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a purple figure facing right. An arrow points at it
arrive | By Pheonix.
a simple yellow person with pink top surgery scars, red swim goggles, and green swim trunks is diving into the water face- and belly- first.
bellyflop | By Rae.
a blue figure with a yellow knapsack walking to the left, along a red line.
come | By M.
a yellow person falling from the sky to a floor covered in green grass , there is a green arrow pointing downwards indicating they are falling
fall | By Tonto.
A green circle with an arrow to the right pointing away from it.
go | By Pheonix.
a drawing of two people, one sitting on a pink floor chair and the other with their hand on the first person's shoulder. in the bottom left side of the drawing there is an orange triangle inside of a white circle.
I need help sitting down | By Petri.
 a yellow person jumping from the floor , there is a green arrow under them pointing upwards indicating they are jumping .
jump | By Tonto.
 A yellow figure looking behind them waving, an arrow points out the door
leave | By Pheonix.
A yellow figure looking behind them waving, an arrow points away from them
leave | By Pheonix.
a slightly open blue window. Two small green arrows go away from the wall, showing that the window is opening
open window | By Leaf.
 a road which has a 90 degree turn to the left and a red car driving on it. There is a dashed green arrow following the lane of the road, and a solid red arrow which sharply veers off the road on the near side of the the turn.
oversteer | By Chan.
two figures drawn from the waist up. One is carrying the other piggy-back style and looking back at them with a smile, and the other has a happy expression with closed eyes.
piggyback | By Blackholemojis.
 a fat white quadrobist cantering. they are wearing a horse mask and tail, green shirt and khaki shorts, above them float the paw prints representing the canter gait.
quadrobics canter | By cytochrome-sea.
a blue circle with a white arrow that curves down and to the left.
return | By TalkSense.
an emoji yellow figure running.
run | By Gleepglorpian.
a  yellow figure sitting in a blue chair with a red downwards arrow.
sit | By M.
pink figure doing a shoulder stretch
shoulder stretch | By Pheonix.
a featureless emoji yellow person standing with their legs shoulder-width apart and their hands on their hips.
stand | By Petri.
a yellow figure, wearing an AAC device, a light blue tshirt, and blue shorts, swinging on a simple swing. the swing has motion lines.
swing | By M.
a yellow figure, wearing a light blue tshirt, and blue shorts, swinging on a simple swing. the swing has motion lines.
swing | By M.
indigo figure doing a triceps stretch
triceps stretch | By Pheonix.
a pair of brown feet standing with the weight on the toes.
toe walking | By M.
a road which has a 90 degree turn to the left and a red car driving on it. There is a dashed green arrow following the lane of the road, and a solid red arrow which gradually veers off the road on the far side of the turn.
understeer | By Chan.
a yellow figure walking.
walk | By Pheonix.
 indigo figure doing a bridge
bridge | By Pheonix.
 a blue figure walking holding a light green squareish object
bring | By M.
a pink figure doing butterfly stretch
butterfly stretch | By Pheonix.
a blue figure climbing up a rocky surface
climb | By M.
a slightly open brown door with a yellow handle. Three small green arrows go towards the wall, showing that the door is closing
close door | By Leaf.
a yellow figure facing left, an arrow comes from it
come | By Pheonix.
A blue dog is walking to the left with a red arrow above them pointing left.
come | By Vixen.
a stylized bird's eye view of a red car, it's swerving with blue squiggly lines across the sides to represent water.
hydroplaning | By Vixen.
a drawing of two people, one sitting on a pink floor chair and the other with their hand on the first person's shoulder. in the bottom left side of the drawing there is an orange triangle inside of a white circle.
I need help getting up | By Petri.
a cut quarter of a globe. a cyan arrow points away from it. below it, a purple line is stopped from approaching the quarter-globe with a red 'X'.
one way trip | By M.
a young person with brown skin and dark brown hair holding their breath underwater. They wear purple goggles and a green swim suit.
putting head underwater | By Esrah.
a black quadrobist with long hair trotting. they are wearing a calico cat mask and tail, a blue shirt and khaki shorts. paw prints labeling the gait are floating above them
quadrobics trot | By cytochrome-sea.
a purple figure with motion streaks coming from their head sits on a bent arrow that points forward. The bent arrow is green and has its own motion streaks.
ride | By Pheonix.
a sailing boat on blue waves.
sail | By TalkSense.
a bar with two sets of 3 arrows in a line above and below it.
scroll | By Pheonix.
an astronaut doing a spacewalk, one suit booster firing
spacewalk | By M.
a drawing of two people standing up. the one on the left holds on to the arm of the one on the right to support them. the person on the right is holding a cane. behind them is a pink chair, and a green arrow points from the chair to the person holding a cane. in the top right corner of the image there is an orange triangle inside of a white circle.
stand | By Petri.
 a yellow figure standing , on the right of it is a green arrow pointing down towards a brown X
stay | By Tonto.
a yellow figure, wearing an AAC device, a light blue long-sleeved tshirt, and blue trousers, swinging on a simple swing. the swing has motion lines.
swing | By M.
 a dot on the left with two arrows  on the right
swipe | By Pheonix.
A blue armchair with an arrow pointing up, and slightly forwards, from it.
transfer (from chair) | By M.
a pair of dark brown feet standing with the weight on the toes.
toe walking | By M.
a purple circle with motion marks has a triangular ring attached to its back, a blue circle with motion marks is attached to the purple one by a loop through the triangular ring. A purple arrow below the circles points forward
tow | By Pheonix.
an emoji-yellow person walking to the right. they have their right leg and right arm up as they walk. they are walking without assistance
walk (without assistance) | By Petri.
 a yellow figure walking holding a blue squareish object
bring | By M.
 purple figure doing the child's pose
child's pose | By Pheonix.
a slightly open blue window. Two small green arrows go towards the wall, showing that the window is closing
close window | By Leaf.
a steering wheel with 2 yellow hands on it. In front of the image is an arrow pointing forward
drive | By Pheonix.
a green figure with a blue knapsack walking to the right, along a red line.
go | By M.
a red house with a green arrow going downwards from the doorway.
leave | By TalkSense.
a blue figure facing left with an arrow coming from it
leave | By Pheonix.
yellow figure and flowering vines with dash marks radiating around them.
live | By Pheonix.
four red arrows, positioned facing out from one another.
move | By M.
a slightly open brown door with a yellow handle. Three small green arrows go away from the wall, showing that the door is opening
open door | By Leaf.
an emoji yellow person standing with their legs shoulder-width apart and their hands on their hips. their left leg ends a little under the knee, with a somewhat detailed drawing of a running blade leg prosthesis underneath.
stand | By Petri.
a  yellow figure sitting in a red chair with a red upwards arrow.
stand | By M.
 A red circle with an arrow to its right pointing towards it.
stop | By Pheonix.
a yellow figure, wearing a light blue long-sleeved tshirt, and blue trousers, swinging on a simple swing. the swing has motion lines.
swing | By M.
a yellow foot and ankle standing on tiptoes.
tiptoeing | By Melody.
a yellow foot and ankle standing on tiptoes. to the right is a clock with two green 'cycle' arrows curving around it
tiptoeing always | By Melody.
on the right is a yellow foot paw standing on their tippy toes, on the left is a purple arrow pointing upwards.
toe walker | By Vixen.
a pair of emoji yellow feet standing with the weight on the toes.
toe walking | By M.
a pair of light brown feet standing with the weight on the toes.
toe walking | By M.
a pair of legs from the calf down, balancing on the balls of their feet and stepping forward.
toe walking | By Esrah.
an emoji-yellow person walking to the right. they have their right leg and right arm up as they walk. they’re holding a light brown crook cane in their right hand.
walk (with cane) | By Petri.
a person with light brown skin wearing a yellow shirt, dark blue trousers and tennis shoes with a winding green trail behind them.
wander | By TalkSense.
Yellow figure with a purple curvy line behind it
wander | By Pheonix.
 Blue figure with brown curvy line behind it
wander | By Pheonix.
