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A blue figure covering their head as mathematical symbols fall down around them, including from a wobbly light grey '1' '2' and '3'.
acalculia | By M.
A person with achrondoplasia standing facing the viewer. They have brown skin and black hair and are wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt and dark blue trousers.
achondroplasia | By M.
 A person with achrondoplasia standing facing the viewer. They have brown skin and are wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt and light purple trousers.
achondroplasia | By M.
A person placing a green circle, which represents something they are addicted to, into their mouth. Their other hand is on their chest. There are three thought bubbles from their head, all with a green circle in them.
addict | By M.
the ADHD butterfly-infinity symbol in a vibrant rainbow from a pinkish red to a magentaish purple
a grey heart with sad clouds in it leaking rainbows
anhedonia | By cytochrome-sea.
 A drawing of a yellow person infront of a dark maroon table. The yellow person looks distressed and scared. on the table there is a plate with a cloud, heart and triangle on it. there is a thought bubble by the yellow persons head that has a red X sign over a cloud, heart and triangle symbol.
ARFID | By Méabh.
a  blue dog looking disturbed. a thought bubble appears above it with yellow figures looking happy inside it.
asociality | By cytochrome-sea.
a person with a flat, neutral expression but with happy “rays” around them, and a gold infinity sign in front of them.
autism | By Blackholemojis.
a person hearing red sound waves, and thinking of distorted sound waves in confusion. They have medium toned skin and with short dark hair.
audio processing disorder (APD) | By Esrah.
 a blue dog with wings that have a red x over them. the dog looks tired.
avolition | By cytochrome-sea.
a brown bear with a light brown belly, light brown right ear, and blue eyes looking to the ground in discomfort. Above them is a blue thought bubble which has a smaller version of the bear and the disability sun with the colors of the disability flag. On the right of the disability sun is a question mark. Between the smaller bear icon and the disability sun is an orange arrow pointing towards the disability sun. Also next to the bear are two question marks.
Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) | By Ottertime.
a smiling person wearing sunglasses drawn from the shoulders up, with a white bubble beside them and an arrow pointing towards them. In the white bubble is an eye with a line over it.
blind | By Blackholemojis.
a drawing of a brown arrow pointing upwards next to a capital D and some scribbles.
big D Deaf | By Petri.
a brain surrounded by fog
brain fog | By Blackholemojis.
a slumped figure with dark circles under their eyes. Their head is partially covered by heavy grey clouds, and there are wiggly grey lines in front of and behind them.
chronic fatigue | By Blackholemojis.
a person with a distressed expression hugging themselves. There’s a large cloud over their head, and many small teal lightning doodles are around them.
C-PTSD | By Blackholemojis.
an infant with emoji yellow skin and pink lungs outlined in red. a white circle with a red exclamation mark in it connects to the lungs.
congenital lung malformtion | By M.
an infant with beige skin and pink lungs outlined in red. a white circle with a red exclamation mark in it connects to the lungs.
congenital lung malformtion | By M.
A drawing of a yellow person with halfway shut blue eyes looking fatigued. They are leaning their head on their hand. Around them are semi transparent grey clouds. There is a blue clock above persons head with arows and a infinity symbol around the clock to symbolize chronic.
CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) | By Méabh.
A drawing of a a blue oval with the symbols for “deaf” and “blind”, which are an eye with a slashed line through it and an ear with a slashed line through it respectively, inside. An arrow points from the oval to a yellow person who has no features other than a mouth, wearing a pin with the disabled pride flag.
deafblind | By Plum.
a thought bubble with swirls and scribbles of many colors in it
disorganized thinking | By Petri.
three blue chromosones in a white circle, and the face of a person with Down syndrome, who is smiling slightly. the person has light brown skin and dark hair.
Down syndrome | By M.
two eyes. One is wide open, but the other has a visible, light skinned eyelid that’s halfway lowered. A peach colored arrow points to the eyelid.
drooping eyelid | By Rae.
A drawing of a yellow person with green eyes and wings. There is a purple speech bubble by their mouth and a purple thought bubble above their head. In the speech bubble there is a blue rounded star and a drawing of the yellow persons face. there is a equal sign between them. Under that are red question marks. In the thought bubble there is a blue rounded star and a spiky dark purple star. there is a equal sign inbetween them.
facticious disorder | By ottertime.
A drawing of the Eating disorder Awarness symbol the design resembling a stylized flame and or heart. The shape consists of two curving lines that taper to points, forming an elegant, flowing figure. The color gradient transitions smoothly from blue to purple.
Eating Disorder | By Vixen.
A blue fragile x chromosone
fragile x syndrome | By M.
two white hands with red shaky lines around them.
hand tremors | By K9.
a person with light skin tone. They have acne, facial hair, and a bald spot on the top of their head. They have light brown hair. In the upper left of the image is an orange up arrow next to the letter T. In the bottom left is a female symbol.
hyperandrogenism | By Dusty.
a person with brown skin tone. They have acne, facial hair, and a bald spot on the top of their head. They have medium brown curly hair. In the upper left of the image is an orange up arrow next to the letter T. In the bottom left is a female symbol.
hyperandrogenism | By Dusty.
a person raising their arm in the air to show how their elbow hyper extends. There ae two angle symbols to show where the person’s elbow bends outwards on the front and inwards on the back.
hypermobility | By Blackholemojis.
a greyish blue paw with wobbly blue lines on each side and a blue arrow pointing down.
hypotonia | By Rae.
Someone sitting and leaning back on their arms. Their legs end below the hip.
limb difference | By Blackholemojis.
A yellow figure with dark blue sunglasses on their face and a yellow simplified sun in the top right corner.
light sensitivity | By Neon.
a drawing of a red arrow pointing downwards next to a lowerdase d and some scribbles.
little d deaf | By Petri.
a drawing of a black arrow pointing downwards next to a lowerdase d and some scribbles.
little d deaf | By Petri.
a light brown hand showing the Steinberg sign, which is a thumb poking out the other end of a closed fist.
Marfan syndrome | By M.
a dark brown hand showing the Steinberg sign, which is a thumb poking out the other end of a closed fist.
Marfan syndrome | By M.
A drawing of a half circle scale that has a yellow to red gradient in it. There is a light yellow arrow in the middle of the scale pointing towards the light orange section on the left. There is a blue thought bubble above the scale with the words IQ in it. The IQ is colored like the disability pride flag.
mild intellectual disability | By Méabh.
 a ms paint style drawing of a grey person holding their hands over their ears while wincing. Around the person are brightly colored red, yellow and blue spiky speech bubbles.
misophonia | By Méabh.
A drawing of a half circle scale that has a yellow to red gradient in it. There is a light yellow arrow in the middle of the scale pointing towards the orange section in the middle. There is a blue thought bubble above the scale with the words IQ in it. The IQ is colored like the disability pride flag.
moderate intellectual disability | By Méabh.
many circles of different colors and sizes. Most of them are in the dark, but a beam of light illuminates a few of them.
narrow interests | By Neon.
A drawing of an eye next to a head with a question mark on it.
I can't recognise faces | By Petri.
A drawing of a yellow person looking happy holding on a blue star while chewing it. there is a teal speech bubble that has a dark blue X over a blue star symbol and a arrow towards a mouth.
pica | By Méabh.
a pink uterus with upset eyes, there’s 4 white cysts on each ovary
PCOS | By Koda.
a blue dog holding its head surrounded by a thought bubble with a child, a red x and a bubble with the word censored over it
pOCD | By cytochrome-sea.
a person with a distressed expression hugging themselves. There’s two smaller clouds over their head, and one big teal drawing of lightning behind them.
PTSD | By Blackholemojis.
 A drawing of an ovary and fallopian tube. The ovary has many darker pink spots on it, representing cysts.
PCOS / polycystic ovary syndrome | By Dusty.
A simple hand. Two fingers are pale, two are a light purplish-blue, and one is reddish-pink. The hand is yellow.
Raynaud's | By M.
A simple hand. Two fingers are pale, two are a light purplish-blue, and one is reddish-pink. The hand is beige.
Raynaud's | By M.
a dark blue rabbit with blue ears, tail and eyes. It is crying and looking off to the side, with its paws on her chest. there is a red speech bubble next to her with an X inside, symbolizing rejection and criticism
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria | By Ottertime.
A drawing of a large blue rectangle connected to a small blue square. The rectangle has the universal handicap symbol. The square has a red cartoon heart and a salt shaker inside.
secondary POTS | By Dusty.
A simple yellow face with two eyes, two ears, and a mouth. their right ear has a light grey checkmark next to it, and their left ear has a light grey 'x' next to it.
single sided deafness | By M.
A simple yellow face with two eyes, two ears, and a mouth. their left ear has a light grey checkmark next to it, and their right ear has a light grey 'x' next to it.
single sided deafness | By M.
: a drawing of two pairs of brown eyes, both with strabismus. the left eyes are facing in the same direction, while the upper right eye is facing towards the outside of the eye and the lower right eye is facing towards the inside of the eye
strabismus | By Petri.
A transparent png image of a flat-colored ribbon. It is folded over itself in a manner similar to what awareness ribbons like the one for breast cancer are, where both the silver inside and purple exterior are visible at once. There is the text 'T 9 M' inside the silver portion and 'Trisomy 9 Mosaic' on the overlapping left-handed purple portion. In the open space at the top of this looped ribbon there is a red box around a waving stick figure to signify a person with Trisomy 9 Mosaicism.
Trisomy 9 Mosaic Syndrome | By Aerron.
A transparent png image of a flat-colored ribbon. It is folded over itself in a manner similar to what awareness ribbons like the one for breast cancer are, where both the silver inside and purple exterior are visible at once. While there are no textual identifiers, this is the awareness colors for Trisomy 9.
Trisomy 9 Mosaic Syndrome | By Aerron.
A person with achrondoplasia standing facing the viewer. They have light skin and brown hair and are wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt and dark blue trousers.
achondroplasia | By M.
 A drawing of the ADHD butterfly symbol. It is a stylized depiction of a butterfly where the wings are drawn with a single stroke so that it resembles an infinity symbol. It is colored with a rainbow gradient.
ADHD / amism | By Plum.
a baby with a very misshapen, small head. They’re wrapped in green swaddles and there’s a green ribbon next to them.
anencephaly | By Rae.
an emoji yellow face holding a box with a heart on it and looking bored.
anhedonia | By Petri.
a blue dog holding paws over its mouth and sweating. it looks nervous and is surrounded by scribbles.
anxiety | By cytochrome-sea.
a pale portion plate with a peice of toast, a bowl of rice, an ice cream bar, and instant noodles in the closesr boxes. beans and yougurt are in the middle box. steak, ribs, and a burger are in the far catagory, and fresh fruit and veggies are in the farthest one back. the words 'avoident restrctive food intake disorder' are in black letters around the plate
ARFID | By Asher.
A person with a sharp pink shape around them, and a dark blue cloud shape ringing around that. The person is generic emoji yellow.
aura | By M.
a person with a flat, neutral expression but with happy “rays” around them, and a red infinity sign in front of them.
autism | By Blackholemojis.
aan uncomfortable yellow person next to a black mirror with blue glass. On the reflected half where their reflection should be is a happier yellow person in a gray wheelchair. There are blue vertical dashes near the person outside the mirror to emphasize their discomfort.
Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) | By Ottertime.
a drawing of a red arrow pointing upwards next to a capital D and some scribbles.
big D Deaf | By Petri.
a red circle at the top of the image and a dark blue circle at the bottom. arrows go from one to the other to show a cycle. the arrows are yellow on the half of the image with the red circle, and blue on the half of the image with a dark blue circle.
bipolar | By M.
A drawing of a half circle scale that has a yellow to red gradient in it. There is a light yellow arrow in the middle of the scale pointing towards the yellow section on the left. There is a blue thought bubble above the scale with the words IQ in it. The IQ is colored like the disability pride flag.
borderline intellectual disability | By Méabh.
a stone faced blue dog with a red arrow pointing to a blunt yellow crayon
blunted affect | By cytochrome-sea.
blue dog sitting rigidly next to a brass lock
catatonia | By cytochrome-sea.
A simplified drawing of a skull with cervical vertebrae, and a red right angle sign behind/under the vertebrae.
cervical kyphosis | By Dusty.
A drawing of a thought bubble containing three Z's next to a clock. A round arrow goes all around the clock.
chronic fatigue | By Petri.
a digitally drawn emoji of an emoji yellow person holding a can up to their mouth with two hands and drinking it. around them are four thought bubbles, one containing a chocolate bar, one containing a cup of coffee, one containing an energy drink, and the last one containing a tea bag.
caffeine addict | By Petri.
a tick with an arrow pointing to a person with pain marks and an inflamed, target shaped bite on their torso. below the tick is a clock with an arrow that points right, to the future.
chronic lyme disease | By Blackholemojis.
a simple diagram of an ear. the outer and middle ear are yellow, and the inmer ear is dark grey. an arrow points to the outer and middle ear from a circle. in the circle is a partly crossed out yellow ear.
conductive hearing loss | By M.
an infant with dark brown skin and pink lungs outlined in red. a white circle with a red exclamation mark in it connects to the lungs.
congenital lung malformtion | By M.
an emphysemic alveolus next to an inflamed bronchiole with mucus.
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) | By M.
a simplified crayon textured diagram of the human eye, above it is a red circle connected to a squiggly line connected to a square.
CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) | By Vixen.
A drawing of a a blue oval with the symbols for “deaf” and “blind”, which are an eye with a slashed line through it and an ear with a slashed line through it respectively, inside. An arrow points from the oval to a yellow person who has no features other than a mouth, wearing a pin with the disabled pride flag. The whole drawing has a white border around it.
deafblind | By Plum.
blue dog surrounded by a grey cloud. it looks bored and sad
depression | By cytochrome-sea .
a figure connected to two other faces by a purple circle. the other faces are different colors with different emotions: there’s a pinkish red one with a distressed expression, and a purple one with a sad expression. Behind the purple circle there are a few clouds to represent dissociation.
DID | By Blackholemojis.
 a yellow figure standing in front of five differently colored figures. Their heads partially show behind them, like a fan, and they have different expressions. One of them has a hand out palm-up, and the other is waving. Behind all of them are clouds to represent dissociation.
DID | By Blackholemojis.
a speech bubble with swirls and scribbles of many colors in it
disorganized speech | By Petri.
a yellow figure with a question mark on their head, looking at a falling jumble of white numerals and simple mathemtical signs. an arrow points to the figure
dyscalculic | By M.
a figure with an uncomfortable expression and blue gradient on their face looking behind them, where there’s many rows of unreadable “writing” (squiggles).
dyslexia | By Blackholemojis.
A drawing of a yellow person with green eyes and wings. There is a purple speech bubble with a red X over it by their mouth and a purple thought bubble above their head. In the speech bubble there is a blue rounded star and a drawing of the yellow persons face. there is a equal sign between them. In the thought bubble there is a blue rounded star and a spiky dark purple star. there is a equal sign inbetween them.
facticious disorder | By Méabh.
an orange awareness ribbon with dark blue trim.
Functional Neurological Disorder | By M.
a simple drawing of a brain with enlarged ventricles.
hydrocephalus | By M.
a person with light skin tone. They have acne, facial hair, and a bald spot on the top of their head. They have blonde hair. In the upper left of the image is an orange up arrow next to the letter T. In the bottom left is a female symbol.
hyperandrogenism | By Dusty.
a person with light brown skin tone. They have acne, facial hair, and a bald spot on the top of their head. They have dark brown curly hair. In the upper left of the image is an orange up arrow next to the letter T. In the bottom left is a female symbol.
hyperandrogenism | By Dusty.
 a person from the hips down. They’re standing and have one leg back, so their knee hyper extends. There’s the same angle symbols on each side to show where their knee bends inwards on the front, and outwards on the back.
hypermobility | By Blackholemojis.
a person with a neutral expression, with their digestive system pictured and having an angry “irritated” face, and green jagged lines radiating out from it.
IBS | By Blackholemojis.
a smiling person from the shoulders up, with a white bubble beside them and an arrow pointing towards them. In the white bubble is an eye with a dashed line over it.
low vision | By Blackholemojis.
The head and shoulders of a person. They have inflamed lymph nodes, shown by a depiction of their upper lymphatic system in pale green. They also have a butterfly rash on their face and a red patch of skin on their head. To the left of them is the head of a howling wolf, because 'lupus' comes from the Latin word for 'wolf'. To the right is a drained battery, showing that they're tired.
lupus | By M.
a pale hand showing the Steinberg sign, which is a thumb poking out the other end of a closed fist.
Marfan syndrome | By M.
an emoji yellow hand showing the Steinberg sign, which is a thumb poking out the other end of a closed fist.
Marfan syndrome | By M.
 yellow creature with an hourglass symbol on its belly and brown hooves looking afraid. Surrounding them are dark blue spirals and they have a dark blue thought bubble next to them. In that thought bubble is a yellow scale with a green checkmark on the left and a red X on the right
moral OCD | By Ottertime.
A drawing of an oval with three symbols inside - a head with a speech bubble coming out of their mouth crossed out, for nonspeaking, a crossed out eye, for blind, and a crossed out ear, for Deaf - and with an arrow pointing from the oval to a yellow person with no features other than a mouth, wearing a disabled pride flag pin. The whole drawing had a white border around everything.
MuteDeafBlind | By Plum.
 a pink uterus with upset eyes, there’s 4 white cysts on each ovary and red squiggles and lines around the uterus to indicate pain
PCOS | By Koda.
a pink uterus with upset eyes, there’s 4 white cysts on each ovary, above the uterus’ eyes is the letters “PCOS” in red bubble letters
PCOS | By Koda.
a red siren light with a yellow aura around it, and a brown eye crossed out.
photosensitive | By M.
a person holding their head with one hand and holding their stomach with the other. They have an uncomfortable expression, are flushed from heat, half red and yellow accent marks around them to represent pain and stress, and green fading up their stomach to represent nausea.
premenstrual dysphoric disorder | By Blackholemojis.
a stylized, abstract white thought bubble containing a question mark, exclamation point, periods, scribbles and is outlined in red, The image is set against a clear background, and the lines and shapes are drawn in a rough, crayon textured style
phobia | By Vixen.
a person sitting down and holding their head, bracing their other hand on one knee. The top of their body is pale, and they have light blue dots and circles around their head. An arrow next to them is designed like a thermometer half filled with red liquid, and points downwards to represent blood pooling.
POTS | By Blackholemojis.
A simple hand. Two fingers are pale, two are a light purplish-blue, and one is reddish-pink. The hand is dark brown.
Raynaud's | By M.
A simple hand. Two fingers are pale, two are a light purplish-blue, and one is reddish-pink. The hand is medium-dark brown.
Raynaud's | By M.
 a periwinkle colored symbol of chromosome 15 with a chunk erased from part of it to show a deletion. Text below it says “PWS”.
Prader–Willi syndrome | By Rae.
A drawing of a large blue rectangle connected to a small blue square. The square has a red cartoon heart and a salt shaker inside.
secondary POTS | By Dusty.
 A drawing of a light grey speech bubble. in the speech bubble there is a neatly drawn triangle , circle and square. under the shapes there are arrows pointing down at messy versions of the triangle, circle, and square.
skill regression | By Méabh.
a sleeping person from the shoulders up. They snore and blue Z’s float nearby to represent that, and a red arrow with a dashed line shows interrupted inhaling.
sleep apnea | By Blackholemojis.
A drawing of a large blue rectangle connected to a small blue square. The rectangle has the universal sign for accessibility, a figure with all their arms and legs out, inside. The square has a red cartoon heart and a salt shaker inside.
secondary POTS | By Dusty.
A brain with a red, spiky 'impact' shape in it.
Traumatic Brain Injury | By M.
a yellow creature with an hourglass symbol on its belly and brown hooves looking afraid. Surrounding them are dark blue spirals and they have a dark blue thought bubble next to them. In that thought bubble is a cat, a dog, and a censored black bar with three x's side by side
Z OCD | By Ottertime.
A person with achrondoplasia standing facing the viewer. They are emoji yellow and are wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt and light purple trousers.
achondroplasia | By M.
the ADHD butterfly-infinity symbol in orange
the ADHD butterfly-infinity symbol in a vibrant rainbow from pink to violet
 a blue dog speaking a single word into a speech bubble
alogia | By cytochrome-sea.
  a brain with a thought bubble next to it , in the bubble there is an empty circle in between question marks .
amnesia | By Tonto.
A person standing and holding one leg out which ends below the knee.
amputee | By Blackholemojis.
a pale portion plate with a peice of toast, a bowl of rice, an ice cream bar, and instant noodles in the closesr boxes. beans and yougurt are in the middle box. steak, ribs, and a burger are in the far catagory, and fresh fruit and veggies are in the farthest one back. the words 'avoident restrctive food intake disorder' are in white letters around the plate
ARFID | By Asher.
A person with a sharp pink shape around them, and a dark blue cloud shape ringing around that. The person has brown skin, short and curly dark hair, and is wearing a blue t-shirt.
aura | By M.
a color spectrum wheel with the neurodiversity symbol (Lilac Hadar, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons) on top of it.
autism spectrum | By M.
 a person pictured from the mid-torso up in the middle of two circling red arrows. They are scratching at their forearm and side of their face, and have a nervous expression. They have tan skin with red areas on their shoulder, elbow, knuckles, and forehead, and bleached hair done in a bun. They wear a blank tank top.
BFRB / body focused repetitive behavior | By Esrah.
a red circle on the left of the image and a dark blue circle on the right. arrows go from one to the other to show a cycle. the arrows are yellow on the half of the image with the red circle, and blue on the half of the image with a dark blue circle.
bipolar | By M.
a wavy yellow line that dips down into a valley, and then up into a peak. it has a blue gradient originating from the lowest point of the valley, and a red gradient orginating from the highest point of the peak. there is a simple blue sad/tired face in the center of the valley, and a red happy/energized face in the center of the peak.
bipolar disorder | By Chan.
two theater masks: one happy and one sad. The happy mask has yellow stars on their cheeks and the sad mask has blue teardrops,  Both are set against a swirling background of yellow and blue. next to the sad mask is a blue minus sign and next to the happy mask is a yellow plus sign.
bipolar disorder | By Vixen.
a smiling person from the shoulders up, with a white bubble beside them and an arrow pointing towards them. In the white bubble is an eye with a line over it.
blind | By Blackholemojis.
a grey shape of a cat's head, with a red square-ish shape on each side stopping it from moving.
catatonia | By M.
A drawing of a brain with a snail drawn on it.
brain slow | By Petri.
a  green butterfly with round wings and a body made of a light green awareness ribbon.
cerebral palsy | By Vixen.
an infant with brown skin and pink lungs outlined in red. a white circle with a red exclamation mark in it connects to the lungs.
congenital lung malformtion | By M.
 an eyeball looks down at the second half of a rainbow line. the top half of the line shows a full rainbow (with red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, and hot pink), with the bottom half showing a desaturated edit (the colors being more muted and less distinct from each other). There's an arrow pointing to the top half with a red line crossing it, and an arrow pointing to the bottom half following the direction of the eye.
colorblind | By CC.
a cross-section of an airway with cystic fibrosis.
cystic fibrosis | By M.
An arrow leading from a bubble pointing to a person. In the bubble is a crossed out ear.
Deaf | By blackholemojis.
a drawing of an eye and an ear, both crossed out by the same large red X.
deafblind | By Petri.
a simple emoji yellow face with a speech bubble. the speech bubble has some lines and some 'x's.
dyslalia | By M.
a green awareness ribbon with blue trim.
dermatillomania | By Tonto.
a person looking at a compass, which is pointing one direction, but the person is pointing another direction.
dyspraxia | By Blackholemojis.
 3 faces , the first one starting from the left is blue with a sad expression , the second one is red with an angry expression & the last one is yellow with a happy expression , there is a thought bubble next to them , in the bubble there is an empty circle in between question marks .
emotional amnesia | By Tonto.
a person with light skin tone. They have acne, facial hair, and a bald spot on the top of their head. They have medium brown hair. In the upper left of the image is an orange up arrow next to the letter T. In the bottom left is a female symbol.
hyperandrogenism | By Dusty.
a person with brown skin tone. They have acne, facial hair, and a bald spot on the top of their head. They have dark brown curly hair. In the upper left of the image is an orange up arrow next to the letter T. In the bottom left is a female symbol.
hyperandrogenism | By Dusty.
a simple drawing of arm muscles in a flexed arm, colored red and pink. a red arrow points upwards, for 'hyper'. light brown crackling shapes around the muscles show stiffness
hypertonia | By M.
a simple drawing of arm muscles in a flexed arm, colored blue. a blue arrow points downwards, for 'hypo'. silver gently curling shapes below the arm represent weakness
hypotonia | By M.
a person standing up but fast asleep, blue Z’s floating nearby on one side and a sun on the other side.
insomnia | By Blackholemojis.
a smiling person wearing sunglasses drawn from the shoulders up, with a white bubble beside them and an arrow pointing towards them. In the white bubble is an eye with a dashed line over it.
low vision | By Blackholemojis.
a tick with an arrow pointing to a person with pain marks and an inflamed, target shaped bite on their torso.
lyme disease | By Blackholemojis.
a blue and white dog with a distressed expression. It has its paws on its head, as if overwhelmed. Above its head, there is a thought bubble filled with various symbols and words
 A word bubble containing the word SOAP, A knife with blood dripping from it, A sad face emoji, The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, A censored word, and A beetle.
OCD | By cytochrome-sea.
A symbol for mania. It shows a person with a sunburst or firework shaped head excitedly holding their hands to their chest. There are pink and purple sparkles and dots to represent psychosis and delusions present in mania.
mania | By Blackholemojis.
a simple blue figure lying down, with a cloud of fog coming from their head.
ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome) | By M.
A yellow figure with dark blue sunglasses on their face.
light sensitivity | By Neon.
a brown hand showing the Steinberg sign, which is a thumb poking out the other end of a closed fist.
Marfan syndrome | By M.
A drawing of the ADHD butterfly symbol with a green plus sign and a bottle of ADHD medication beside it, outlined in green. The ADHD butterfly symbol is a stylized depiction of a butterfly consisting of a pair of wings drawn with a single stroke as to resemble an infinity symbol, and another stroke making up a set of antenna, all colored with a rainbow gradient. The medication bottle is an orange prescription bottle with a white cap, and a label that says “Rx” and has a black and white version of the butterfly symbol on it.
medicated ADHD | By Plum.
A ms paint style drawing of a grey person slightly leaning over with three yellow Zs by their head and a couple of pale yellow dots also near their head. The grey person is sitting infront of a dark gray table
narcolepsy | By Méabh.
A drawing of an oval with three symbols inside - a head with a speech bubble coming out of their mouth crossed out, for nonspeaking, a crossed out eye, for blind, and a crossed out ear, for Deaf - and with an arrow pointing from the oval to a yellow person with no features other than a mouth, wearing a disabled pride flag pin.
nonverbal DeafBlind | By Plum.
a scared looking blue dog runs away from a book, a paper graded with a red f minus, a shirt, a pot of food and a bar of soap in a red circle. arrows point from the circle to the dog
pathological demand avoidance | By cytochrome-sea.
 a person near a light source wincing and shielding their face with one hand. There are three red marks for pain by their head.
photosensitivity / photophobia | By Blackholemojis.
A dark-skinned person’s head. Their eyes are squeezed shut. Around their ear areas are small clusters of red and yellow squiggles in a consistent pattern. On their temples are small red and yellow squiggles
pulsatile tinnitus | By Katt.
A simple hand. Two fingers are pale, two are a light purplish-blue, and one is reddish-pink. The hand is light brown.
Raynaud's | By M.
a figure whose head is almost copy/pasted next to a bunch of other, differently colored faces, and the colors blend into each other. Behind them around the shoulders are a few clouds to represent dissociation.
polyfragmented DID | By Blackholemojis.
a human spine that curves in an 's' shape.
scoliosis | By M.
a purple psywiggle with a slight gradient
schizophrenia | By M.
a yellow hand pointing to a purple psywiggle with a slight gradient
schizophrenic | By M.
image of a rainbow a heart and the psywiggle
schizophrenia spectrum | By cytochrome-sea.
two animalistic drama masks, one happy and one sad, next to a rainbow on top of the psywiggle with a heart
schizoaffective disorder | By cytochrome-sea.
A drawing of a large blue rectangle connected to a small blue square. The rectangle has the white outline of a tick in it. The square has a red cartoon heart and a salt shaker inside.
secondary POTS | By Dusty.
A dark-skinned person’s head. Their eyes are squeezed shut. Around their ear areas are thin yellow and red zigzags.
tinnitus | By Katt.
 A transparent png image of a flat-colored ribbon. It is folded over itself in a manner similar to what awareness ribbons like the one for breast cancer are, where both the silver inside and purple exterior are visible at once.  There is the text 'T 9 M' inside the silver portion and 'Trisomy 9 Mosaic' on the overlapping left-handed purple portion.
Trisomy 9 Mosaic Syndrome | By Aerron.
A drawing of the ADHD butterfly symbol with a bottle of ADHD medication beside it crossed out with a red “X”. The ADHD butterfly symbol is a stylized depiction of a butterfly consisting of a pair of wings drawn with a single stroke as to resemble an infinity symbol, and another stroke making up a set of antenna, all colored with a rainbow gradient. The medication bottle is an orange prescription bottle with a white cap, and a label that says “Rx” and has a black and white version of the butterfly symbol on it.
unmedicated ADHD | By Plum.
a dark skinned person’s head. Their eyes are open and they have static in their eyes. Around them is static.
visual snow syndrome | By Katt.
a yellow and pink colored symbol of chromosome 7 with two chunks erased from part of it to show a deletion. Text above it says “WBS”.
Williams–Beuren syndrome | By Rae.
