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a pink menstrual cup with two circular blue arrows over it.
change menstrual cup | by Petri.
a white tampon with two circular red arrows over it.
change tampon | by Petri.
a light purple / periwinkle cloth pad, there’s seams on the edges and a rectangle in the center. on the left wing is a clasp, and on the right wing is the back of the other clasp
cloth pad | by Koda.
a light purple / periwinkle cloth pad, there’s seams on the edges and a rectangle in the center. on the left wing is a velcro strip, and on the right wing is the seams for the other velcro strip
cloth pad | by Koda.
 a pad with wings.
pad | by StellarSymbols.
 a stylized drawing of a pad with wings.
pad with wings | by Eldritch-Emojis.
 a stylized drawing of a tampon.
tampon | by Eldritch-Emojis.
a white disposable pad with two circular red arrows over it.
change pad | by Petri.
a red oval with black lightning bolts coming from it, over a pelvic region.
cramps | by StellarSymbols.
a light grey menstrual cup drawn with thick black outlines.
menstrual cup | by StellarSymbols.
a pink menstrual cup.
menstrual cup | by Petri.
 a white disposable pad.
pad | by Petri.
 a white tampon.
tampon | by Petri.
a white reusable pad with two circular red arrows over it.
change reusable pad | by Petri.
 a stylized drawing of a pad.
pad | by Eldritch-Emojis.
a very light blue period pad. There are light red wings with red crosses over them
pad without wings | by Leaf.
 a white reeusable pad.
reusable pad | by Petri.
a tampon drawn with thick black outlines.
tampon | by StellarSymbols.
a stopwatch surrounded by a pad and a tampon on one side, a packaged pad and a tampon on the opposite side, and red and green arrows pointing from the packaged/unpackaged menstrual products. The top arrow is red and the bottom arrow is green
time to change pad/tampon | by Esrah.

Below are symbols with blood:

a red droplet.
blood | by StellarSymbols.
a stylized drawing of a bloody pad.
bloody pad | by Eldritch-emojis.
a light purple / periwinkle cloth pad, there’s seams on the edges and a rectangle in the center. on the left wing is a clasp, and on the right wing is the back of the other clasp. there’s blood down the middle of the pad.
change / dirty cloth pad | by Koda.
a light purple / periwinkle cloth pad, there’s seams on the edges and a rectangle in the center. on the left wing is a velcro strip, and on the right wing is the seams for the other velcro strip. there’s blood down the middle of the pad.
change / dirty cloth pad | by Koda.
a stylized drawing of a bloody pad with wings.
bloody pad with wings | by Eldritch-emojis.
two wonky curved arrows forming a deformed circle around a red droplet.
irregular cycle | by StellarSymbols.
a few small red droplets.
light flow | by StellarSymbols.
a stylized drawing of a bloody tampon.
bloody tampon | by Eldritch-emojis.
a red waterfall.
heavy flow | by StellarSymbols.
two arrows forming a circle around a red droplet.
period | by StellarSymbols.
