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a smiling light brown face with closed eyes and a green chewy necklace in their mouth.
chewing chewy necklace | By Gillipop.
an emoji yellow person banging their head repeatedly into a wall, bracing against it with their hands.
banging head into wall | By Tonto.
an emoji yellow round face of someone waving their hands in front of them in jazz hands.
jazz hand stim | By Gleepglorpian.
an emoji yellow figure with a star on their chest waving their arms.
flapping arms | By Tonto.
a figure sitting on the ground, knees bent to their chest and holding their knees with both hands, rocking back and forth. Their expression is relatively neutral, with a positive/calm lean. The person is rocking back.
rock | By Blackholemojis.
an emoji yellow person with one hand and part of their face visible. they are pulling at their lower lip, with two action lines visible. their lip is red in places from the pulling
pulling lip | By Tonto.
an emoji yellow figure stomping one leg, their hands in fists in front of them.
stomping | By Rover.
a smiling dark brown face with dark hair parted over their forehead, closed eyes and a green chewy necklace in their mouth.
chewing chewy necklace | By Gillipop.
a pair of hands partially interlocking the tips of their fingers, with fidgeting motions nearby the hands.
fidget | By Blackholemojis.
a figure sitting on the ground, knees bent to their chest and holding their knees with both hands, rocking back and forth. Their expression is relatively neutral, with a positive/calm lean. The person is rocking forwards.
rock | By Blackholemojis.
a simple emoji yellow figure moving one hand back and forth, and with the other reaching for a spiky thing. there's a red impact shape around the hand and spiky thing
pain-seeking stim | By M.
a simple emoji yellow figure, shown from the waist up, pinching their arm.
pinching self | By Tonto.
an emoji yellow hand. the first finger is picking at the skin of the thumb below the nail. there are two small red motion lines.
skin picking | By Tonto.
an emoji yellow figure stomping one leg, their hands in fists in front of them and their eyes shut.
stomping | By Rover.
an emoji yellow person with closed eyes chewing a phone with a black case.
chewing phone | By Rover.
someone stimming by fidgeting with their hands. the image shows someone with a neutral face partially interlocking the tips of their fingers, with fidgeting motions nearby the hands.
fidget | By Blackholemojis.
a yellow figure from the waist up, flapping their hands up and down at the wrist, with an expression that could be interpreted as both excited or upset.
flap | By Blackholemojis.
an emoji yellow person with one hand and part of their face visible. they are touching their mouth, and red lines come from the point they are touching.
pulling lip | By Tonto.
a white figure with a gold arrow to indicate they're rocking forward and back.
rocking back and forth | By K9.
two emoji yelow lower legs, one bent and moving upwards and the other stomping on the ground.
stomp | By Gleepglorpian.
