blue puzzle piece inside
light it up blue movement | By Ottertime.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing two interlocked Venus symbols with a large X drawn over them.
lesbophobia | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a Venus symbol with a large X drawn over it.
misogyny | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a pansexual flag with a large X drawn over it.
panphobia | By Petri.
a person with red skin and the nazi symbol on their tummy- a white circle with a black X that extends on each line. there’s a fist on their face with 3 yellow triangles
punch Nazis | By Koda.
 a red and orange DNA helix, separating four featureless faces of various skin tones, the lighter ones going above the helix and the darker ones going below. The DNA helix has red quotation marks on either side.
"race science" | By Esrah.
A drawing of someone angrily sticking their tongue out. Drawn on their head are three circles in shades of brown and tan with a large X drawn over them
racist | By Petri.
a digitally drawn image of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a spiral with a large X drawn over it
sanist | By Petri.
 a purple person looking at a red person. The red person wears a disability pride flag shirt and looks confused. The purple person has their hands clasped and has heart eyes, and is thinking of three X's.
sexualizing ableism | By Esrah.
A purple person looking at a red person. The red person wears a plain red shirt and looks confused. The purple person has their hands clasped and has heart eyes, and is thinking of three X's.
sexualization | By Esrah.
 a brown and white dog jumps up in response to a noise from a grey whistle.
that's a dogwhistle | By Rae.
simple yellow emoji face yelling angrily. In their speech bubble is a trans symbol with a dark red no sign over it.
transphobe | By Rae.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a transfeminine with a large X drawn over it
transmisogynist | By Petri.
a digitally drawn image of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is an intersex flag with a large X drawn over it
intersexist | By Petri & M.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing the nonbinary flag with a large X drawn over it.
binarism | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing the transmasculine flag with a large X drawn over it.
transandrophobia | By Petri.
A drawing of a large pale tan box with a light blue fragile glass symbol in it. Around the box are six emphasis lines. The outer lines are outlined in white.
white fragility | by Petri.
A drawing of a small gold box above a long silver rectangle. The box contains a pale head and the rectangle contains four heads in various shades of brown. Above the box are six dark gold emphasis lines. Everything is outlined in white.
white supremacy | by Petri.
A  drawing of a small gold box above a long silver rectangle. The box contains a pale head and the rectangle contains four heads in various shades of brown. Above the box are six dark gold emphasis lines
white supremacy | by Petri.
a person with black boxes censoring their chest and genitals with money next to them. over the person and money are a large red ‘X’
whorephobia | by Ani.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing the active wheelchair symbol with a large X drawn over it.
ableism | By Petri.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is the active wheelchair symbol with a large X drawn over it
ableist | By Petri.
A person looking up and to the left at a speech bubble with a disapproving expression. The speech bubble has a silhouette of a human on it and a red X over it.
dehumanizing / dehumanising | By Blackholemojis.
A person with light skin looking sadly up at a speech bubble coming from somewhere else. the speech bubble has a picture of them, but with added red horns and frowning, in it.
demonisation | By M.
A muted-yellow figure is looking to the side with their tongue sticking out. A thought bubble is connected to their head, showing the Emmengard's Plural Rings crossed out with a red X.
anti-plural | By CC.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing the aspec flag with a large X drawn over it
aphobia | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a Star of David with a large X drawn over it.
antisemitism | By Petri.
a digitally drawn emoji of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is an asexual flag with a large X drawn over it
acephobe | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing the Deaf symbol with a large X drawn over it
audism | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a bisexual flag with a large X drawn over it.
biphobia | By Petri.
a purple person looking at a red person and thinking of a baby. The red person is wearing a disability pride flag shirt and looks confused. The purple person has their hands clasped and thinks of a baby version of the red person, swaddled in the disability pride flag. .
disabled infantilization | By Esrah.
three eggs with surrounding membranes, along with sperm cells near each one. There are two red 'X' marks on the top and bottom diagrams, and one green checkmark.
eugenics | By Vixen.
An angry person thinking of a gay person and saying a f followed by five asterisks in a red speech bubble.
F slur | By Esrah.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head are two gay symbols with a large X drawn over it
homophobe | By Petri.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing the moon and star symbol of Islam with a large X over it.
islamaphobia | By Petri.
 A purple person looking with adoration at a red person. The purple person has sparkles around them and is smiling with their hands clasped. The red person is wearing a disability pride flag shirt and looks confused.
inspiration ableism | By Esrah.
blue dog holding x-ray over chest with green scribbles in ribs. next to it is a broken pink heart with transgender pride flag in it
internalized transphobia | By cytochrome-sea.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is the lesbian flag with a large X drawn over it
lesphobe | By Petri.
A drawing of a white and teal person with a angry expression. Their arms are crossed and eyes are closed. Around them there are 3 gray speechbubbles. Speech bubble number one has a make symbol and a red noose symbol with a black equal sign between the two. Speech bubble numbe two has a small drawing of a person waving with a male symbol on their face , there is a red X crossing out the person. Speech bubble number three has a male symbol and a red demon symbol , there is a black arrow point from the male symbol to the demon.
misandry | By Méabh.
A drawing of a white and teal person with a angry expression. Their arms are crossed and eyes are closed. Around them there are 3 gray speechbubbles. Speech bubble number one has a female symbol and red X in it with a black equal sign between the female symbol and X. Speech bubble numbe two has a small drawing of a person waving with a female symbol on their face , there is a red X crossing out the person. Speech bubble 3 has a male and female symbol. The male symbol is up higher than the female symbol and there is a arrow pointing down.
misogyny | By Méabh.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a Venus symbol with a large X drawn over it
misogynist | By Petri.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a rainbow with a large X drawn over it
queerphobe | By Petri.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head are three circles in shades of brown and tan with a large X drawn over them.
racism | By Petri.
a drawing of a person sticking their tongue out with an angry expression. drawn in their head is a Chinese flag with a large X drawn over it
sinophobe | By Petri.
 a Star of David below and next to a cross, with an arrow pointing from the former to the latter. There’s a thought bubble around the symbols to show that it’s a belief.
supersessionism | By Rae.
a shouting white woman with brown hair and a purple t shirt, which has a crossed out trans flag on it. The speech bubble beside her has the Venus/female symbol and an exclamation point
TERF | By Esrah.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing a transfeminine flag with a large X drawn over it
transmisogny | By Petri.
a drawing of a thought bubble with the intersex flag with an X over it
intersexism | By Petri.
a drawing of a person angrily sticking their tongue out. in their head is the nonbinary flag with an X over it.
binarist | By Petri.
a person with white (the color) skin, short straight blond hair, and blue eyes frowning. they are wearing a black uniform with no visible symbols, and have a thought bubble with sharp red scribbles in it
Nazi | By M.
a white circle containing a blue Star of David that's crossed out with a red X, next to a large white box containing brown scribbles. a red arrow points from the circle to the box.
that's antisemitic | By Petri.
An angry person thinking of a trans person and saying a d followed by five asterisks in a red speech bubble.
T slur | By Esrah.
A drawing of a large pale tan box with a light blue fragile glass symbol in it. Around the box are six emphasis lines. Both the inner and outer lines are outlined in white.
white fragility | by Petri.
 a white person with a thought bubble next to their head depicting a symbol for racism. The person has a dramatic expression and exclaims while holding the back of their hand to their head.
white guilt | By Esrah.
A drawing of a small gold box above a long silver rectangle. The box contains a pale head and the rectangle contains four heads in various shades of brown. Around the box is a pale yellow emphasis effect.
white supremacy | By Petri.
A drawing of a small gold box above a long silver rectangle. The box contains a pale head and the rectangle contains four heads in various shades of brown. Around the box is a pale yellow emphasis effect. Everything is outlined in white
white supremacy | By Petri.
