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A white rectangle with a blue outline. It has two columns of boxes. A green crayon is checking some of the boxes.
assess | by TalkSense.
A donkey in a thought bubble
assume | by TalkSense.
 a purple circle with two arrows around it. one circles it and one points right. It has a gold infinity symbol in the centre.
autistic inertia | by Fractals-and-Fragments.
An emoji yellow figure looking in a draw that has several shapes in it.
find | by Mikey.
 a cartoon style thought bubble with a light bulb in it.
idea | by Neon.
A cartoon drawing of a brain sits at the bottom left of the screen. From it comes three small clouds leading to a big thought bubble with a green check mark inside.
know | By Phoenix.
a face with emoji-yellow skin, closed sleeping eyes and three z's next to their head. behind them is a cloud with a galaxy pattern on it.
dream | by Gillipop.
 a white thought bubble, inside the thought bubble is a grey key in the shape of a heart at the top and spokes are the bottom, the key is outlined in a light blue dashed line, next to the key is a blue question mark.
lose | by Vixen.
a blue figure holds a map, in front of them stretches 3 paths
navigate | by Pheonix.
A drawing of a simplified, featureless, yellow human, visible from the chest up. A cartoonish effect shows the “inside” of their brain, which has a red square crossed out with an “X” in a white void. To the person’s left is a speech balloon containing the same crossed-out red square. The speech balloon’s tail points off-screen, indicating that we can’t see whoever is saying this.
forget / forgot | by Levi.
an upset figure lying in bed, a thought bubble coming from them. the thought bubble is black with a skull and crossbones.
nightmare | by Tonto.
A person with pale skin, straight dark brown hair, and glasses reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
A person with brown skin, straight dark hair, and glasses reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
A person with very light brown skin, straight silver hair, and glasses reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
 A simple drawing of a red person made of a rectangle body and circle head with a thought bubble next to them. Inside the thought bubble is a clock with an arrow above it pointing counterclockwise.
remembrance | by Ani.
A drawing of a dark blue person laying in bed with text next to them reading 'ZZZ'.
sleep | by Petri.
An emoji head with closed eyes on a pillow.
sleep | by StellarSymbols.
A thought bubble with 3 trailing clouds and two gears inside. One gear is a grey blue the other a washed out purple.
think | by Pheonix.
a yellow head sits in front of a thought bubble, the thought bubble has 2 gears inside. One gear is a grey blue the other a washed out purple.
think | by Pheonix.
a light orange scalloped oval with a dark orange ellipsis in the center
think | by froggygolem.
A bald purple person signing the ASL sign for 'think'. Their hand is a fist except their index finger, which is touching the side of their forehead. Their other arm is by their side.
think | by Ry.
a blue dog surfing on top of a wave. In the wave there are various symbols for urges, like substances, unhealthy emotions, self injury, weapons, and explicit material.
urge surfing | by cytochrome-sea.
 A baby bottle & a blue pacifier , next to a clock with an arrow on top of it , the arrow pointing to the right
age regression | by Tonto.
a purple circle with two arrows around it. one circles it and one points right. It has a gold puzzle pieces symbol in the centre.
autistic inertia | by Fractals-and-Fragments.
 a drawing of a green eye inside of a cloud-like bubble, with a green arrow pointing down from it to a block of scribbled writing.
insight | by Petri.
A featureleses blue figure with a hand over their chin in thought. next to them, overlapping with their head, is a thought bubble with cogs in it. a blue arrow points to the figure
I'm thinking | by M.
 a light purple head and shoulders shape contains a dark purple oval towards the top.
know | by froggygolem.
a blue hand with the forefinger tapping the forehead of a smug blue face
know | by M.
a yellow figure holds a map, in front of them stretches 3 paths
navigate | by Pheonix.
a face with emoji-yellow skin, closed sleeping eyes and three z's next to their head. behind them is a cloud with a fire an an upset person on it.
nightmare | by Gillipop.
A red circle. a red arrow comes from it and navigates between blue 'x's
plan | by TalkSense.
A person with pale skin, straight light brown hair, and glasses reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
A person with brown skin and straight dark hair, reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
A person with very light brown skin and straight silver hair reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
a blue thought bubble with trailing 3 clouds. it has 2 pinkish arrows nested inside each other pointing right.
reckon | by Pheonix.
A drawing of a dark blue person laying in bed.
sleep | by Petri.
 a drawing of a niqabi from the shoulders up, looking into the distance with their hand by their face. there's a thought bubble to their right.
think | by Petri.
a thought bubble with ellipses in it
think | by M.
A blue thought bubble with three trailing clouds has two gears inside it. Overlapping with the thought bubble is a large green check mark.
know | By Phoenix.
A drawing of a red person made of a rectangle body and circle head with a thought bubble next to them.
thought | by Ani.
A very simple drawing of a brain. In the middle of the brain is a dark red vertical line on the left side of the vertical line is a bright blue wiggly line the line ends at the vertical line and on the other side is a shorter bright red wiggly line
thought blocking | by Ani.
A raised yellow hand and a clock.
wait | by StellarSymbols.
A drawing of a dark blue person stretching in bed.
wake up | by Petri.
A drawing of a dark blue person stretching in bed with four exclamation marks next to them.
wake up | by Petri.
Abstract pink figure with a speech bubble containing a star and exclamation mark
believe | by TCC.
a yellow wolf with big eyes and a pink nose has a light blue thought bubble, in the thought bubble is a black circle and a white circle.
black and white thinking | by Vixen.
a thought bubble coming from a smiling figure. in thought bubble is a figure frolicking by a rainbow.
daydreaming | by Tonto.
a cartoon style thought bubble with a light bulb in it.
don't know | by Neon.
A drawing of a yellow emoji face staring with wide, starry eyes at the orange five-pointed star they’re holding. The star glows orange.
fascinate | by Plum.
a person visible from the mid-chest up with a red book laying flat in front of them. there is a space in their head with small pink balls in it. an arrow points from the book up to the space in their head, with pink balls along the arrow.
learn | by Petri.
a purple figure holds a map, in front of them stretches 3 paths
navigate | by Pheonix.
two green curved arrows, forming a 'cycle' symbol around a blue circle
practice | by M.
two blue hands, each holding up a circle. on the right is a bronze circle, held lower. on the left, held higher, is a gold circle with a pink heart in it.
prefer | by M.
A featureleses yellow figure with a hand over their chin in thought. next to them, overlapping with their head, is a thought bubble with cogs in it. an orange arrow points to the figure
They're thinking | by M.
A person with very light brown skin, straight dark hair, and glasses reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
A person with very light brown skin and straight dark hair, reading a book with a blue cover.
read | by M.
a thought bubble with a gear inside sits below a brain, 3 trailing clouds connect them.
remember | by Pheonix.
An emoji yellow figure looking in an empty drawer
search | by Mikey.
a face with emoji-yellow skin, closed sleeping eyes and three z's next to their head. behind them is a cloud with some grass, a bright blue sky, a sun and a grinning person.
sweet dream / happy dream | by Gillipop.
a thought bubble with three horizontal dots in it.
think | by StellarSymbols.
a yellow face with no features except blush thinking a thought bubble.
thinking | by Rayin.
figure standing a bit stiff, with dot dot dot next to it
try | by Pheonix.
a yellow head with an arrow indicating nodding to the bottom left of the image. To the right a hand in the D hand shape touches the temple of the head. An arrow points at the upright pointer finger, indicating that it was previously lying down but moved into this position.
understand (ASL) | by Pheonix.
an emoji yellow person with their hands held out in front of them with their palms up. they have large eyes and are smiling slightly. white text over their hands, with black outlines, says 'wait.'
wait | by Eldritch-Emojis.
an emoji yellow person with their hands held out in front of them with their palms up. they have large eyes and are smiling slightly
wait | by Eldritch-Emojis.
