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a golden five-pointed star on a purple backdrop.
Advent | By M.
a white alb, a long liturgical garment like a dress.
alb | By M.
a black cassock with a clerical collar.
cassock | By M.
a golden Christian cross.
cross | By Gleepglorpian.
a silver chalice with a large communion wafer dipped in it, stained partly red from the wine in the chalice.
eucharist | By M.
a person with light skin and a dark tonsure wearing a dark brown robe tied with white rope at the waist, sandals, and a tau pendant.
Franciscan monk | By M.
white smoke billowing from a thin chimneystack topped with a bowl shape. at the bottom of the chimneystack are three red zuchetta (cardinal hats).
fumata blanca | By M.
a thin red cross on a black backdrop.
Good Friday | By M.
 a grey dotted line in the shape of an oval. to the right of it is a blue oval with dark blue zigzag lines in the middle, there’s yellow spikes around the oval. under the oval is a green arrow pointing down.
is baptised | By Koda.
a tan / brown man with long brown hair and a long brown beard.
Jesus | By Koda.
The Luther Rose, an emblem of a 5 pointed white rose with green leaves and a red heart with a black cross in the centre. The rose is in a blue disc with a gold surround.
Lutheran | By M.
a loaf of bread broken in half, one half either side of a silver chalice a drop of red wine is spilling from, on a scarlet backdrop.
Maundy Thursday | By M.
a drawing of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Our Lady of Guadalupe | By M.
a parament and a bookmark, in the range of liturgical colours.
parament | By M.
a depiction of Saint Patrick as Bishop of Ireland, in green vestments and with a halo behind him. one hand holds a Bible, and the other makes a blessing gesture.
Saint Patrick | By TalkSense.
a gold triquetra interlinked with a circle.
trinity | By TalkSense.
a person with the flag of arab league as their skin, with the symbol in their tummy. ontop of that is a grey cross to represent christianity
Arab Christian | By Koda.
a yellow up arrow on a white backdrop.
Ascension | By M.
a manger with hay in it on a white backdrop.
Christmas | By M.
a crown of thorns with four drops of blood coming from it.
crown of thorns | By Wolf.
an egg with an empty tomb inside it on a white backdrop.
Easter | By M.
 a dark blue Bible with a big gap in it, as though it’s been ripped in half.
ex-Christian | By Rae.
a person with brown skin and a dark tonsure wearing a dark brown robe tied with white rope at the waist, sandals, and a tau pendant.
Franciscan monk | By M.
black smoke billowing from a thin chimneystack topped with a bowl shape. at the bottom of the chimneystack are three red zuchetta (cardinal hats).
fumata negra | By M.
a golden circle with the clear space of a smaller circle inside.
halo | By M.
an emoji yellow person with closed eyes holding a golden Christian cross.
holding a cross | By Gleepglorpian.
a tan / brown man with long brown hair and a long brown beard, next to him on his right is 3 circles, one is white, one is a light peachy tone, and one is a light olive tone, below the circles is a blue arrow coming from jesus pointing to the circles, and below the arrow is a big red X
Jesus isn't white | By Koda.
The Luther Rose, an emblem of a 5 pointed white rose with green leaves and a red heart with a black cross in the centre. The rose is in a blue disc with a gold surround. the emblem has a gradient
Luther Rose | By M.
a plain green backdrop.
ordinary time | By M.
a drawing of Our Lady of Guadalupe, with red roses on either side of her.
Our Lady of Guadalupe | By M.
An image of a large stone resting beside a dark opening in a rockface. In the upper left corner, there are three crosses
resurrection | By Wolf.
a plain green stole with gold fringes and a gold cross at the top.
stole | By M.
a lamb with a halo lying down, holding a white flag with a red cross on it with its front legs.
Agnus Dei | By M.
The Catholic emblem of the 'keys of Saint Peter,' a gold and silver key crossed over each other, bound by red thread, with the papal crown placed above them.
Catholic | By M.
a white cinture, a woven rope with a tassel on either end. It is tied loosely for storage.
cincture | By M.
a golden four-pointed star on a white backdrop.
Epiphany | By M.
a silver chalice with a large communion wafer dipped in it, stained partly red from the wine in the chalice. there are golden lines emmanating from it.
eucharist | By M.
a person with dark brown skin and a dark tonsure wearing a dark brown robe tied with white rope at the waist, sandals, and a tau pendant.
Franciscan monk | By M.
A wooden gavel positioned over a red Bible with a cross on the front.
fundamentalist Christianity | By Esrah.
 large brown outline of a triangle. At the topmost point is a golden crown. At the lower left point is a crown of thorns with four drops of blood. At the lower right point is an abstract shape vaguely resembling a swirl of steam.
God / Trinity | By Wolf.
a man with light brown skin, dark eyes, and black, curly hair and beard smiling. He is holding a shepherd's staff. There is a sliver of yellow halo visible behind him, and a small red heart on his brown tunic.
Jesus | By M.
a palm leaf and a grey cross on a purple backdrop.
Lent | By M.
a drawing of Our Lady of Guadalupe, with pink roses on either side of her.
Our Lady of Guadalupe | By M.
a white bird above a big and a small flame on a red backdrop.
Pentecost | By M.
a stained glass window. it has a star over a hill, and a dove radiating light above that.
stained glass window | By M.
three overlapping circles on a white backdrop.
Trinity | By M.
a grey dotted line in the shape of an oval. to the right of it is a blue oval with dark blue zigzag lines in the middle, there’s yellow spikes around the oval. under the oval is a yellow arrow pointing left.
was baptised | By Koda.