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specific laws
a gavel resting on its sound block.
law | by M.
white quotation marks with desaturated orange circles behind them around a thick, uneven red line with a black outline. around it all, behind the quotation marks, is a dark blue outline
allegation | by M.
a briefcase and a pair of scales above a red bar.
bar certified | by M.
Orange paper with a curled over top and curled up bottom that reads 'Census' in black at top
census | by Nubs.
a small kid with brown hair in pigtails with a light blue airplane shirt standing next to a taller, faceless adult in a red flannel and olive pants who has their hand on the kid's shoulder. a golden, closed lock is in the backgroundf=
closed / single child custody | by Asher.
a large book with a dark blue cover; beside it is a clock with a green anticlockwise arrow that has a gavel with it, representing precedent. from both the book and the clock and gavel is a red arrow pointing down to a larger gavel.
common law | by M.
A fasces, an ancient Italian symbol of power, surrounded with a thick, coarse black outline
fascism | by M.
A very simple drawing of a person wearing a crown. They are red-brown and have a gold K on their chest.
king | by Ani.
a red rectangle with a smaller blue rectangle to its right
labor party (Australia) | by M.
Three yellow speech bubbles in a larger off-white cloud bubble. The first bubble has a blue square and an orange exclamation mark. The second bubble has a red circle and two orange exclamation marks. The third bubble has a green triangle and a purple question mark.
political discourse | by CC.
a figure standing at a wooden lectern with a silver seal on it. from a silver chevron resting on top of the lectern, like an open book, a grey circle surrounds the figure's head. behind them at head height is a green line, with green arrows pointing up to it.
prime minister | by M.
A drawing of Wales with a very simple orange person next to it. They have a crown on their head and a gold P on their chest. Wales is colored in bright red.
prince of wales | by Ani.
a person with maroon skin, the fasces symbol is on their tummy, and there’s a a fist near their face with 3 yellow triangles
punch fascists | by Koda.
a yellow figure with one arm in a dark blue sling, a spiky red impact bubble emerging from the arm in the sling. below them is a gavel.
tort | by M.
A drawing of a very simple red-brow person They have a crown on their head and a gold T on their chest
Tsar | by Ani.
white quotation marks with green circles behind them around a thick, uneven red line with a black outline
allege | by M.
many sheets of lined paper below a red bar. above the bar is a shining briefcase.
bar exam | by M.
a small kid with brown hair in pigtails with a light blue airplane shirt standing next to a taller, faceless adult in a red flannel and olive pants who has their hand on the kid's shoulder
child custody | by Asher.
a yellow silhouette of a hammer and sickle crossed ontop of each other and outlined in darker yellow
communism | by Koda.
a red person with darker red outline & facial features with a yellow hammer & sickle outlined in darker yellow on their tummy
communist | by Koda.
3 red balloons with the communism symbol on each of them in yellow, there’s yellow, blue, and green confetti around the balloons
communist party | by Koda.
a grey figure with a magnifying glass over them. to the right are three gold coins
cui bono (who benefits?) | by M.
a figure standing at a wooden lectern with a silver seal on it. from a silver chevron resting on top of the lectern, like an open book, a grey circle surrounds the figure's head.
government minister | by M.
A drawing of England with a simply drawn person next to it. The person is red-brown with a gold crown on their head. They also have a gold K on their chest. England is colored bright blue
King of England | by Ani.
a blue squiggle with a yellow and blue swish and star behind it.
liberal national party (Australia) | by M.
a figure standing at a wooden lectern with a pink seal with a purple venus symbol on it. from a silver chevron resting on top of the lectern, like an open book, a magenta circle surrounds the figure's head.
Minister for Women | by M.
the NDIS logo, drawn with black outlines.
NDIS | by M.
A drawing of a very simple orange person They have a crown on their head and a gold P on their chest
prince | by Ani.
A drawing of England with a simply drawn person next to it. The person is purple with a gold crown their head and a gold Q on their chest. England is colored bright blue.
Queen of England | by Ani.
A drawing of a very simple purple person They have a crown on their head and a gold T on their chest
Tsarina | by Ani.
white quotation marks with desaturated orange circles behind them around a thick, uneven red line with a black outline.
allegedly | by M.
a red anarchy symbol.
anarchy | by Melody.
Orange paper with a curled over top and curled up bottom that reads 'Census' in black at top. Brown squiggles are below,on the body of the paper, to represent writing.
census | by Nubs.
a large book with a dark blue cover, and a blue arrow from it to a gavel.
civil law | by M.
a brown rectangle that’s bound / wrapped in red zigzags with a smaller tan rectangle at the bottom and a grey blade at the top coming off the right
fascism | by Koda.
a dark red / maroon person with a darker outline & facial features, on their tummy is the fascism symbol - a brown rectangle that’s bound / wrapped in red zigzags with a smaller tan rectangle at the bottom and a grey blade at the top coming off the right
fascist | by Koda.
a green triangle with a white outline
greens party (Australia) | by M.
Three people all wearing crowns. Two of the people are placed above the third. There are two arrows pointing from the top two people towards the one on the bottom. All the people are colored various shades of purple
heir to the throne | by Ani.
a pair of bronze scales on top of a book, with a speech bubble above them.
legal advice | by M.
 drawing of two very simple people wearing crowns on their heads. One person is red-brown and one is purple
monarchs | by Ani.
a pair of bronze scales on top of a book, with a speech bubble above them. the speech bubble is crossed out in red
not legal advice | by M.
a small kid with brown hair in pigtails with a light blue airplane shirt standing next to a taller, faceless adult in a red flannel and olive pants who has their hand on the kid's shoulder. a golden, open lock is in the backgroundf=
open / shared child custody | by Asher.
A drawing of a very simple purple person They have a crown on their head and a gold P on their chest
princess | by Ani.
A very simple drawing of a person wearing a crown. They are purple and have a gold Q on their chest.
queen | by Ani.
