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 A group of 5 books stacked horizontally with just the spines visible. The books are of various sizes and colors. On the bottom is a thin red book with the words A Court Of Thorns And Roses written on the spine. The second one up from the bottom is a thick dark teal book with the words A Court Of Mist And Fury written on the spine. The third one up from the bottom is a medium thickness pink book with the words written A Court Of Wings And Ruin on the spine. The fourth one up from the bottom is a very thin sky blue book with the words A Court Of Frost And Starlight on the spine. The final book on the top is a very very thick orange book with the words A Court Of Silver Flames on the spine.
a Court of Thorns and Roses series | By Ani.
The logo of the fanfiction site archive of our own with a white border surrounding it.
Archive of Our Own | By Neon.
A closed book with a brown cover that has two small lines of squiggly text.
book | By StellarSymbols.
A high-cover drawing of a closed, dark green, hardcover book.
book (high-contrast) | By M.
A closed, green, hardcover book.
book | By M.
a blue book with a green checkmark symbol floating above it. The checkmark is enclosed in a gray circle, and a yellow arrow points from the checkmark towards the book.
canon | By Vixen.
 a stylized drawing of the detective character Columbo, smiling softly and leaning on one bent arm. He's an older white man who has dark hair, strabismus, and wears a trench coat.
Columbo | By Esrah.
a TV, on which is a yellow spiky bubble that contains a pig wearing a police hat next to a checkmark.
copaganda | By Petri.
a high-contrast drawing of a purple hardcover book with a mauve cloud behind it.
fiction (high-contrast) | By M.
a thought bubble with a check mark coming from an emoji-yellow person with glasses reading a pink book with a blue eastern dragon on the front. they have a hand on their cheek as if they're thinking
headcanon | By Gillipop.
a thought bubble with a check mark coming from an emoji-yellow person with glasses reading a pink book with a blue eastern dragon on the front. they're chewing on their hand
headcanon | By Gillipop.
a very pale yellow piece of paper with two long red lines of wiggly 'writing,' two short blue lines of wiggly 'writing,' and then one red line of wiggly 'writing'.
limerick | By M.
a list with a green checkmark, and a red 'play' button below it. there is a lion to the right of them. there is a light green background, in a dark grey frame.
wildlife documentary | By M.
a list with a green checkmark, and a red 'play' button below it. there is a lion to the right of them. they are in a black frame.
wildlife documentary (high-contrast) | By M.
A white rectangle has blue scribbles inside it. Under the image are two more rectangles, these are short, the first is grey and long with 3 dots in it. The second is orange with a grey triangle in it
ad | By Pheonix.
The logo of the fanfiction site archive of our own.
Archive of Our Own | By Neon.
A stack of three hardcover books, going from bigger at the bottom to smaller at the top.
books | By M.
a speech bubble with a check mark coming from the front of an open pink book with a blue eastern dragon on the front
canon | By Gillipop.
a list with a green checkmark, and a red 'play' button below it. there is a light blue background, in a dark grey frame.
documentary | By M.
a list with a green checkmark, and a red 'play' button below it. is is in a black frame.
documentary (high-contrast) | By M.
a grey rectangle with a pause and play button in the centre behind it are darker grey rectangles repeating backwards.
episode | By Fractals.
A drawing of a blue eastern dragon flying in front of a pink sky inside a thought bubble, with some pink sparkles around it. Below this are several examples of media adaptations of this idea, including a movie or TV show, a novel, a video game, a comic book, and a keychain of the dragon’s face. Rainbowy clouds behind everything appear to fall from the base idea of the dragon and expand across the adaptations. Everything is loosely colored. /
franchise | By Plum.
a blue book with a green checkmark symbol floating above it. The checkmark is enclosed in a gray circle and is inside a white thought bubble, and a yellow arrow points from the checkmark towards the book.
headcanon | By Vixen.
simple drawing of face and hair of official CV01 vocaoid mascot hatsune miku, a teenager with long turquoise hair and headphones with a microphone.
Hatsune Miku | By M.
a high-constrast symbol of a piece of paper with two long red lines of wiggly 'writing,' two short blue lines of wiggly 'writing,' and then one red line of wiggly 'writing'.
limerick (high-constrast) | By M.
a popcorn bucket in front of a black rectangle with a red 'play' arrow. a progress bar shows that the movie is about half or two-thirds watched.
movie | By M.
a TV, on which is a yellow spiky bubble that contains a red rectangle next to a checkmark.
propaganda | By M.
a grayed out symbol of an emoji-yellow person writing in an open pink book. there are four copies of the book next to them. a speech bubble with a check mark is coming from them. the whole symbol has a big red x over it
word of god canon doesn't count as representation | By Gillipop.
a drawing of a brown book with a featureless light blue person on the cover
biography | By Petri.
A group of five books stacked upright with just the spines visible. From left to right there is a thin red on with a 1 on the bottom of the spine, a thick dark teal one with a 2 on the bottom of the spine, a medium thick pink book with a 3 on it, a very thick sky blue book with a 4 on it, and finally a very thick orange book with a 5 on it
book series | By Ani.
a radio with a speech bubble coming out of it. The speech bubble has music notes, a broken heart, and a crying emoji face.
breakup song | By Rae.
A comic book with colored panels, showing a hunting jellyfish with electric tentacles.
comic book | By Esrah.
 a white dove with an 'x' for an eye sticking partly out of a brown paper bag.
dead dove do not eat | By M.
on the left is a yellow cat like creature with their ears down, they look upset have one paw up and have a speech bubble on the right, in the speech bubble is a blue figure and an orange figure, there is a pink heart above them that X'd out in red, above the whole speech bubble is a red circle with a line thru it.
don't talk about shipcourse with me | By Vixen.
three emoji-yellow people gathered around an open pink book with a blue eastern dragon. one of them is holding a teal aac. a speech bubble with a check mark is coming from all three people
fanon | By Gillipop.
A drawing of a blue eastern dragon flying in front of a pink sky inside a thought bubble, with some pink sparkles around it. Below this are several examples of media adaptations of this idea, including a movie or TV show, a novel, a video game, a comic book, and a keychain of the dragon’s face. Everything is loosely colored. /
franchise | By Plum.
 a yellow guy looks at a movie screen with a blue circle on it. The yellow guy has a thoughtful pose and a thought bubble. It shows the blue circle, an equals sign, and a red infinity sign, followed by a question mark.
headcanon | By Rae.
a high contrast symbol of a TV, on which is a yellow spiky bubble that contains a red rectangle next to a checkmark.
propaganda (high-contrast) | By M.
 a cartoonish two-maste sailing ship tossed about on a storm sea, lightning clouds above it.
shipcourse | By M.
a dark skinned person on the right squeezing their eyes shut, there’s 3 red exclamation marks above their head. to their left is a big speech bubble coming from the left. within the bubble is two people with a plus sign between them. there’s a green check and a red X under them
shipcourse triggers me | By Koda.
an emoji-yellow person writing in an open pink book. there are four copies of the book next to them. a speech bubble with a check mark is coming from them
word of god canon | By Gillipop.
a light blue book with a cartoony dead face, a drop of blood, and some black scribbles for the title and author name.
whump | By Rae.
