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two hands feeling a bue square of fabric.
feel | By Tonto.
An illustration of a light muted purple person putting their finger out and touching a large yellow humanoid creature with various sizes of arms with their fingers out; the two people's fingers touch with blue around the impact point
feel | By Pi.
a pink hand shape overlaps a large light pink splotch.
feel | By froggygolem.
a purple eye with a brownish red arrow below it pointing to the right. The iris takes up the whole eye and is looking slightly right
observe | By Pi.
A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of an eye looking down, with emphasis lines below it.
see | By Petri.
A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of an eye looking down, with a few emphasis lines below it.
see | By Petri.
A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of a nose, with emphasis lines to the right of it.
smell | By Petri.
A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of a nose, with a few emphasis lines around it.
smell | By Petri.
a person smelling a daisy.
smell | By Tonto.
 A very simple drawing of two people In between the people at eye level is a red arrow. The person on the left is blue and on the right is green.
see | By Ani.
 a yellow person smiling , holding a paper with a flower drawn in it .
show | By Tonto.
 A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of a hand, back facing the viewer, with emphasis lines around it.
feel | By Petri.
A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of a hand, with a few emphasis lines around it.
feel | By Petri.
a megaphone with three orange zigzags coming from it.
hear | By Tonto.
a blue dog sitting next to a radio playing music
listening to music | By cytochrome-sea.
A yellow figure with big eyes looking to the right, a hand in the V hand-shape sits at the cheek, palm facing in. This hand is faded, and an arrow comes from it leading to a second hand in the V hand-shape pointing out, to the right, palm down.
look (ASL) | By Pheonix.
An observatory telescope pointed at two stars.
observe | By TalkSense.
a blue eye with a brownish red arrow below it pointing to the right. The iris takes up the whole eye and is looking slightly right
observe | By Pi.
A lavender flower with purple squiggles above it to represent a smell, there are yellow sparkles around the flower.
scent | By Vixen.
A simple drawing of a dark skinned person with a large bright red arrow point from their head at eye level.
see | By Ani.
A brown eye, tongue, pale nose, and brown ear, with golden sense lines coming from them.
sense | By M.
a mouth with a tongue poking out.
taste | By Tonto.
 A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of an ear, with emphasis lines around it.
hear | By Petri.
 A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of an ear, with a few emphasis lines around it.
hear | By Petri.
 An illustration of a large yellow head filled with various sizes eyes looking at a person, the creature is smiling and has its hands on either side of the person.
look | By Pi.
a green eye with a brownish red arrow below it pointing to the right. The iris takes up the whole eye and is looking slightly right
observe | By Pi.
Emoji of a red figure with only the figure’s face, minus the chin, and hands visible. The figure seems to be peeking from behind something invisible. The figure has a neutral expression with an arched left eyebrow and open, staring eyes.
peek | By TCC.
a green eye with a red arrow pointing downwards from it.
see | By Tonto.
 face with big eyes, and hand 2 fingers up, palm facing in, one finger tip touching cheek, the figure is yellow with purple accents and a bluish purple outline
see | by Pheonix.
A brown eye, purple tongue, green nose, and blue ear, with golden sense lines coming from them.
sensory | By M.
A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of a mouth sticking its tongue out, with emphasis lines around the tongue.
taste | By Petri.
A drawing in white on a large black square. The drawing is of a mouth sticking its tongue out, with a few emphasis lines around it.
taste | By Petri.
A yellow hand poking a slightly squishy red circle.
touch | By Stellar.
