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a drawing of two people, one sitting on a pink floor chair and the other with their hand on the first person's shoulder. in the bottom left side of the drawing there is an orange triangle inside of a white circle.
I need help sitting down | By Petri.
two figures drawn from the waist up. One is carrying the other piggy-back style and looking back at them with a smile, and the other has a happy expression with closed eyes.
piggyback | By Blackholemojis.
an emoji yellow figure running.
run | By Gleepglorpian.
a featureless emoji yellow person standing with their legs shoulder-width apart and their hands on their hips.
stand | By Petri.
a drawing of two people, one sitting on a pink floor chair and the other with their hand on the first person's shoulder. in the bottom left side of the drawing there is an orange triangle inside of a white circle.
I need help getting up | By Petri.
a drawing of two people standing up. the one on the left holds on to the arm of the one on the right to support them. the person on the right is holding a cane. behind them is a pink chair, and a green arrow points from the chair to the person holding a cane. in the top right corner of the image there is an orange triangle inside of a white circle.
stand | By Petri.
A blue armchair with an arrow pointing up, and slightly forwards, from it.
transfer (from chair) | By M.
an emoji-yellow person walking to the right. they have their right leg and right arm up as they walk. they are walking without assistance
walk (without assistance) | By Petri.
an emoji yellow person standing with their legs shoulder-width apart and their hands on their hips. their left leg ends a little under the knee, with a somewhat detailed drawing of a running blade leg prosthesis underneath.
stand | By Petri.
an emoji-yellow person walking to the right. they have their right leg and right arm up as they walk. they’re holding a light brown crook cane in their right hand.
walk (with cane) | By Petri.
a person with light brown skin wearing a yellow shirt, dark blue trousers and tennis shoes with a winding green trail behind them.
wander | By TalkSense.
