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a lightbulb design outline in a rainbow gradient there are lines extenuating the light. Inside the lightbulb, there are two small leaves with a stem.
personality disorder | By Vixen.
a figure with a pleased expression surrounded by a ring of floating hands making a “stop” symbol (a hand held out flat).
Avoidant Personality Disorder | By Blackholemojis.
A yellow circle with an A. underneath the A is a symbol of a two ended arrow usually attributed with schizophrenia.
cluster A personality disorder | By Vixen.
A drawing of a yellow person with brown wing ears. The yellow person is doing the ASL sign for Depend. They have a purple link symbol instead of a face.
DPD / Dependant Personality Disorder | By Méabh.
 an emoji of a person holding a square knot in front of them. They hold the bottom sections of the rope, and two other people hold the top sections. They have a calm expression. A river flows behind them, positioned behind their head.
Dependant Personality Disorder | By Blackholemojis.
A yellow figure with a blue equals sign over their face
equal person | by Evan.
A drawing of a ms paint style polaroid photo. In the photo there is on purple person whos doing a peace sign and one grey person holding onto purple persons right arm. The purple person has a half white half black heart replacing their face.
favorite person | by Méabh.
a blooming narcissus flower surrounded by yellow stars and sparkles. To the right of it is a yellow-orange squiggly arrow pointing upwards
high supply | by OtterTime.
 a person with a heart on their chest and a calm expression. there are little stars/sparkles around them, and small emphasis marks. the colors purple and green fade up their arms. they’re placing both hands on a purple blob and a green square
HPD | by blackholemojis.
 a person with a heart on their chest and a calm expression. there are little stars/sparkles around them, and small emphasis marks. the colors purple and green fade up their arms. they’re placing both hands on a purple oval with exclamation marks on it and a green oval with a heart on it
HPD | by blackholemojis.
: a drawing of a person's featureless head coloured like the NPD flag. they're wearing a golden crown.
narcissist | By Petri.
an emoji of a figure raising one arm and showing a floating yellow star. They have a heart in the middle of their chest, and are wearing a purple garment that doubles as both a cape and a blanket. One side is drawn similar to a superhero’s, and the other side has some texturing.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder | By Blackholemojis.
a stylized, symmetrical design with of a narcissus flower with six petals, each petal filled with a gradient of different colors, creating a vibrant, rainbow-like effect. The central area contains a galaxy or nebula-like texture with a starry appearance, Surrounding the flower is a circular border filled with a similar galaxy texture
NPD | By Vixen.
a calm white person with teal cheeks and joints holding their hand to their chest. On their chest is a teal shield with a darker teal lock inside, symbolizing safety
safe person (AVDP) | by OtterTime.
a narcissus flower above a dark blue dictionary. There is a magenta arrow pointing from the circle to the book. On top of the arrow is a red X, showing that the meaning was wrong
that's not what narcissist means | by OtterTime.
 A drawing of the inverted scales symbol for ASPD inside of a thought bubble.
ASPD | By Petri.
an emoji of a person from the hips up, holding a pot with a plant in it. On either side of them are identical clouds, one with rain and one with thunder, and a rainbow arcs over the person’s head and connects them.
Borderline Personality Disorder | By Blackholemojis.
a drawing of two people, with the one on the left having their arm around the other's shoulder. the person on the right is emoji yellow, and the person on the left has the NPD flag coloured on them.
chosen person | By Petri.
a drawing of two people, with the one on the left having their arm around the other's shoulder. the person on the right is emoji yellow, and the person on the left has the NPD flag coloured on them and is wearing a crown.
chosen person | By Petri.
A pale red circle with a B. underneath the B is a symbol of a person with a crown. inside their chest is a semicircle symbol  usually associated with borderline personality disorder.
cluster B personality disorder | By Vixen.
 A drawing of a orange person and a yellow person holding hands. there is a purple link symbol covering where their hands connect.
depended / dependant person | by Méabh.
a drawing of a pale yellow person with dark purple eyes and a upset expression. They are holding onto a big pink and yellow broken heart. There are pink and yellow down arrows by their head.
DPD crash | By Méabh.
 a person with a heart on their chest and a calm expression. there are little stars/sparkles around them, and small emphasis marks. the colors purple and green fade up their arms. they’re placing both hands on a purple blov with exclamation marks on it and a green square with a heart on it
HPD | by blackholemojis.
a speech bubble with a shiny gold star in it, to the left of a hand out with a deep pink exclamation mark over it.
I need praise | By M.
a energetic pale yellow person with yellow and pink cheeks and joints holding their hand to their chest and the other hand swinging by their side. On their chest is a pale white thought bubble with a star and heart inside, representing interests
interest person (SZPD) | by Ottertime.
a drooping narcissus flower surrounded by small purple dashes. To the right is a purple-white squiggly arrow pointing downwards
low supply | by OtterTime.
a distressed white person with purple paws and a broken four pointed purple star on their chest. On top of their head is a wilted drooping narcissus flower with torn petals
narc crash | By Ottertime.
 A stylized drawing of a yellow person with blue eyes and two light blue feathered wings on their back. The yellow person has one eye closed. There is a yellow crown above their head.
narc high | By Méabh.
a figure wearing an orange safety vest with reflective strips. They have a somewhat nervous expression and posture, and there are triangle caution symbols beside them.
Paranoid Personality Disorder | By Blackholemojis.
A person resting their arms on a greenhouse with plants growing inside. They have a flat expression but happy eyes, and two purple sparkles float around them.
schizotypal personality disorder | By Blackholemojis.
A drawing of a person looking bored and thinking a thought bubble with the inverted scales symbol for ASPD inside of it.
antisocial | By Petri.
A drawing of the inverted scales symbol for ASPD and two speech bubbles with a large red X over them. Between them is a pink and red unequal sign.
antisocial is not asocial | By Petri.
A drawing of the inverted scales symbol for ASPD and two speech bubbles with a large red X over them. Between them is a pink and red unequal sign. Everything is outlined in white.
antisocial is not asocial | By Petri.
 a figure holding one hand up and shaking their finger, and holding a red sign with the other hand that has a crossed out person icon on it. They have a neutral expression, and a heart on the center of their chest.
Anti-Social Personality Disorder | By Blackholemojis.
A drawing of a ms paint style polaroid photo. In the photo there is on purple person whos doing a peace sign and one grey person holding onto purple persons right arm. The purple persons face is crossed out and scribbled over with black marker, there is carton devil horns scribbled on them and cartoon style blood on their chest
black split | By Méabh.
A pale red circle with a C. underneath the C is a symbol of an hourglass usually associated with OCD.
cluster C personality disorder | By Vixen.
a drawing of two people on the top of a stacked pyramid. one of the people is emoji yellow and the other has the NPD flag over them. the top level of the pyramid is gold, and the others below it are silver, bronze, and white.
equal person | By Petri.
 a theatre mask split in half, the left side is white with a comedy face and the right side is rainbow with a tragedy face.
HPD | by Rayin.
two people embracing and smiling. One has a crown over their head. The one without a crown is a young Black person with their locs in a bun, and wearing an orange hoodie. The one with a crown is a young South Asian person with short brown hair and a hearing aid, and is wearing a blue hair clip and a blue shirt
I care about my friends with NPD | by Esrah.
two people embracing and smiling. One has a crown over their head. Both people's designs are nonspecific with yellow skin
I care about my friends with NPD | by Esrah.
a distressed white person with purple paws and a broken four pointed purple star on their chest. On top of their head is a golden crown broken into two pieces
narc crash | By Ottertime.
A drawing of a person from the chest up. They are wearing a crown, smiling with their mouth open, and have their hand on their chest. They're speaking a speech bubble that contains a green arrow pointing at them and a green thumbs-up.
narcissistic | by Petri.
a wilted, drooping narcissus flower with torn petals and a scruffed stem. To the right is a orange-brown vertical line. On the bottom of that line is an orange X
no supply | by OtterTime.
a figure standing with one hand behind their back and the other making a “perfect” symbol (index and thumb touching with other fingers held apart). Behind them are several checkmarked boxes that fade towards the bottom.
OCPD | By Blackholemojis.
Two shattered halves of a round shape. The left half is white and has smiley faces displaying various positive emotions in it. The right half is black, and has frowny faces displaying various negative emotions in it. Red marks emphasize the top of the crack separating the halves.
splitting (BPD) | By Plum.
A drawing of a ms paint style polaroid photo. In the photo there is on purple person whos doing a peace sign and one grey person holding onto purple persons right arm. The purple persons face is shrouded in a blue-white glow and they have a glitchy pale blue halo.
white split | By Méabh.
