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a piece of light brown speckled broken square matzah wrapped in a light gray napkin. The napkin is decorated with the word afikomen in Hebrew in multicolor letters and some multicolor stars and dots.
afikomen | By froggygolem.
 a gold temple menorah above a gray house with an orange aleph on it
Ashkenazi Judaism | By froggygolem.
 a drawing of three featureless yellow busts, arranged in a somewhat triangular shape with blue lines between them. the person at the top wears tallit and a blue kippah, the person on the left wears tallit, and the person on the right wears tefillin.
beit din | By Petri.
A drawing of some bread, bagels, and wheat that has fire over it
burning chametz | By Ani.
A drawing of two pieces of challah next to each other, both partially covered wth a plain blue cloth.
challah (with cover) | By Petri.
a chuppah.
chuppah | By M.
A simple drawing of three people made of a rectangle for the body and a circle for a head. There are two larger red ones to represent adults and a small green one to represent a kid. Around them is a yellow glowing roughly circular shape
family purity | By Ani.
 a large white circle containing a blue Star of David, with a blue arrow pointing from the white circle to a much smaller pink circle
Jewish | By Petri.
 a golden Star of David
Jewish | By Koda.
A drawing of two stars with an arrow pointing from one to another. In the top left corner is a bright red star the arrow points from the red star to a blue Star of David
Jewish conversion | By Ani.
a gold temple menorah above a purple scroll
Karaite Judaism | By froggygolem.
gray stemmed kiddush cup with ridges and a few raised dot designs. Outlines are black.
kiddush cup | By froggygolem.
a drawing of three speech bubbles next to a white circle containing a dark blue Star of David. all three speech bubbles have light brown scribbles in them going from right-to-left.
halakha | By Petri.
four folded triangular light brown hamantaschen cookies of different styles with red and brown fillings.
hamantaschen | By froggygolem.
a yellow person with a light yellow speech bubble next to it. in the speech bubble, there is a golden Star of David
I am Jewish | By OtterTime.
a blue Star of David.
Judaism | By Gleepglorpian.
A drawing of two groups of people separated by a barrier. One side is a group of people with the male/boy symbol on their chest and the other side has a group of people with the female/girl symbol on their chest
mechitza | By Ani.
 a golden Menorah. It has 9 candle holders, with the tallest one in the middle having the Star of David on it
menorah | By OtterTime.
a gold temple menorah above a blue box with a small diamond shaped shine symbol on it.
Modern Orthodox Judaism | By froggygolem.
two brown hands facing palm up in front of a gray two handled vessel filled with blue water.
nedilat yadayim | By froggygolem.
 a gold temple menorah above a blue box
Orthodox Judaism | By froggygolem.
 a gold temple menorah above a round blue splash
Renewal Judaism | By froggygolem.
Two off white candles in tall dark blue candle holders
Shabbat candles | By Ani.
a dark blue prayer book that says siddur in english and Hebrew, which is in gold, on it. The book is decorated by a small image of stone tablets and a gray and gold stripe on the spine, which is on the right hand side.
siddur | By Froggygolem.
A drawing of partially unrolled scroll of white paper with wooden handles to hold it on the top and bottom of the unrolled parts of the scroll. In the middle of the scroll is a blue Magen David.
Torah | By Ani.
a thin light yellow crescent moon, gray stone tablets with hebrew letters aleph through yud, a clock with arrow all the way around, an open book, a slice of cheesecake, and a blue mug of steaming coffee.
shavuot | By froggygolem.
A drawing of two very simple people shaking hands, over their hands is a big red X. One of the people is green and one is purple, they have rectangles for bodies circles for head and ovals to represent arms.
Shomer Negiah | By Ani.
a drawing of a red square, there is a yellow arrow pointing at the square with a check mark and a kosher symbol (a bold K in a circle) indicating that the square is kosher.
That Is Kosher. | By Levi.
Am Yisrael Chai written in blue
Am Yisrael Chai (English) | By Ani.
a pot of honey with a drizzler in it. behind it is a red apple, and in front of it are two pieces of cut apple.
apples and honey | By M.
three pyramidal mounds of haroset, light warm brown with red and brown bits and pieces in, all on a white plate.
charoset | By froggygolem.
a gold temple menorah above seven stacked tan bricksx
Conservative Judaism | By froggygolem.
A very simple drawing of three brown people made of a rectangle for the body and a circle for the head. There are two larger people representing adults and a smaller one to represent a child. Around them is a glowing yellow roughly circular shape
family purity | By Ani.
 A simple drawing of two people made of rectangles for the body and a circle for the head. The one to the left is a very light green and has a cane next to them. The person on the right is dark green. Around them is a yellow glowing roughly circular shape
family purity | By Ani.
A piece of light brown speckled broken square matzah wrapped in a light gray napkin. The napkin is decorated with the word afikomen in Hebrew in multicolor letters and some multicolor stars and dots. There is a black handled magnifying glass over the top and the lens is semi transparent white so the part of the afikomen visible beneath is lighter tinted.
find the afikomen | By froggygolem.
A short silver cup with a Magen David on it. The Magen David is dark blue and outlined in gold. The cup has dark red wine in it.
Kiddush | By Ani.
A drawing of a white rectangular piece of paper. On the top of the paper is a blue Magen David. Below that is a bullet point list each bullet point has squiggles to represent words next to it.
halakha | By Ani.
a golden menorah and a Christmas tree with red ornaments side by side. there is an unequal sign between the two, showing both holidays are different
Hanukkah is not Jewish Christmas | By OtterTime.
a gold temple menorah above a blue box capped by a black rectangle.
Haredi Judaism | By froggygolem.
a drawing of a plain yellow person underneath a white box. in the box is a light blue circle on the left, an arrow pointing right in the middle, and the Star of David on the right. two brown arrows point from the box to the person.
Jewish convert | By Petri.
 a drawing of a plain yellow person with a pair of forearm crutches underneath a white box. in the box is a light blue circle on the left, an arrow pointing right in the middle, and the Star of David on the right. two brown arrows point from the box to the person.
Jewish convert | By Petri.
A simple drawing of nine figures. They all have rectangle bodies and circle heads as well as Magen Davids on their chest. The figure are of various sizes and colors.
Jewish women | By Ani.
A drawing of a white rectangular piece of paper. On the top of the paper is a blue Magen David. Below that is a bullet point list each bullet point has squiggles to represent words next to it.
Lekh lekha / Go forth | By Petri.
A drawing of a dark blue Magen David also known as a Star of David it is outlined in black
Magen David | By Ani.
a gold temple menorah above seven stacked reddish brown bricks
Masorti Judaism | By froggygolem.
big different color hebrew letters spelling mazel on top and tov on the bottom surrounded by colorful confetti of tiny shapes
mazel tov | By froggygolem.
a gold temple menorah above a gray house with a red hebrew letter mem on it
Mizrahi Judaism | By froggygolem.
A drawing of a Messianic Judaism symbol. The symbol has three parts the top is a Menorah, the middle is a Star of David, and the bottom is a fish.
Messianic Judaism | By Ani.
A speech bubble with a drawing of partially unrolled scroll of white paper inside of it. The scroll has wooden handles to hold it on the top and bottom of the unrolled parts of the scroll. In the middle of the scroll is a blue Magen David
oral Torah | By Ani.
An elderly, bearded man reading a book. he is wearing a black kippah, a tallit, and tefillin.
rabbi | By TalkSense.
 a gold temple menorah above rocks formed into a trapezoidal pile.
Reconstructionist Judaism | By froggygolem.
A Seder plate, the plate's color scheme is gold and various shades of blue. The outline of the plate is a dark shade of blue. The inside of the plate is a medium shade of blue. Throughout the middle of the plate there are five smaller circles. The small circles are outlined in a very light blue and the middle is good. There are Hebrew letters above the smaller circles.
Seder plate | By Ani.
Two Shabbat candles with a Kiddush cup between them. The candles are both off white on tall dark blue candle holders. The cup is silver on the middle of it there is a blue Magen David outlined in gold.
Shabbat | By Ani.
 a dark blue prayer book that says siddur in english and Hebrew, which is in gold, on it. The spine has a red and gold stripe and is on the right hand side.
siddur | By Froggygolem.
a tallit with gold and blue stripes.
tallit | By TalkSense.
the phrase Am Yisrael Chai written in hebrew. The text is written in blue. The hebrew is עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי
Am Yisrael Chai (Hebrew) | By Ani.
A drawing of a simple holy ark. It looks like a light brown closest with a dark brown door. Above the door is a pink Magen David and above that are two gray slates of stone
aron kodesh/holy ark | By Ani.
a drawing of a baby swaddled in a light blue blanket and wearing a light blue hat. next to them is a white circle containing a Star of David, with an arrow pointing from the circle to the baby.
born Jew | By Petri.
a drawing of a baby swaddled in a light blue blanket and wearing a light blue kippah. next to them is a white circle containing a Star of David, with an arrow pointing from the circle to the baby.
born Jew | By Petri.
A drawing of two pieces of challah next to each other.
challah | By Petri.
 A drawing of a plain yellow person wearing a pink kippah with their head tilted forward. They have one hand near their head holding a pink triangular clip by the kippah. To the side of them is a large pink triangular clip with a green arrow pointing from it to the one the person is holding.
clip kippah from front | By Petri.
a wood driedel painted blue with shin and hay visible.
dreidel | By M.
A very simple drawing of two purple people made of a rectangle for the body and a circle for the head. They are bother the same size. Around them is a yellow glowing roughly circular shape
family purity | By Ani.
a gold temple menorah above three reddish colored human shaped blobs
Humanistic Judaism | By froggygolem.
A simply drawn blue person with two stars on their chest. On the top right of their chest is a bright red star there is an arrow pointing from it to a dark purple Magen David on the bottom left of the persons chest
Jewish convert | By Ani.
 A drawing of a brain with a thought bubble coming from it. Inside of the thought bubble is a light blue Magen David. The brain and thought bubble are surrounded by sparkles
kavanah | By Ani.
shiny silver stemmed kiddush cup with ridges and small raised floral designs. Outlines are gray.
kiddush cup | By froggygolem.
a drawing of a gold coin with a menorah engraved on it.
gelt | By Ani.
A drawing of a white rectangular piece of paper surrounding the paper are three different speech bubbles. On the top of the paper is a blue Magen David. Below that is a bullet point list each bullet point has squiggles to represent words next to it.
halakha | By Ani.
A black circle that is outlined in gray. In the center of the circle is a U. Outside of the circle to the right is a black P.
Kosher for Passover | By Ani.
A drawing of a Messianic Judaism symbol next to it is an equal sign with a red line through it. on the other side of the equal sign is a Magen David.
Messianic Judaism is not Judaism | By Ani.
 a simple drawing of a group of ten people. The people are all each made of a rectangular body and a circular head and on their chest is a Magen David. The people are all various color and sizes as well.
minyan | By Ani.
a gold temple menorah above a blue box with open flaps at the top.
Open Orthodox Judaism | By froggygolem.
 a gold temple menorah above a sphere made of gray blobs
Reform Judaism | By froggygolem.
a dark blue book bound on the right hand side.
sefer | By froggygolem.
 a gold temple menorah above a gray house with a yellow Hebrew letter samech on it.
Sephardic Judaism | By froggygolem.
Two Shabbat Candles above them to the left is a clock There is an arrow that circled around the clock. The candles are off white on tall dark blue candle holders
Shabbat | By Ani.
a pale brown shofar with a slight 's'-shaped curve
shofar | By M.
A synagogue building.
synagogue | By TalkSense.
A drawing of partially unrolled scroll of white paper with a light brown feather quill next to it. The quills tip is inside of an inkwell. The scroll has wooden handles to hold it on the top and bottom of the unrolled parts of the scroll. In the middle of the scroll is a blue Magen David.
written Torah | By Ani.
a drawing of a red square, there is a yellow arrow pointing at the square with a check mark and a kosher symbol (a U in a circle) indicating that the square is kosher.
That is kosher. | By Levi.
a gold temple menorah above a blue box containing a tan building with brown arched door.
Yeshivish Judaism | By froggygolem.