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two piles of gold coins
money / coins | By StellarSymbols.
A drawing of three dollar signs in a row There is a red X above them and one below them
bad price | By Ani.
a blue credit card with a yellow chip, the text '♥' at the top, scattered blue hearts in the background, and 'Credit' with the Mastercard logo in the bottom right.
credit card | By Vixen.
a green debit card with a contactless chip on the left, the text '♥°' on the top right, and the Mastercard logo with the word 'debit' on the bottom right. A criss-cross pattern runs vertically on the left side.
debit card | By Vixen.
a green rectangle with a dark green outline, a dark green circle in the middle with a silhouette of a person and two money signs $ on the top left corner and bottom right corner.
dollar | By Koda.
two green dollars and three gray coins with the dollar sign are pointed at by a blue arrow and a purple question mark
how much | By CC.
A drawing of a black dollar sign
low price | By Ani.
 a grey / silver circle with a darker outline and a 5 and ¢ sign in the center
nickel | By Koda.
a grey / silver circle with a darker outline with a silhouette of a person looking to the left, the chest connects down to the edge of the coin and the person has long hair
nickel | By Koda.
A green cheque with a dollar sign in the top left corner. It is filled out in blue scribbles.
pay cheque | By Rylan.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a dollar symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of dollar symbols
upsell (dollar) | By Petri.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a manat symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of manat symbols
upsell (manat) | By Petri.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a rupee symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of rupee symbols
upsell (rupee) | By Petri.
a grey / silver circle with a darker outline and a 10 and a ¢ in the center
dime | By Koda.
a grey / silver circle with a darker outline and a silhouette of a person looking to the left. the silhouette is cut off at the neck
dime | By Koda.
A drawing of three dollar signs in a row There is a green check mark above them and one below them
good price | By Ani.
a green arrow from a clock to a sheet of paper with scribbled lines on it, including a 'table' and 'signature,' and another green arrow coming from it to two coins and banknotes
invoice | By M.
A drawing of two black dollar signs in a row
medium price | By Ani.
a green dollar bill is on the left. on the right is a red arrow pointing up.
overspending | By Warden.
a copper colored circle with a darker outline and a 1 and ¢ cent sign in the middle
penny | By Koda.
green paper money bill with 2 gold coins overlapping with the left corner. A purple arrow wraps around it in a circular shape
refund | By Pheonix.
a green taka symbol
taka | By M.
a dark grey taka symbol
taka | By M.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a euro symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of euo symbols
upsell (euro) | By Petri.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a Filipino peso symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of Filipino peso symbols
upsell (Filipino peso) | By Petri.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a taka symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of taka symbols
upsell (taka) | By Petri.
 a basketball with a pricetag attached to it.
worth | By TalkSense.
three dark green dollar signs above a house, a diamond ring, and a pearl necklace.
big / expensive purchase | By Rae.
A light green rectangle with several lines inside it, with blue scribbles over top of them indicating writing (and a signature in the bottom right). In the upper left is a black dollar sign. Underneath is a large black arrow that dips down to the bottom of the image before sharply rising back up and continuing to the right (indicating a bounce).
bounced check | By Wolf.
A drawing of three black dollar signs in a row
high price | By Ani.
A money bag
moneybag | By InsertNameHere.
An American dollar bill and a plastic pink banknote dripping with water and hanging from a washing line.
money laundering | By M.
a grey square with a red brick wall over it. Every brick has a green dollar sign on it
paywall | By Rae.
 a copper colored circle with a darker outline and a silhouette of a person looking to the right with the chest connecting to the edge of the circle
penny | By Koda.
green paper money bill with 2 gold coins overlapping with the left corner. Below is a purple arrow
spend | By Pheonix.
A drawing of three dollar signs in a row. There is an arrow above them and an arrow below them to represent a cycle
subscription | By Ani.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a florin symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of florin symbols
upsell (florin) | By Petri.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a pound symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of pound symbols
upsell (pound) | By Petri.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a dollar symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of won symbols
upsell (won) | By Petri.
 a drawing of a speech bubble with sparkles on it. there is a yen symbol on the left next to a pink arrow pointing right to a group of yen symbols
upsell (yen) | By Petri.
