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 a blue tablet, the tablet has a case with a handle on the top. the tablet has a 3 x 6 grid, 6 buttons are red, 3 are yellow, 3 are green, 3 are blue, and the last 3 are purple. there is a grey message box above the grid.
AAC device | By Koda.
a lime green phone with a 4 x 11 grid, 6 buttons are red, 4 are orange, 5 are yellow, another 5 are teal, another 5 are blue, and the last 3 are purple. there is a grey message bar at the top and a phone camera above that
AAC device | By Koda.
low tech AAC pages in a purple folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a black folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a green folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a lime folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a teal folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a yellow folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
An AAC app on a tablet computer.
AAC on tablet | By Petri.
A drawing of an AAC tablet with a keyguard on top. The tablet has a teal case with a handle on top, and a grid of high contrast AAC symbols on the screen. The keyguard is a red piece of plastic on top of the screen that makes the grid on the screen tactile.
AAC device with keyguard | By Plum.
A pink phone with an AAC gid on it. there are yellow sound and action lines coming from the phone
AAC on phone | By Tonto.
A red plus sign and the text 'word' above an AAC device
add word | By Tonto.
: a stylized communication device with colorful buttons arranged in a grid, representing an AAC interface. Above the grid is a speech bubble containing the text “AACIL” in blue, Below the device, the slogan “By us, For us” is written in blue. The design has a slightly textured, hand-drawn look, and the color scheme includes soft pastels and teals
alternative AACIL logo | By Vixen.
A grey keyboard with a speech bubble coming from it with lines, representing words, on it.
text-to-speech | By M.
A drawing of five communication cards on a silver ring. The cards are white, and the symbols show a person touching a box, two faces, a speech bubble, and a person.
communication cards | By Petri.
a dark pink abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines.
dark pink letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
a drwing of the Flexspeak logo, which is a blue speech bubble with white speech lines on it in a white square.
flexspeak | By M.
a yellow person holding an AAC device, facing away from the viewer. there is a clock above them with two blue arrows around the clock
full time AAC user | By Kit.
 a yellow person wearing a hijab holding an AAC device tablet with blue case , there is an arrow starting from the AAC device & pointing to the person ’ s head .
I am an aac user | By Tonto.
a hand drawn red forbidden sign sits behind a picture of a deck of communication cards with a speech bubble coming from them.
I have no card for what I want to say | By Pheonix.
a thick red forbidden sign sits behind a picture of a deck of communication cards with a speech bubble coming from them.
I have no card for what I want to say | By Pheonix.
two stylised blue hands moving around a yellow circle with a red square in it. the circle with a green outline
I use symbol AAC | By M.
a drawing of a yellow persons head with an excited expression. above the yellow persons head there is a phone with a purple case and a AAC board on the screen. There are pink hearts surrounding the phone.
I / we love your AAC | By Méabh.
A stylised sun, the logo of the Jellow symbol set. It has orange outlines.
Jellow | By M.
A stylised sun, the logo of the Jellow symbol set.
Jellow | By M.
A drawing of an AAC tablet with a teal case, and a grid of high contrast symbols on the screen. In front of the tablet is a keyguard, which is a piece of plastic the size of the tablet with holes for each AAC button. Green arrows show the keyguard going onto the AAC tablet.
keyguard | By Plum.
A drawing of a simplified person with an open mouth and a speech bubble next to them.
mouthtalker | By Petri.
A Mulberry-symbolset style person waving with a red shirt, pale skin, and short light brown hair
mulberry | By M.
A simple letterboard with A to Z. it has dark letters on a light background.
letterboard | By M.
A dark skinned person holding an AAC device. They are thinking of a green triangle and a purple square, and the AAC is saying a garbled mess (represented by red and black scribbled) and a purple square.
my AAC can't pronounce that | By Katt.
a fat person with light skin and brown hair holding an AAC device (vague details only - could be low tech or high tech) to their chest and beaming. they are wearing glasses, a purple T-shirt, and two bracelets, one of which is a medical alert bracelet. Around them are hearts and sparkles.
my AAC makes me happy | By M.
a royal blue abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines
royal blue letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
a red abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines and a yellow paw with pink claws. Paw pointer finger is over I.
speller (high contrast paw version) | By NonspeakingKiku.
A stick figure making a double thumbs up, in the style of the SymbolStix symbol set.
SymbolStix | By M.
 A drawing of a grey keyboard, with a red arrow pointing from it to a speech bubble.
text-to-speech | By Petri.
 A drawing of two “universal core” tactile symbols. One is a white hexagon with a diamond pattern on the sides, and an arrow pointing to a square, the text “IT”, and English braille  for “it” on top. The other is a red triangle with ridges on the sides, and six tall bumps, the text “HELP”, and English braille for “help” on top.
tactile symbols | By Plum.
a green double-sided arrow pointing between a simplified pink brain and an AAC device with a blue case and blank 5 by 6 grid.
AAC as second brain | By M.
a green double-sided arrow pointing between a simplified pink brain and an AAC device with a blue case and 5 by 6 grid with different colored buttons.
AAC as second brain | By M.
low tech AAC pages in a red folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a blue folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a grey folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a magenta folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a turquoise folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
 An AAC tablet with a sturdy case. Displayed on it are folders in different colors and a menu.
AAC tablet | By Harlow.
A drawing of a simplified person wearing a harness that has a talker on it. The talker is turned off with a blank screen.
AAC user | By Petri.
a yellow person holding an AAC device, facing away from the viewer.
AAC user | By Kit.
a person with a neutral face holding a purple AAC tablet and showing it to the viewer.
AAC user | By Blackholemojis.
a smiling person holding a purple AAC tablet and showing it to the viewer.
AAC user | By Blackholemojis.
A drawing of the figure from the ARASAAC logo. they are a slim, pale-skinned person with brown hair in a bob, smilign slightly and waving. they wear a green shirt with a big letter 'A' on it.
The logo of Blissymbolics, a symbol set. It is a blue circle with a line through it. Inside the circle are four double-sided arrows.
Blissymbolics | By M.
An AAC board.
board | By M.
three AAC boards layered over each other. they all have the same layout and color key.
boardset | By M.
communication cards clipped together with a binder ring. The card on top has a white label and a neutral face on it.
communication cards | By M.
Drawing of two people, a yellow person holding a letterboard, and a teal person pointing at letters on the board. They are depicted with circular heads, triangle bodies, and floating circular hands.
CRP (communication and regulation partner) | By Plum.
A drawing of a keyguard for a tablet. It is a red piece of plastic with a grid of square holes, with a long rectangular hole at the top, and two “flaps” on the left and right sides.
keyguard | By Plum.
a fat person with dark brown skin and black hair holding an AAC device (vague details only - could be low tech or high tech) to their chest and beaming. they are wearing glasses, a green T-shirt, hearing aids, and two bracelets, one of which is a medical alert bracelet. Around them are hearts and sparkles.
my AAC makes me happy | By M.
 a drawing of a plain yellow person holding a large blue talker. there is a snail in the top left corner.
I'm slow to type | By Petri.
 a yellow person holding an AAC device tablet with blue case , there is an arrow starting from the AAC device & pointing to the person ’ s head .
I am an aac user | By Tonto.
a red tactile keyguide with yellow tactile markers along the side and bottom edges and around four buttons near the middle.
LAMP VI Tactile keyguide | By NonspeakingKiku.
an off-white letterboard with feathery border. The vowels are purple while the consonants are dark teal. In a corner of the letterboard is a dark green checkmark, a red X, a blue space symbol, and a teal backspace symbol.
laminated letterboard | By Ottertime.
a orange abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines
orange letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
a pink abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines
pink letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
a  drawing of a plain yellow person holding a blue AAC device. coming from the device is a speech bubble containing an eye and a green question mark.
may I show you my AAC? | By Petri.
a red abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines
red letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
a drawing of a tablet and two floating hands. one hand is holding the left side of the tablet, and the other is pushing a button on the aac app.
using AAC | By CC.
a yellow person holding an AAC device, facing away from the viewer. there is a clock above them with a blue arrow partway around the clock.
part time AAC user | By Kit.
A light green abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines
light green letterboard | By Nonspeaking Kiku.
A drawing of a yellow hand pointing to the letter “M” in a letterboard.
speller [high contrast] | By Plum.
on the top left, a small digital painting for the word 'the' of a glowwing, golden orb floating on a gray stone pedestal. there is a red arrow pointing from it to a large, rounded white rectangle, with a very simplified version of the same symbol
symbol | By Gillipop.
A drawing of a yellow person holding a keyboard. A red arrow points from their keyboard to a speech bubble above them.
text-to-speech user | By Petri.
an emoji yellow person tapping their blue talker. a blank speech bubble comes from it.
using AAC | By Tonto.
drawing of an AAC device with eight columns of three buttons. The first two columns have yellow buttons, then green, then orange, then blue.
AAC | By Leaf.
a yellow person holding a pink AAC , a green arrow comes from it & it is pointing a mask with a red X on top.
AAC helps me unmask | By Tonto.
A drawing of a simplified person wearing a harness that has a talker on it. The talker is turned on with various multicoloured buttons. on one side black letters say 'AAC'. on teh oter black letters say 'IL'
AACIL | By Petri & M.
low tech AAC pages in a brown folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a indigo folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a orange folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
low tech AAC pages in a white folder. There are different common symbols on the front page, including green/yellow/red squares that could stand for yes/maybe/no, or go/slow/stop.
AAC folder | By Blackholemojis.
 An AAC tablet with a sturdy case. Displayed on it are folders in different colors.
AAC tablet | By Harlow.
A tablet in a blue case with a handle. on screen is a 5x7 AAC button grid with several different styles of buttons and three folders.
AAC tablet | By Neon.
A drawing of a simplified person wearing a harness that has a talker on it. The talker is turned on with various multicoloured buttons. on one side black letters say 'AAC'. on the other, black letters say 'IL'
AACIL | By Petri & M.
 a AAC device with the letters 'AAC' on it is surrounded by four hands of different skin tones and sizes. the whole image is outlined in a rainbow border.
AAC is for everyone | By Vixen.
 An AAC tablet with a sturdy case. Displayed on it are folders in different colors.
AAC tablet | By Harlow.
A tablet in a blue case with a handle. on screen is a 5x7 AAC button grid with several different styles of buttons and three folders.
AAC tablet | By Neon.
A blue square with a red clothing button on it.
button | By M.
a hand reaching to an AAC tablet with a blue case. Between the hand and the tablet is a jagged red line, separating them.
can't use AAC | By Esrah.
A drawing of five communication cards on a silver ring. The cards are multicoloured, and the symbols show a person touching a box, two faces, a speech bubble, and a person.
communication cards | By Petri.
a hand pointing at a square on a set of symbols. there is another hand holding on to the first hand.
facilitated communication | By Petri.
A drawing of a simplified person wearing a harness that has a talker on it. The talker is turned on with various multicoloured buttons.
AAC user | By Petri.
a drawing of the Flexspeak logo, which is a blue speech bubble with white speech lines on it in a white square. it has thick black outlines
flexspeak | By M.
a person with brown hair, standing holding a blue tablet with a stoplight on green, signaling GO
I am new to AAC | By Asher.
a brown bear pointing towards itself and looking to the right, there’s a red heart on its chest. to its right is a teal AAC tablet and a swirly red arrow pointing to it
I love my AAC | By Koda.
a brown bear pointing towards itself and looking to the right with a smile, there’s a red heart on its chest. to its right is a teal AAC tablet and a swirly red arrow pointing to it.
I love my AAC | By Koda.
a light blue abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines.
light blue letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
a light purple abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines
light purple letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
a fat person with brown skin and dark hair holding an AAC device (vague details only - could be low tech or high tech) to their chest and beaming. they are wearing glasses, a purple T-shirt, and two bracelets, one of which is a medical alert bracelet. Around them are hearts and sparkles.
my AAC makes me happy | By M.
 A dark skinned person holding an AAC device. They are thinking of a green triangle and a purple square, and the AAC is saying a blue circle and a purple square.
my AAC said that wrong | By Katt.
A figure with brown skin and no hair drinking from a glass, in the style of the PCS Classic symbol set.
PCS (classic) | By M.
A portrait of the astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, in his powerchair with a mounted AAC device. The device has a speech bubble coming from it, and the speech bubble and device both have a thick yellow-gold outline.
Perfect Paul | By M.
The logo of Sclera, a symbol set, depicted in the Sclera style. The logo is a stylised blue eye. It is shown in high contrast on a black square background.
sclera | By M.
A drawing of a yellow hand pointing with their index finger at the letter “M” on a letterboard. The letterboard is a slab of dark grey material with cutouts forming each letter of the English alphabet. There is a hole to use as a handle on the right side of the letterboard.
speller | By Plum.
 a black abc format stencil style letterboard with a brown paw over it, pointer finger over I.
speller (paw version) | By NonspeakingKiku.
A rectangle with some white squiggle on it. Below the rectangle is an arrow pointing at a speech bubble with the same white squiggles in it.
text to speech | By Ani.
an emoji yellow person tapping their blue talker. a speech bubble with lines comes from it.
using AAC | By Tonto.
an emoji yellow person tapping their blue talker.
using AAC | By Tonto.
a yellow abc format stencil style letterboard with black outlines
yellow letterboard | By NonspeakingKiku.
A small yellow keychain with two buttons; one green with the letter Y on it, and one red with the letter N on it.
yes / no button | By Crows.
