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a right ear. it is cartoonish with a medium-sized earlobe.
ear | by Petri.
a right ear. it has a longer earlobe, round pink earring and pink behind-the-ear hearing aid.
ear | by Petri.
a right ear. it is round and cartoonish with a pink in-the-ear hearing aid
ear | by Petri.
a stylized drawing of a brown eye.
eye | by Eldritch-emojis.
a blue eye without an epicanthic fold.
eye (blue) | by Tonto.
a hazel eye without an epicanthic fold.
eye (hazel) | by Tonto.
a magenta eye without an epicanthic fold.
eye (magenta) | by Tonto.
a yellow button nose.
nose | by M.
a dark brown button nose.
nose | by M.
a medium brown button nose.
nose | by M.
a cream-colored button nose.
nose | by M.
a right ear. it is slightly realistic with a large earlobe.
ear | by Petri.
a right ear. it has a longer earlobe and pink behind-the-ear hearing aid.
ear | by Petri.
a right ear. it is round and cartoonish with a pink in-the-ear hearing aid, two pink earring studs and two pink hoop earrings
ear | by Petri.
a brown eye without an epicanthic fold.
eye (brown) | by Tonto.
a purple eye without an epicanthic fold.
eye (purple) | by Tonto.
a human jawbone.
jawbone | by Rover.
a yelow bumped nose.
nose | by M.
a dark brown bumped nose.
nose | by M.
a medium brown bumped nose.
nose | by M.
a cream-colored bumped nose.
nose | by M.
a right ear. it has a longer earlobe and round pink earring.
ear | by Petri.
a right ear. it is round and cartoonish
ear | by Petri.
a right ear. it is round and cartoonish with two pink earring studs and two pink hoop earrings
ear | by Petri.
a green eye without an epicanthic fold.
eye (green) | by Tonto.
a red eye without an epicanthic fold.
eye (red) | by Tonto.
a yelow hooked nose.
nose | by M.
a dark brown hooked nose.
nose | by M.
a medium brown hooked nose.
nose | by M.
a cream-colored hooked nose.
nose | by M.
a human tooth.
tooth | by M.
